Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210120
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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 20 Januari 2021

                        Pompeo says China's policies on Muslims amount to 'genocide'

            (AP) — On his way out the door,  “In  addition,  after  careful  examina-  imposed  sanctions  on  Communist
            Secretary  of  State  Mike  Pom-    tion of the available facts, I have de-  Party  officials  with  prominent  roles
            peo lashed out anew at China on  termined  that  the  PRC,  under  the  in the campaign.
            Tuesday by declaring that its pol-  direction  and  control  of  the  CCP,
            icies on Muslims and ethnic mi-     has  committed  genocide  against  the  China  has  imprisoned  more  than  1
            norities  in  the  western  Xinjiang  predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and  million  people,  including  Uighurs
            region constitute “crimes against  other  ethnic  and  religious  minor-  and  other  mostly  Muslim  ethnic
            humanity” and a “genocide.” The  ity groups in Xinjiang. I believe this  groups,  in  a  vast  network  of  con-  mandate action by the U.S. govern-
            rarely used designation is sure to  genocide is ongoing, and that we are  centration camps, according to U.S.  ment.
            provoke an angry response from  witnessing the systematic attempt to  officials  and  human  rights  groups.
            Beijing.                            destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese par-  People  have  been  subjected  to  tor-  Human  rights  groups,  which  have
                                                ty-state."                          ture, sterilization and political indoc-  been generally critical of Trump ad-
            Pompeo made the determination just                                      trination in addition to forced labor  ministration  policies,  welcomed  the
            24  hours  before  President-elect  Joe  Tuesday's move is the latest in a series  as part of an assimilation campaign in  move, which Pompeo said was taken
            Biden takes office. There was no im-  of steps the outgoing Trump admin-  a region whose inhabitants are ethni-  with an eye toward the U.S. role in
            mediate response from the incoming  istration has taken against China.  cally and culturally distinct from the  prosecuting Nazi war crimes during
            Biden team, although he and mem-                                        Han Chinese majority.               WWII at the Nuremberg trials.
            bers  of  his  national  security  team  Since last year, the administration has
            have  expressed  support  for  such  a  steadily ramped up pressure on Bei-  The  Associated  Press  wrote  about  “We hope to see the U.S. follow these
            designation in the past.            jing,  imposing  sanctions  on  numer-  widespread  forced  birth  control  strong  words  with  decisive  action,”
                                                ous officials and companies for their  among the Uighurs last year, includ-  said Grant Shubin of the Global Jus-
            Pompeo’s  determination  does  not  activities  in  Taiwan,  Tibet,  Hong  ing mass sterilization.          tice Center. “Where there is a risk of
            come with any immediate repercus-   Kong and the South China Sea.                                           genocide, there is a duty to act. Mov-
            sions although the legal implications                                   China has denied all the charges, but  ing forward, this designation should
            mean the U.S. must take it into ac-  Those penalties have gotten harsher  Uighur forced labor has been linked  inform  the  entirety  of  U.S.  foreign
            count  in  formulating  policy  toward  since the beginning of last year when  by reporting from the AP to various  policy and we hope to hear more from
            China. The U.S. has spoken out and  President  Donald  Trump  and  Pom-  products  imported  to  the  U.S.,  in-  the  incoming  Biden  administration
            taken  action,  implementing  a  range  peo began to accuse China of trying  cluding clothing and electronic goods  on how it plans to follow through on
            of  sanctions  against  senior  Chinese  to cover up the coronavirus pandem-  such as cameras and computer moni-  this historic announcement.”
            Communist Party leaders and state-  ic. Just on Saturday, Pompeo lifted re-  tors. China says its policies in Xinji-
            run  enterprises  that  fund  the  archi-  strictions on U.S. diplomatic contacts  ang  aim  only  to  promote  economic  And,  some  questioned  the  decision
            tecture of repression across Xinjiang.  with Taiwanese officials, prompting a  and social development in the region  to  apply  it  to  China  and  Xinjiang
                                                stern rebuke from China, which re-  and stamp out radicalism. It also re-  and not to the situation in Myanmar,
            Many of those accused of having tak-  gards the island as a renegade prov-  jects criticism of what it considers its  where Rphingya Muslims have been
            en part in the repression are already  ince.                            internal affairs.                   subjected  to  significant  attacks  and
            under  U.S.  sanctions.  The  “geno-                                                                        atrocities.
            cide”  designation  means  new  mea-  Five days ago, the administration an-  The “genocide” designation is a rare
            sures will be easier to impose.     nounced it would halt imports of cot-  step for the U.S. government, which  “The  Secretary’s  statement  under-
                                                ton and tomatoes from Xinjiang with  did not apply it to the 1994 mass kill-  scores  the  importance  of  appropri-
            “After  careful  examination  of  the  Customs  and  Border  Protection  of-  ings in Rwanda until much later.  ate  international  investigations  and
            available  facts,  I  have  determined  ficials saying they would block prod-                               prosecutions of officials for the crime
            that  since  at  least  March  2017,  the  ucts  from  there  suspected  of  being  Former Secretary of State Colin Pow-  of  genocide  in  Xinjiang,”  said  Eric
            People’s  Republic  of  China,  under  produced with forced labor.      ell designated the situation in Sudan’s  Schwartz, the president of Refugees
            the direction and control of the Chi-                                   western Darfur region a genocide in  International. “At the same time, I’m
            nese Communist Party, has commit-   Xinjiang is a major global supplier of  2004. Former Secretary of State John  baffled  and  deeply  concerned  that
            ted  crimes  against  humanity  against  cotton, so the order could have sig-  Kerry applied the term to the Islamic  Secretary  Pompeo  has  declined  to
            the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs  nificant effects on international com-  State’s  repression  and  massacres  of  make  a  similar  finding  of  genocide
            and other members of ethnic and re-  merce.  The  Trump  administration  Yazidis and other ethnic and religious  against the state of Myanmar for its
            ligious minority groups in Xinjiang,”  has already blocked imports from in-  minorities in Syria and Iraq in 2016,  vicious mass attacks against the Ro-
            Pompeo said in a statement.         dividual companies linked to forced  but he couched it by saying it was a  hingya population beginning in Au-
                                                labor in the region, and the U.S. has  legal determination only that did not  gust 2017.”

