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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 6 September 2024
            Navy secretary breaks law with political statements about

            presidential race, watchdog says

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                                                 he added, “In retrospect, I
            Associated Press                                                                                                    believe my response should
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Navy                                                                                              have been delivered more
            Secretary  Carlos  Del  Toro                                                                                        broadly  without  reference
            broke  the  law  by  publicly                                                                                       to specific candidates.”
            endorsing  the  reelection                                                                                          In  a  separate  written  re-
            of President Joe Biden and                                                                                          sponse  to  the  watchdog’s
            criticizing  former  President                                                                                      findings,  the  secretary’s
            Donald  Trump  in  several                                                                                          lawyer, Michael Bromwich,
            statements he made while                                                                                            said  Del  Toro’s  remarks
            on  official  duty  overseas,                                                                                       were  “spontaneous  and
            the  U.S.  Office  of  Special                                                                                      unpremeditated”  and  did
            Counsel said Thursday.                                                                                              not constitute a violation of
            In  a  report  to  the  White                                                                                       the  Hatch  Act.  Bromwich
            House,    the    watchdog                                                                                           said Del Toro was respond-
            agency  said  Del  Toro’s                                                                                           ing  to  questions  and  did
            comments about the presi-                                                                                           not  directly  speak  Trump’s
            dential election came in a                                                                                          name.
            BBC interview and when he                                                                                           Special  counsel  Hampton
            was  responding  to  ques-                                                                                          Dellinger  said  in  his  report
            tions after a speech in Lon-                                                                                        that Del Toro “crossed a le-
            don. While he later report-                                                                                         gal  line.”  And  he  said  the
            ed  the  remarks,  his  unwill-                                                                                     secretary’s   “unwillingness
            ingness to take responsibil-  Nominee  for  Secretary  of  the  Navy  Carlos  Del  Toro  speaks  during  a  Senate  Armed  Services   to acknowledge a mistake
            ity for them is troubling, the   confirmation hearing July 13, 2021, on Capitol Hill in Washington.                 is striking” and troubling.
            special counsel said.                                                                              Associated Press  Dellinger  said  he  appreci-
            The  agency  said  Del  To-  the  world  need  the  ma-   Later,  during  an  interview  you  wonder,  you  know,  ates that Del Toro reported
            ro’s   comments,     which  ture leadership of President  on  “BBC  News  Sunday,”  should  you  be  supporting  the  comments,  “but  this
            were  made  before  Biden  Biden,” Del Toro said in re-   Del  Toro  was  asked  about  that individual?” he said.  fact  alone  should  not  ab-
            dropped  out  of  the  presi-  sponse  to  a  question  after  his  comments  on  Trump’s  Del  Toro  was  asked,  “You  solve him.”
            dential  race,  violate  the  giving a speech at the Roy-  democratic  principles.  Del  said  he  had  a  suspicious  Del Toro has also issued his
            Hatch  Act,  which  prohibits  al  United  Services  Institute  Toro  responded  that  in  attitude  to  democracy?”  own  directive  for  his  Navy
            U.S.  officials  from  engag-  in late January. He added,  the  past,  Republican  and  And the Navy secretary re-  force, Dellinger said, noting
            ing in political activity while  “We cannot afford to have  Democratic     presidents  sponded, “Absolutely so.”    that  “it  is  more  important
            they are on duty and from  a president who aligns him-    abided  by  core  American  Several days later, Del Toro  than ever for us to remem-
            “using  their  official  author-  self  with  autocratic  dicta-  values  and  protected  de-  self-reported the blunder to  ber that the DON (Depart-
            ity  or  influence  to  interfere  tors and rulers whose inter-  mocracy.              the special counsel, saying  ment  of  the  Navy)  is  an
            with  or  affect  the  result  of  pretation  of  democratic  “When you have someone  his intention was to focus on  apolitical  body.  ….  Public
            an election.”                principles  is  suspicious  (at)  who doesn’t align to those  the  importance  of  strong  trust  and  confidence  de-
            “The  United  States  and  best.”                         core  principles,  it  makes  international alliances. But,  pend on this.”q

             New Mexico attorney general sues company behind Snapchat

             alleging child sexual extortion on the site

             BARBARA ORTUTAY             of  Instagram  and  Face-    believing  that  photos  and  dreds of millions of dollars in  moderating  content  and
             AP  Technology  Writer  (AP)  book, saying it allows pred-  videos  sent  on  their  plat-  our  trust  and  safety  teams  enabling  direct  messag-
             —  New  Mexico’s  attorney  ators to trade child pornog-  form  will  disappear,  but  over the past several years,  ing  with  close  friends  and
             general  has  filed  a  lawsuit  raphy and solicit minors for  predators can permanent-  and  designed  our  service  family.”q
             against  the  company  be-  sex on its platforms. That suit  ly capture this content and  to promote online safety by
             hind  Snapchat,  alleging  is pending.                   they have created a virtual
             that site’s design and poli-  Snap’s   “harmful   design  yearbook  of  child  sexual
             cies  foster  the  sharing  of  features  create  an  envi-  images  that  are  traded,
             child sexual abuse material  ronment  where  predators  sold, and stored indefinite-
             and  facilitate  child  sexual  can  easily  target  children  ly,” Torres said.
             exploitation.               through sextortion schemes  In  a  statement,  Snap  said
             Attorney General Raúl Tor-  and  other  forms  of  sexual  it  shares  Torrez’s  and  the
             rez filed the lawsuit against  abuse,”  Torrez  said  in  a  public’s  concerns  about
             Snap Inc. Thursday in state  statement.  Sexual  extor-  the  online  safety  of  young
             court  in  Santa  Fe.  In  addi-  tion,  or  sextortion,  involves  people.
             tion  to  sexual  abuse,  the  persuading  a  person  to  “We understand that online
             lawsuit  claims  the  compa-  send explicit photos online  threats  continue  to  evolve
             ny  also  openly  promotes  and  then  threatening  to  and  we  will  continue  to
             child trafficking, drugs and  make  the  images  public  work  diligently  to  address
             guns.                       unless the victim pays mon-  these  critical  issues,”  the   New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez speaks during a rally
             Last December, Torrez filed  ey or engages in sexual fa-  company  based  in  Santa    to protect kids online on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday,
             a  similar  lawsuit  against  vors.                      Monica,  California,  said.   Jan. 31, 2024.
             Meta, the parent company  “Snap has misled users into  We  have  invested  hun-                                                Associated Press
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