P. 20

A4   U.S. NEWS
             Thursday 22 February 2018

            Angry teens swarm into Florida Capitol demand new gun laws

                                                                                                   were  not  serious  about  re-  children's  lives"  and  then
                                                                                                   form,  and  they  cautioned  listed  Republicans  in  Flori-
                                                                                                   that they would oppose in  da's congressional delega-
                                                                                                   future  elections  any  law-  tion.  Other  signs  said,  "Kill
                                                                                                   maker  who  takes  cam-      the NRA, not our kids" and
                                                                                                   paign  contributions  from  "These kids are braver than
                                                                                                   the  National  Rifle  Associa-  the GOP."
                                                                                                   tion.                        College    students   also
                                                                                                   "We've spoke to only a few  joined  in  the  rally.  Florida
                                                                                                   legislators  and  ...  the  most  State  University  students
                                                                                                   we've  gotten  out  of  them  Apolline  Demiraj,  19,  and
                                                                                                   is,  'We'll  keep  you  in  our  Lindsay Rapp, 20, held signs
                                                                                                   thoughts. You are so strong.  that said "Protect Our Kids,
                                                                                                   You are so powerful,'" said  Not Guns" and "Stop Priori-
                                                                                                   Delaney  Tarr,  a  senior  at  tizing the NRA Over Lives —
                                                                                                   the high school. "We know  Ban the AR-15."
                                                                                                   what  we  want.  We  want  Some  of  their  classmates
                                                                                                   gun reform. We want com-     graduated  from  the  high
                                                                                                   monsense gun laws. ... We  school  and  knew  some  of
                                                                                                   want change."                the victims, they said.
                                                                                                   She  added:  "We've  had  "It's  just  not  normal  that  it
                                                                                                   enough  of  thoughts  and  keeps happening, and if we
                                                                                                   prayers.  If  you  supported  can  help  make  a  change
            Aria Siccone, 14, a 9th grade student survivor from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where   us, you would have made  so  that  it  never  happens
            more than a dozen students and faculty were killed in a mass shooting on Wednesday, cries as   a change long ago. So this  again, I will protest here ev-
            she recounts her story from that day, while state Rep. Barrinton Russell, D-Dist. 95, comforts her, as
            they talk to legislators at the state Capitol regarding gun control legislation, in Tallahassee, Fla.,   is  to  every  lawmaker  out  ery day," Demiraj said. "We
            Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018.                                                              there:  No  longer  can  you  have  so  many  friends  that
                                                                         (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)  take money from the NRA.  went  to  Douglas  and  who
                                                                                                   We  are  coming  after  you.  have  lost  people  there,  so
            By B. FARRINGTON,            care for the mentally ill.   They  were  welcomed  into  We are coming after every  it  really  was  a  slap  in  the
            G. FINEOUT, T. LUSH          The  normally  staid  Florida  the  gun-friendly  halls  of  single one of you, demand-  face."  Demiraj  registered
            TALLAHASSEE,  Fla.  (AP)  —  statehouse  filled  with  stu-  power,  but  the  students'  ing that you take action."  to vote as soon as the rally
            A  week  after  a  shooter  dents, including more than  top  goal  —  a  ban  on  as-  Outside  the  building,  the  ended  and  said  the  Park-
            slaughtered  17  people  in  100 survivors of the Feb. 14  sault-style rifles such as the  crowd  burst  into  chants  of  land shooting will influence
            a Florida high school, thou-  attack  at  Marjorie  Stone-  weapon used in the massa-  "Vote  them  out"  as  speak-  her vote.
            sands  of  angry  teenag-    man  Douglas  High  School  cre — was taken off the ta-   ers  called  for  the  removal  Elsewhere, teens in at least
            ers swarmed into the state  in Parkland, on the edge of  ble a day earlier, although  of  Republican  lawmakers  a  dozen  South  Florida
            capitol  on  Wednesday,  the Everglades. Many held  more limited measures are  who refuse to address gun  schools walked out of class
            calling for changes to gun  signs, chanted slogans and  still possible.                control  issues.  One  sign  to  protest  gun  violence
            laws, a ban on assault-type  burst into lawmakers' offic-  Many    protesters   com-   read, "Remember the men  and  commemorate  the
            weapons  and  improved  es demanding to be heard.         plained  that  lawmakers  who  value  the  NRA  over  shooting victims.q

            Colorado congressman booed as people demand action on guns

            By NICHOLAS RICCARDI         Coffman's  swing  district  shooting that killed 13.      this  year.  The  raw  emo-  Columbine shooting and an
            GREENWOOD         VILLAGE,  in  the  Denver  suburbs  is  In  a  district  that  voted  for  tions  at  Coffman's  town  attack at a nearby school
            Colo.  (AP)  —  Grumbling  all  too  familiar  with  mass  Democrats Barack Obama  hall  shows  how  guns  have  in  2013  that  killed  one  stu-
            and  jeers  met  the  request  shootings.  A  few  miles  to  in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in  become  a  volatile  issue  in  dent. Her son had planned
            for  a  moment  of  silence  the  northeast  of  the  high  2016, Coffman has been a  an already hyper-charged  to see a midnight showing
            for the 17 people killed last  school  that  hosted  Tues-  perennial political target for  midterm  election,  stoking  of  the  new  Batman  movie
            week  in  the  Florida  school  day's town hall is the loca-  Democrats. He is in his fifth  passions that will be difficult  the night that the gunman
            shooting.  "Let's  do  some-  tion  of  the  Aurora  theater  term, but Democrats have  for  Democrats  to  contain,  attacked  the  audience  in
            thing  for  them!"  one  man  massacre, where 12 people  not  made  gun  control  a  and  difficult  for  embattled  Aurora.  Yet,  she  told  Coff-
            yelled  at  the  beginning  of  were shot to death in 2012.  centerpiece  of  their  cam-  Republicans  like  Coffman  man,  she  hadn't  spoken
            Republican Rep. Mike Coff-   A  few  miles  to  the  south-  paigns for votes though the  to defend against.        out until watching students
            man's  town  hall  Tuesday  west  of  the  town  hall  site,  electorate  is  evenly  split  Patti  Seno,  53,  broke  into  from  Marjory  Stoneman
            night.  Another participant  just  across  the  district  line,  between  Democrats,  Re-  tears as she recounted how  Douglas  High  in  Parkland,
            cried out, "We're done with  is  Columbine  High  School,  publicans  and  those  unaf-  her  husband,  a  firefighter,  Florida, campaign for new
            thoughts and prayers!"       the site of the 1999 school  filiated. That could change  was  on  the  scene  of  the  gun laws.q
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