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obituArio                  Diasabra 8 Februari 2025

              “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and   Drenta su portanan cu gradicimento,       “Bou di alanan di Dios mi ta sigur”
              he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on   drenta su tempel cu cantica di alabansa,  Abo ku ta biba bou di amparo di Altisimo, ta hospedá den
              the LORD.” - Psalm 27:14                    glorific’e, bendiciona su Nomber.          sombra di Dios Omnipotente, bisa Señor:
                                                          Salmo 100:4                                 “Mi refugio, mi forti, mi Dios, den kende mi ta
              It is with deep sadness that we announce                                               pone mi konfiansa”
              the passing of our beloved: husband, father,   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa   Salmo 91:1-2
              brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin, and   fayecimento di:
              friend:                                                                                Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento di
                                                                                                     nos ser stima:

                                                                                                                 Humphrey S. Hewitt
                                                                                                                  Cariñosamente yama “Piet”
               Edward Alexander Anderson                   dr. Rudolf M.M. Jessurun                               *28-10-1949 - †31-01-2025
                Better known as “ Andy, Eddy or Adarn”                   “Rudy”
                 * April 4, 1950 - † January 18, 2025           *25-04-1934 - † 28-01-2025                 Acto di dedpedida lo wordo anuncia despues

              Let to mourn are:                           Na nomber di su:
              His wife: Vanito Anderson née Williams      Esposa:
              Children: Dalmarie Anderson and Nicole      †Griselda Jessurun-Isenia
              Brothers:                                   Carlos Jessurun y esposa Marlene Jessurun
              †Lawrence Turner and family
              †Kenneth Royal and family                   Nieto y Nietanan:
              †Oscar Royal and family                     Brandon Jessurun
              Ezekiel Anderson and family                 Vanessa Jessurun
              †Obediah Anderson and family                Venae Ehambe
              Charles Anderson and family                 Nieto yerno:
              Rufus Anderson and family                   Joshua Ehambe

              Sister: Eliza Turner and family             Rumannan
                                                          †Alfons Jessurun
              Brother-in-laws: Wester Mc Leish and        †Georgine Pracht
              family, Calvin Dwyer and family, Cerbert    †Tilly Clothilde Gietel
              Williams and family, Delroy Williams,       †Willy Dare
              George (John) Williams and family           †Antonius Jessurun
                                                          †Angelique Wederfoort
              Sister-in-law: Vivine Barrett and family
                                                          Sua- y cuñanan:
              Cousins, nieces and nephews are too         † Nelson y Edith Isenia Frans
              numerous to mention.                        Noris y †Pablo Conradus Isenia
                                                          Winston y Olga Isenia Gutierres
              Members of Seventh Day Adventist Church,    Mayra y †Robert Barendregt Isenia
              neighbours and friends in the community.    Ingrid y Johnny Carrega Isenia
                                                          Eric y Gerda Isenia Rosalia
              Other Families:
              Brown, Carridice, Deebles, Hall, Hibbert,
              Powell, Reids, Royals, Turners, and Wrights.  Un danki special ta bay pa e
                                                          dunadonan di cuido:
              The Funeral service will take place on      Renato y Vickie van Putten
              Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at the       Maria Bradford
              San Nicolas Seventh Day Adventist Church    Maria Dalila Castaño Quiceno
              located at Dr. Schaepmanstraat 3.
                                                          Ta invita pa asisiti na e acto di
              The body of the late Edward Alexander       despedida cu lo tuma luga:
              Anderson will be laid out from 1:00pm. The   diasabra 15 di februari 2025 di 2:00 PM pa
              service will start at 2:00pm. Followed by the   4:00 PM
              burial service at the Sabana Basora Cemetery.  na Aurora Funeral, Cumana, Oranjestad.
                                                          Sigui pa su ultimo luga di sosiego
              Address for Condolences:                    na Santana di Sabana Basora
              The Pray Funeral Home in San Nicolas
              Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, from 7:00 -   Nos disculpa cu despues di e entiero nos
              9:00 pm.                                    no por ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.

              We apologize if during our time of sorrow,   Nos di famia Jessurun ta gradici tur famia,
              we may have overlooked any family or        amigo y conocinan.
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