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                     Tuesday 3 March 2020

            Continued from front         ered  to  have  contracted  pressed concerns over the
            Washington  state  now  has  the  coronavirus  with  no  patient's initial release in a
            12 confirmed cases.          known overseas travel.       statement.
            State  and  local  authori-  Alameda County declared  As  the  fallout  continued,
            ties  stepped  up  testing  for  a  state  of  emergency  on  Vice President Mike Pence
            the  illness  as  the  number  Sunday following the news.  and  Health  and  Human
            of new cases grew nation-    In Oregon, the state Health  Services   Secretary   Alex
            wide,  with  new  infections  Authority  said  Sunday  that  Azar  sought  to  reassure
            announced  in  California,  a  second  person  in  the  the  American  public  that
            Florida,  Illinois,  Rhode  Is-  state tested positive for the  the  federal  government  is
            land, New York and Wash-     virus. The person is an adult  working to make sure state
            ington state.                in  household  contact  with  and  local  authorities  are
            Authorities  in  the  Seattle  the  first  Oregonian  to  test  able  to  test  for  the  virus.
            area  reported  four  new  positive and does not need  Both said during a round of     Travelers wear protective mask as they walk through in terminal
                                                                                                   5 at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Sunday, March 1,
            cases Sunday night, includ-  medical attention, the au-   TV talk show appearances     2020.
            ing  the  man  who  died.  thority said.                  Sunday    that   thousands                                            Associated Press
            Two health care workers in  Elsewhere,  authorities  an-  more testing kits had been
            California  were  also  diag-  nounced  Sunday  a  third  distributed to state and lo-  ciate  professor  who  an-  ciate professor of epidemi-
            nosed.  Of  the  new  Wash-  case  in  Illinois,  a  second  cal officials, with thousands  nounced  the  preliminary  ology at the Johns Hopkins
            ington  state  cases,  two  in  Rhode  Island  and  a  first  more to come.            findings  on  the  virus  in  Bloomberg School of Public
            were  women,  one  in  her  case  in  New  York  as  wor-  "They should know we have  Washington  state,  said  on  Health.
            80s and another in her 90s.  ried  Americans  swarmed  the  best  public  health  sys-  Twitter  late  Saturday  that  Dr. Adam Lauring of Univer-
            Both were in critical condi-  stores to stock up on basic  tem in the world looking out  genetic   similarities   be-  sity of Michigan called the
            tion.  A  man  in  his  70s  was  goods such as bottled wa-  for them," Azar said, adding  tween the state's first case  findings "high quality work"
            also in critical condition. All  ter, canned foods and toi-  that  additional  cases  will  on Jan. 20 and a case an-  from scientists who've done
            three were from the LifeC-   let paper.                   be reported and the over-    nounced  Friday  indicated  similar work with the flu virus
            are  nursing  facility  in  Kirk-  The  patients  in  Rhode  Is-  all risk to Americans is low.  the newer case may have  for years.
            land,  Washington,  where  land were on a school trip  As  the  cases  ticked  up,  descended from the earlier  "They  show  their  data  and
            health  officials  said  50  to  Italy  together  in  Febru-  some  Americans  stocked  one. The Jan. 20 case was  they show their work," Lau-
            people are sick and being  ary. A third person from the  up  on  basic  supplies  —  the first known case in the  ring  said.  "It's  more  than  a
            tested for the virus.        trip is being tested, and the  particularly  in  areas  with  U.S.                     series  of  tweets"  because
            On Sunday night, the Inter-  school is shutting down for  diagnosed  cases  —  and  "I  believe  we're  facing  an  the  researchers  back  up
            national Association of Fire  the week.                   began to take note of the  already  substantial  out-     what they found with data
            Fighters  said  25  members  In  New  York,  officials  con-  impact on daily life. Stores  break  in  Washington  State  that they've shared online.
            who responded to calls for  firmed    Sunday    that   a  such as Costco sold out of  that was not detected un-     "If there's something wrong,
            help  at  the  nursing  facility  woman in her late 30s con-  toilet paper, bottled water  til now due to narrow case  someone will find it."
