Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 20 January 2021

            Secretary of State for the Dutch Caribbean islands Raymond Knops:

            "This summer Aruba must take care themselves of all social

            assistance and food aid"

            By Caribisch Netwerk
            ORANJESTAD — At the mo-
            ment a quarter of the Aru-
            ban  population  depends
            on  food  aid.  But  from  this
            summer  onwards,  the  is-
            land  itself  should  be  able
            again  to  help  this  group
            and other people who rely
            on, for example, the Emer-
            gency  Social  Assistance
            Fund (FASE) due to the co-
            rona crisis.
                                         Caribisch Netwerk, Red Cross director Michel La Haye explains
            This  is  what  State  Secre-  the food coupon to State Secretary Raymond Knops          Aruba to me
            tary  Raymond  Knops  says
            during  his  working  visit  to  need of help do not have  takes  care  of  everything
            Aruba,  where  he  also  vis-  legal  status.  Aid  organiza-  that concerns assistance to
            ited  the  Red  Cross.  "These  tions  already  estimated  in  their people in the coming
            are  gigantic  numbers  that  April last year that this num-  period. ”With regards to the
            have been dependent on  ber  is  about  20  thousand.  undocumented         migrants
            food aid for a long time." It  The  undocumented  are  who need help, the Dutch
            has not yet been decided  not  entitled  to  assistance  administrator  thinks  that
            whether  the  Netherlands  from  the  government  so  Aruba  should  act  upon.  “I
            will  again  give  money  for  they should seek help from  think this is a problem that
            emergency aid. “Those de-    the  aid  organizations,  said  has  now  clearly  surfaced
            cisions will be made shortly,  the  Aruban  prime  minister  and  the  country  of  Aruba
            so I cannot anticipate that.  last year. However, the Red  cannot ignore it. You can-
            At  the  same  time,  I  also  Cross does not receive any  not  use  the  undocument-
            add, and that has now also  money from the local gov-     ed in the economy at times     ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to
            been my signal to the Aru-   ernment  for  this  support.  when the need is high and     portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite
            ban  government:  we  will  The  millions  they  received  when  a  crisis  occurs  point   vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island.
            be  a  year  later  soon,  are  last year were donated by  out to these people as the
            we still talking about emer-  the Dutch government.       first  to  take  the  blow  and   Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send
            gency aid or is this a situa-  Knops  again  emphasizes  say:  now  we  do  not  need    your picture with that text (including your name and
            tion  that  had  to  be  dealt  that   agreements   have  you anymore. ”                 where you are from) to: and
            with by the country itself? ”  been  made  with  Aruba  The  land  packages  which       we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a spe-
            The  Red  Cross  reports  that  stating  the  island  will  han-  are agreed with the Dutch   cial way to keep your best moments alive? Please do
            during  the  corona  crisis  dle  everything  itself  from  for Aruba, Curaçao and St.   note: By submitting photos, text or any other materi-
            it  distributed  75,000  hot  the  summer  onwards.  “Ev-  Maarten also contain mea-     als, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspa-
            meals  in  Aruba  and  8,000  erything that has to do with  sures  to  tackle  illegal  work   per, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
            e-vouchers    with   which  welfare,  social  assistance,  and  also  to  prevent  for-  companies  to  use  said  materials,  as  well  as  names,
            20,000 people could shop.  special assistance, food aid  eign  workers  from  working    likeness, etc. for promotional purposes without com-
            They  have  also  supported  will no longer be a Kingdom  illegally  on  the  islands.  But   pensation.
            more than 100 doctor visits  task, nor is it the task of an  Knops says there must also
            to patients. Other aid orga-  emergency relief organiza-  be a safety net for people     Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram
            nizations also provide thou-  tion such as the Red Cross.  who have absolutely noth-     and  Facebook  page!  Thank  you  for  supporting  our
            sands of people with meals  At  least  not  in  the  size  as  ing.  "A  lot  has  to  be  done   free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy read-
            and food every week.         they do now. It is important  in  this  area  in  the  coming   er every day again.q
            Many  of  the  families  in  that  the  country  of  Aruba  months." q
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