Page 8 - MIN VOS 6 OCT 2015
P. 8
LOCALTuesday 6 October 2015
Chef Urvin Presents: Memories from Peru
PALM BEACH - The Kitchen the beautiful country of
Table and White Modern Peru on a culinary mission.
Cuisine’s local personality The mission: to search, find
Chef Urvin recently visited and sample local food
and flavors in some of Latin
America’s best restaurants.
Unfortunately, Chef Urvin
will not be sharing any
photos of the 17-course
lunch he enjoyed at Cen-
tral, ranked the world’s
number 4 restaurant. Nor
will he be showing off the
dishes he savored at his
30-course dinner at Astrid
& Gaston, ranked number
3 in Latin America. Instead,
he is bringing back his ex-
periences from Peru and
doing what he does best:
translating these dishes to
reflect the flavors and inspi-
ration from Peru in a Carib-
bean setting. Patrons can look forward
Peru is a magnificent coun- to the highlights of the Pe-
try of a diversity of land- ruvian kitchen for the full
scapes, with a long pacific month of October. Impor-
coast and famous High- tant to note is that both
lands. Peru is also known The Kitchen Table and
for its history, with the fa- White Modern Cuisine will
mous, mystical Machu Pic- do their utmost to accom-
chu site, Inca history and modate dietary restrictions
culture. This all translates if advised at least 24 hours
to a culinary diversity that in advance, so that the
inspired Chef Urvin to meld chefs can create dishes
the flavors from Peru into that match the creativity
Caribbean dishes. and flavors of the menu
The 7-course menu at The items.
Kitchen Table includes For more information on
Ceviche, Pescado al Aji Aruba’s top ranked res-
and Causa, a traditional taurant The Kitchen Table,
dish of potato and Avoca- please visit www.thekitch-
do, prepared Chef Urvin’s or
signature style with surpris- telephone 528-7015 or visit
ing, exquisite Caribbean your hotel concierge for
flavors. reservations.q
Young sailors from Aruba prepare for international competition
ORANJESTAD - A new sail-
ing team from SYWA (Stich-
ting Youth Watersport Aru-
ba) under the guidance
of their coach F. Derman is
taking part in the upcom-
ing Bonaire Regatta.
This team is now training to
compete in several inter-
national sailing events.
The sailors in the age be-
tween 10 and 15 are: Alex-
ander van der Velden, Jort
Hartmans, Vivian Hankart,
Gavin Debevere and Mat-
thijs de Kool.
After the Bonaire Regatta
the young team will com-
pete at the big interna-
tional Orange Bowl Regat-
ta in Miami at the end of