Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19

              Wednesday 23 OctOber 2019

            ‘Masha danki’ for being loyal visitors

            EAGLE BEACH — Recently, Aru-
            ba Tourism Authority represen-
            tative  Marouska  Heyliger  had
            the great pleasure in honoring
            loyal  Aruba  visitors  with  their
            distinctive  certificates.  These
            certificates  are  a  way  to  say
            “Masha  Danki”  for  continu-
            ously choosing Aruba as a fa-
            vorite vacation destination. The
            titles are as following: 10+ years
            “Distinguished Visitor” and 20+
            years “Goodwill Ambassador”.

            The honorees are:
            Victor and Michele Lo Bi-
            onde  from  New  Jersey  with
            their 26th year as Goodwill Am-

            Robert and Donna Decker from
            New York with their 32nd year
            as Goodwill Ambassadors.

            Thank you for your continuous
            loyalty to our island. q

                                                                                                   Thank you Mr. Goodwin

                                                                                                   EAGLE BEACH — Recently, Marouska Heyliger from Aruba
                                                                                                   Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) honored Richard Goodwin
                                                                                                   from Massachusetts with his Emerald Ambassadors cer-
                                                                                                   tificate in the name of A.T.A..

                                                                                                   The event which commemorates his 36th consecutive vis-
                                                                                                   it to the island was held at the Divi Village resort. Goodwin
                                                                                                   loves coming to the island for the warm weather, friendly
                                                                                                   people and safety of the island.q
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