Page 76 - KPA MRT 1,2016
P. 76
Tuesday 1 March 2016
4 hurt as student opens fire in Ohio school cafeteria
Parents run to see if they are allowed to pick up their kids at Madison Local Schools, Monday, Feb. in the world,” she said. “But event, immediately went
29, 2016, in Madison Township in Butler County, Ohio, after a school shooting. An Ohio sheriff says my eyes found the children into lockdown, said district
a 14-year-old suspect in the school shooting that wounded multiple classmates is in custody. walking out looking for par- spokeswoman A.J. Huff.
ents, and that was heart- School was cancelled Tues-
(Nick Graham/Dayton Daily News via AP) breaking. Their eyes just day along with extracurric-
told the story.” ular events, although staff
The students who were shot was expected to report to
— ages 14 and 15 — were plan a response once stu-
taken to a hospital where dents returned.
they were in stable con- The campus is near Middle-
dition, investigators said. town, roughly 30 miles (50
A 14-year-old boy and kilometers) north of Cincin-
14-year-old girl were also nati. State records show
injured, though it was un- enrollment of about 250
clear how, Jones said. junior high and 500 high
“We don’t know if it was school students.
from the shooting or from Ohio Gov. John Kasich,
exiting the school or be- a Republican running for
cause of the shrapnel from president, said on a cam-
the bullets hitting into that paign stop in Vermont he’d
small of an area,” Jones been briefed but didn’t
said. give details.
All other students were safe, “Obviously it was a trag-
according to the school edy, but thank God that no
website. The school, which life was lost,” Kasich said.q
had practiced for such an
LISA CORNWELL ing happened around
Associated Press 11:30 a.m., Jones said. Af-
HAMILTON, Ohio (AP) — A terward, classmates de-
14-year-old boy pulled out scribed a chaotic scene
a gun in a school cafeteria where they weren’t sure
Monday and opened fire, what was happening at
hitting two students, and first. Some students fled
then ran from the school, outside.
threw the weapon down One student mistook the
and was apprehended first shot for a potato chip
nearby with the help of a bag being popped.
police dog, authorities said. Thirteen-year-old Shelby
Two other Madison Lo- Kinnin said she heard “a
cal Schools students also couple of bangs” and re-
were injured, possibly from alized she was near the
shrapnel or while running shooter.
away. None of the injuries “I didn’t really know it was
appeared to be life-threat- gunshots until I looked over
ening, said Butler County and a kid was grabbing his
Sheriff Richard Jones. leg and falling over,” she
Jones said the 14-year- said.
old was a student and Many people ran from the
there was a motive to the scene, and the shooter
shooting which he did went out a door, she said.
not identify. The boy was She recognized him as a
charged preliminarily with boy who was in a class with
two counts of attempted her last year, though she
murder, two counts of fe- wasn’t sure of his name.
lonious assault, inducing Her stepmother, Stephanie
panic and making terrorist Kinnin, said it was unnerv-
threats, Jones said. ing to see emergency re-
Students were eating in the sponders swarm the school.
cafeteria when the shoot- “There is no feeling like that