Page 32 - min.ttc dec 29,2015
P. 32

                                                         Tuesday 29 December 2015

Divi Resorts Ham & Turkey Distribution & Celebration 2015

EAGLE BEACH - Divi Resorts      title for this year’s Shoco  sible and successful!
organized their successful      Awards.                      Management of the Divi
Ham & Turkey Distribution       Thank you to DJ Jesse, Gru-  Resorts would like to wish
Event recently to celebrate     po di Betico and to Buleria  its Employees and the en-
the holidays with their staff.  for their wonderful perfor-  tire community of Aruba
The distribution was cel-       mance and to everyone        e Merry Christmas and a
ebrated with great musical      who made this event pos-     Prosperous 2016!q
performances by DJ Jesse
from Swingmasterz, Grupo
di Betico and Buleria!
This event was organized
to not only distribute the
Ham & Turkey to the Staff
Members but also to thank
them for their hard work
during the entire year.
Michael Wilfred Martilia
was also honored during
this event for achieving
the Supervisor of the Year
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