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                                                                                      Monday                      Living Today: Offering the so much
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                                                                                                   “We see the Caribbean as a

                                                                                                   good opportunity for Panamanian

                                                                                                    Page 7

            Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a news conference at the Broward County Courthouse in  Aruba Internacional Cup

                                              (Amy Beth Bennett/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP, File) Rhythmic Gymnastics
            Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Aug. 18, 2022.
            New state voter fraud units finding few                                                Competition was a success

            cases from midterms

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  State-level  law  en-  cial  state-level  units  after  the  2020  elec-
            forcement  units  created  after  the  2020  tion, all pushed by Republican governors,
            presidential  election  to  investigate  voter  attorneys general or legislatures.
            fraud  are  looking  into  scattered  com-  “I am not aware of any significant detec-
            plaints more than two weeks after the mid-  tion  of  fraud  on  Election  Day,  but  that’s
            terms but have provided no indication of  not surprising,” said Paul Smith, senior vice
            systemic  problems.  That’s  just  what  elec-  president of the Campaign Legal Center.
            tion experts had expected and led critics  “The  whole  concept  of  voter  imperson-
            to suggest that the new units were more  ation fraud is such a horribly exaggerated
            about politics than rooting out widespread  problem. It doesn’t change the outcome
            abuses. Most election-related fraud cases  of the election, it’s a felony, you risk getting
            already are investigated and prosecuted  put in jail and you have a high possibility of
            at the local level.                        getting caught. It’s a rare phenomena.”
            Florida, Georgia and Virginia created spe-                        Continued on Page 2                                           Page 11
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