            are being quarantined.       tracted the virus while trav-  and  hand  sanitizer  outside  definition  requiring  direct  Dr. Carlos del Rio of Emory
            The  first  U.S.  case  was  a  eling in Iran. She has been  Portland,  Oregon,  where  travel to China," he said on  University  School  of  Medi-
            Washington state man who  quarantined to her home in  a  case  was  announced  Twitter.                             cine  said  the  findings  are
            had  visited  China,  where  Manhattan.                   Friday.  Sports  games  and  Bedford  did  not  immedi-   from  respected  research-
            the virus first emerged, but  The  Centers  for  Disease  practices  were  canceled  ately reply to an e-mail re-   ers in genomic sequencing
            several recent cases in the  Control  and  Prevention  into  the  coming  school  questing  an  interview  Sun-     and  they  make  sense  be-
            U.S.  have  had  no  known  said Sunday that it was re-   week. Some churches said  day.                            cause  of  the  geographic
            connection to travelers.     testing someone in San An-   they would not offer com-    Scientists not affiliated with  proximity of the two cases.
            In  California,  two  health  tonio, Texas, who had been  munion because of fears of  the research said the results  "This  is  a  good  time  to  re-
            care  workers  in  the  San  released from isolation Sat-  viral spread.               did not necessarily surprise  inforce  the  things  we  all
            Francisco  Bay  area  who  urday but later returned af-   As  Americans  prepared,  them and pointed out that  should be doing to stop the
            cared  for  an  earlier  coro-  ter  a  lab  test  was  "weakly  researchers  at  the  Fred  for  many  people  —  espe-  spread  of  flu.  Wash  your
            navirus  patient  were  di-  positive."  The  patient  had  Hutchinson   Cancer   Re-  cially  younger,  healthier  hands.  Don't  touch  your
            agnosed  with  the  virus  on  been treated a local medi-  search Center and the Uni-  ones  —  the  symptoms  are  face.  If  you  have  a  cold,
            Sunday, the Alameda and  cal facility for several weeks  versity  of  Washington  on  not much worse than a flu  stay  home  ...  It's  a  good
            Solano  counties  said  in  a  after returning from Wuhan,  Sunday  said  they  had  evi-  or bad cold.             time to remind ourselves of
            joint statement.             China. The agency said the  dence the virus may have  "We  think  that  this  has  a  that," he said.
            The health care workers are  patient  had  met  the  crite-  been  circulating  in  the  pretty  high  rate  of  mild  Pence, named by the pres-
            both  employed  at  North-   ria for release and was as-  state for up to six weeks un-  symptoms and can be as-    ident  to  be  the  point-per-
            Bay VacaValley Hospital in  ymptomatic. Bexar County  detected — a finding that,  ymptomatic.  The  symp-           son overseeing the govern-
            Vacaville,  California,  and  Judge  Nelson  Wolff  told  if  true,  could  mean  hun-  toms are pretty non-specif-  ment's response, said more
            had exposure to a patient  the  San  Antonio  Express-    dreds of undiagnosed cas-    ic  and  testing  criteria  has  than 15,000 virus testing kits
            treated  there  before  be-  News that the patient was  es in the area. They posted  been pretty strict, so those  had  been  released  over
            ing transferred to UC Davis  a  woman  who  had  come  their research online, but it  combinations  of  factors  the weekend. And, the ad-
            Medical  Center  in  Sacra-  into  contact  with  around  was not published in a sci-  means  that  it  easily  could  ministration  is  working  with
            mento, the statement said.  a dozen people at a hotel.  entific  journal  or  reviewed  have  been  circulating  for  a  commercial  provider  to
            That  patient  was  the  first  Both Wolff and San Antonio  by other scientists.       a  bit  without  us  knowing,"  distribute  50,000  more,  he
            person  in  the  U.S.  discov-  Mayor  Ron  Nirenberg  ex-  Trevor  Bedford,  an  asso-  said Justin Lessler, an asso-  said.q
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