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                                                                                                                           Monday 9 october 2017

            At The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba

            Guests Celebrate Culinary Excellence at ‘Indulge Aruba’

            PALM  BEACH  -  The  third  rib steak and one bite was
            edition of Indulge Aruba at  sure not enough for a lot of
            The  Ritz-Carlton  was  even  guests.
            a bigger hit then last year,  The  ceviche  of  Tierra  del
            hearing   comments     last  Sol  from  chef  Jim  Roose-
            Saturday at the event from  man  was  also  original,
            guests  and  organization.  made from Mahi Mahi with
            It  was  busy  but  guests  still  smoked scallops and pop-
            managed to savor the spe-    corn.  The  student  cooks
            cialties  of  the  island’s  top  of  EPB  also  made  a  great
            chefs and beverages form  impression  amongst  their
            the  different  wine-  and  li-  chef  counterparts:  their
            quor  importers.    Outstand-  ‘stoba’ (Aruban stew) was
            ing  were  the  ‘bites’  of  the  more  sophisticated  stew
            restaurant  group  of  Chef  then  found  in  the  Aruban
            Dennis van Daatselaar.       kitchen  however  very  ‘du-
            The  ravioli  with  duck  and  shi’  (delicious).  ‘Next  year
            other  ingredients,  served  again  for  sure’,  promised
            at  restaurant  Wilhelmina,  organizer  Ritz  at  the  end,
            was  one  of  the  best  pre-  enthusiastically greeted by
            sented at Indulge. Also the  still a big crowd who didn’t
            in-house  restaurant  at  the  seem to want to go home.
            Ritz,  BLT  Steak  had  a  short  q
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