                       Georgia certifies Democrats Warnock and Ossoff's Senate wins

              (AP) — Georgia's secretary of state has certi-  will be a 50-50 partisan divide in the Senate, giv-  as intense mobilization efforts by Democratic or-
              fied the results of the two U.S. Senate runoff  ing  Vice  President-elect  Kamala  Harris  the  tie-  ganizers.
              elections, paving the way for Raphael War-     breaking vote.
              nock and Jon Ossoff to be sworn in and for                                                    Perdue, who served one term after being elected
              Democrats to take control of the chamber.      Warnock will be the first African American sena-  in 2014, and Loeffler, who took office last year af-
                                                             tor from Georgia, while Ossoff will be the state's  ter being appointed to replace retiring Sen. John-
              They'll  take  office  just  as  the  Senate  considers  first Jewish senator and the Senate's youngest sit-  ny Isakson, were among Trump's closest allies in
              whether to convict President Donald Trump in an  ting member. Their wins bookend a divisive and  the Senate.
              impeachment trial for inciting the deadly storm-  drawn-out  election  cycle  that  brought  seismic
              ing  of  the  U.S.  Capitol  and  as  President-elect  shifts to Georgia politics and made the once reli-  The  Democrats,  who  essentially  ran  as  a  team
              Joe  Biden  seeks  to  jump-start  his  agenda  after  ably red state a key battleground.     during the runoffs, head to Washington at a time
              inauguration. They could be sworn in as early as                                              of tumult but also opportunity for their party.
              Wednesday, the same day as Biden's inauguration.  Biden in November became the first Democratic
                                                             presidential candidate to carry the state since 1992,  In  addition  to  considering  whether  to  convict
              The  certification  by  Secretary  of  State  Brad  while Warnock and Ossoff are the first Democrats  Trump in the impeachment trial, the Senate will
              Raffensperger  officially  seals  Warnock  and  Os-  to  win  a  U.S.  Senate  election  in  Georgia  since  also begin considering confirmation of Biden ap-
              soff's  victories  over  their  Republican  opponents  2000.                                  pointments  and  early  legislative  proposals  from
              in  the  Jan.  5  runoffs.  Kelly  Loeffler  and  David                                       the new administration. Biden recently unveiled
              Perdue, both incumbents, conceded days after the  During their nationally watched overtime races,  a $1.9 trillion coronavirus plan that aims to ad-
              election.                                      Warnock and Ossoff benefited from Trump's con-  minister 100 million vaccines by the 100th day of
                                                             tinued false attacks on Georgia's election results,  his administration and deliver another round of
              Once  Warnock  and  Ossoff  are  sworn  in,  there  which contributed to lower GOP turnout, as well  economic aid.
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