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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diaranson 3 augustus 2022

                                                                  US House Speaker Pelosi arrives in Taiwan,

                                                                                              defying Beijing

                                                              (AP)  —  U.S.  House  Speaker
                                                              Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan
                                                              late Tuesday, becoming the high-
                                                              est-ranking American official in
              Mi alma alaba Señor, Tur loke tin den mi, su    25  years  to  visit  the  self-ruled
                            Santo Nomber!                     island claimed by China, which
                                                              quickly announced that it would
                                Ps 103:1                      conduct  military  maneuvers  in
                                                              retaliation for her presence.
                Cu inmenso tristeza y hopi dolor na nos
                                                              Pelosi  arrived  aboard  a  U.S.
              curason, pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios,     Air Force passenger jet and was
                nos kier a anuncia cu a bai laga nos den      greeted on the tarmac at Taipei’s
                                                              international airport by Taiwan’s
                            Reino Celestial,
                                                              foreign minister and other Tai-
              mi Esposo, nos Tata, nos Suegro, nos Welo y     wanese  and  American  officials.
                           nos Ruman stima                    She posed for photos before her
                                                              motorcade whisked her unseen
                                                              into the parking garage of a ho-  announced  a  series  of  military  surd.”
                                                              tel.                           operations and drills, which fol-
                                                                                             lowed promises of “resolute and  “I believe she has every right to
                                                              Her  visit  has  ratcheted  up  ten-  strong measures” if Pelosi went  go,” McConnell said in a Senate
                                                              sion  between  China  and  the  through with her visit.        speech.
                                                              United  States  because  China
                                                              claims Taiwan as part of its terri-  The  People’s  Liberation  Army  The  trip  was  not  officially  an-
                                                              tory, and it views visits by foreign  said  the  maneuvers  would  take  nounced ahead of time.
                                                              government officials as recogni-  place  starting  Tuesday  night  in
                                                              tion of the island’s sovereignty.  the waters and skies near Taiwan  Barricades were erected outside
                                                                                             and  include  the  firing  of  long-  the  Grand  Hyatt  Hotel  in  Tai-
                                                              The  Biden  administration,  and  range ammunition in the Taiwan  pei.  Journalists  and  onlookers
                            Johannes Tromp                    Pelosi,  say  the  United  States  Strait.                     thronged the streets just outside
                       Mihor conoci como: “Jan”               remains committed to its “one-                                 and  pressed  against  the  hotel’s
                      *15-11-1933 – †29-07-2022               China policy,” which recognizes  “This action is a solemn deter-  lobby windows as they awaited
                                                              Beijing but allows informal rela-
                                                                                                                             Pelosi’s  motorcade.  Two  build-
                                                                                             rent against the recent major es-
                                                              tions and defense ties with Tai-  calation  of  the  negative  actions  ings  in  the  capital  lit  up  LED
                                                              pei.                           of the United States on the Tai-  displays with words of welcome,
                                                                                             wan issue, and a serious warning  including  the  iconic  Taipei  101
                                                              The  speaker  framed  the  trip  as  to  the  ‘Taiwan  independence’  building,  which  said  “Welcome
                                                              part  of  a  broader  mission  at  a  forces seeking ‘independence.’”  to Taiwan, Speaker Pelosi.”
                                                              time  when  “the  world  faces  a
                                                              choice  between  autocracy  and  China’s  official  Xinhua  News  China has stepped up overflights
                                                              democracy.” Her visit comes af-  said  the  army  planned  to  con-  and other provocative moves to-
                                                              ter she led a congressional del-  duct live-fire drills from Aug. 4  ward  Taiwan  and  other  neigh-
                                                              egation  to  the  Ukrainian  capi-  to  7  across  multiple  locations.  boring territory in recent years,
                                                              tal of Kyiv in the spring, and it  An image released by the news  asserting  broad  claims  of  its
                                                              serves as a capstone to her many  agency  indicated  that  the  drills  rights around the region.
                The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.    years  of  promoting  democracy  were to take place in six different
               He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:    abroad.                        areas in the waters surrounding  China’s  military  threats  have
                  he leadeth me beside the still waters.                                     Taiwan.                         driven  concerns  about  a  new
                He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the    “We must stand by Taiwan,” she                                 crisis  in  the  100-mile-wide
                paths of righteousness for his name's sake.   said  in  an  opinion  piece  pub-  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang  (140-kilometer)  Taiwan  Strait
                                                              lished by The Washington Post  Yi  said  Washington’s  betrayal  that  could  roil  global  markets
                                                              on  her  arrival  in  Taiwan.  She  “on  the  Taiwan  issue  is  bank-
                                                                                                                             and supply chains.
                                                              cited  the  commitment  that  the  rupting its national credibility.”
              With deep sorrow we announce the sudden         U.S. made to a democratic Tai-                                 The  White  House  on  Monday
              passing of our beloved:                         wan under a 1979 law.          “Some American politicians are  decried Beijing’s rhetoric, saying
                                                                                             playing with fire on the issue of  the U.S. has no interest in deep-
                                                              “It is essential that America and  Taiwan,”  Wang  said  in  a  state-  ening  tensions  with  China  and
                                                              our  allies  make  clear  that  we  ment that referred to the U.S. as  “will not take the bait or engage
                                                              never give in to autocrats,” she  “the world’s biggest saboteur of  in saber rattling.”
                                                              wrote.                         peace.”
                                                                                                                             White House National Security
                                                              Taiwan  and  China  split  during  Back  in  the  United  States,  26  Council spokesperson John Kir-
                                                              a  civil  war  in  1949,  but  China  Republican  lawmakers  issued  a  by underscored that the decision
                                                              claims the island as its own terri-  statement of rare bipartisan sup-  about  whether  to  visit  Taiwan
                                                              tory and has not ruled out using  port for the Democratic speaker.  was ultimately Pelosi’s.
                                                              military force to take it.     The  statement  called  trips  by
                                                                                             members of Congress to Taiwan  “Put  simply,  there  is  no  reason
                 Ashendel Nicosy Harold Andrea                The  Biden  administration  did  routine.                      for  Beijing  to  turn  a  potential
                            *23-12-2004                       not explicitly urge Pelosi to call                             visit  consistent  with  longstand-
                            †29-07-2022                       off  her  plans.  It  repeatedly  and  Senate Republican Leader Mitch  ing  U.S.  policy  into  some  sort
                                                                                                                             of crisis or use it as a pretext to
                                                              publicly assured Beijing that the  McConnell  said  he  backed  Pe-
                                                              visit would not signal any change  losi’s visit as a display of support  increase  aggressive  military  ac-
                Date and place of funeral will be announced   in U.S. policy toward Taiwan.  for Taiwan’s democracy and said  tivity  in  or  around  the  Taiwan
                                 later!                                                      any allegations that her itinerary  Strait,” Kirby said.
                                                              Soon after Pelosi’s arrival, China  was provocative are “utterly ab-
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