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                                                                                                                                   Tuesday 15 March 2016

ARUBA DOET… Turtugaruba is “On”

ORANJESTAD - Aruba en-                                         wood and trunks on the        white sand , driving com-
joyed a big volunteer                                          beach. This can form an       pacts the sand and will
event last Friday and Satur-                                   obstruction for the sea tur-  damage the nests.
day : Aruba Doet. Turtuga-                                     tles to find a good nesting   Thanks a lot to all partici-
ruba went to Boca Grandi                                       site. On Bachelor’s Beach     pants and sponsors (Oran-
and Bachelor’s Beach at                                        the wooden material was       je Fonds, Cede Aruba,
the South East Coast of our                                    taken away from the sea       Panaderia del Pueblo, Ro-
island with 50 volunteers to                                   side and relocated on the     mar Trading, Meteoro, Ser-
clean the beach, a nest-                                       inside of the beach, also     limar, Artmando Multime-
ing habitat for the Leath-                                     to prevent quad racers        dia) who make this event a
erback Sea Turtle. The par-                                    and 4WD’s from driving on     big success. More info and
ticipants - a team of col-                                     this nesting beach. Please    pictures : www.facebook.
leagues, a group of friends,                                   friends, do not drive on the  com/Turtugaruba.q
some individuals and the
first Grade of Schakel Col-
lege - removed a lot of
marine debris together
with volunteers of Turtuga-

                              Plastic bottles, cups, bags,
                              straws, foam, tooth brush,
                              flip flops….but also taps
                              and very small parts of
                              plastic. It takes a lot of time
                              and patience to fill a trash
                              bag with such small pieces.
                              And last but not least, all
                              bags have to be removed
                              from the beach to the big
                              container. At the end of
                              the morning the beach
                              is beautiful and clean. A
                              big turtle showed up to lay
                              here eggs.
                              Besides of the plastic trash
                              there was a lot of drift-
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