Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
Wednesday 6 november 2019
Festival Figure
pledges massive weight loss quickly is certainly least three hours after you ezat. The worse eat-
not healthy, and not true. Permanent weight ing habit here in Aruba after a night of drinking
loss requires lifestyle change, not a quick fix. is to eat a late snack at a food truck and then
Loosing weight very fast usually means dehy- home to bed.
drating your body and loosing muscle.
8. Check your weight on a scale daily to check
2. Lose weight by not eating. Without question your progress. Checking your weight on a regu-
the worse way to try to loose weight. Starv- lar basis is an obvious way to gauge your prog-
ing deprives the body of the nutrients it needs ress and alter your diet accordingly; however,
for life and can lead to serious illness. Plus you that scale tells you very little. I encourage pa-
lose muscle mass, not fat. Even if you do lose tients to keep track of hip, thigh and stomach
pounds, you gain them back almost immedi- tummy centimeters and dress sizes that are
ately when you start eating again. much more enlightening.
3. Carbohydrates are bad for you. First it was fat, 9. To lose weight take a pill or have an opera-
now carbohydrates are the bad guy. Insulin, tion to have your stomach made smaller. Wow,
By Carlos M Viana, OMD, CCN stimulated by the excess simple carbohydrates your insurance company may even pay some
in our overabundant consumption of grains, of these. You cannot replace healthy eating,
Santa Cruz - Already in October the Christ- starches and sweets, together with sedentary exercise and lifestyle choices with a pill or oper-
mas shows in the stores were set up to entice lifestyles is responsible for all those bulging stom- ation. Drugs are not new, they have been tried
you to buy all the ornaments to decorate your achs, fat thighs and chins. However there are for many years and both drugs and operations
home and business. Decorations and figures of healthy complex carbohydrates, such as veg- can be dangerous and have horrible side ef-
a fat, red Santa are available, promising to put etables, whole brown rice and quinoa, which fects. A better choice includes natural dietary
anyone in the Holiday Spirits. Medically, when provide vital vitamins, and fiber to aid digestion. supplements which can safely balance nutri-
I take a look at the store Santa figure, with his tional deficiencies, aid in managing unhealthy
large rotund belly and red face that sports a 4. Fat is bad for you. Your brain is eighty percent eating, support restful sleep and increase en-
bulbous nose I see many signs of heart attack fat; not fat you want to loose. Some fats like ergy.
candidate. Not that Santa Claus could have trans-fats found in processed foods and sweets
heart problems, not allowed. are unhealthy, but many called essential fatty 10. You have to join the gym. Actually, 30 to 60
acids are good and necessary for your health. minutes per day of moderate physical activity
As cute as round Santa seems to be, most peo- Your body is not going to be able to make your is all it takes to balance healthy food intake.
ple want to enter the Holiday Season looking hormones without these fats. It does not have to be strenuous exercise, just
fit and trim. In the next two months many peo- move your body by gardening, walking, swim-
ple, especially women, are going to pay good 5. Drinking Diet sodas help you loose weight. ming, SCUBA diving, flying, dancing or having
money to join commercial weight loss pro- There’s not one study that shows diet sodas sex; just get of the couch.
grams in hopes of dropping a size or two. Un- help you lose weight. Meanwhile while you are
fortunately, people tend to regain the weight drinking your liquid candy you are consuming Get The Point! Worldwide, more and more peo-
they lost following a program because once chemicals that have shown to cause cancer. ple are overweight, and an alarming number
it’s finished, they return to their normal eating are clinically obese. In countries addicted to
habits. Furthermore, the body is always trying 6. Salad bars are healthy. Lunch meats with convenient processed foods this obesity is no
to fend off what it perceives to be starvation, chemical salts, cheeses, oily dressings are not coincidence. It is not the fat in the foods we eat
and losing weight triggers hormone changes healthy choices. You have to choose foods at but, far more, the excess simple carbohydrates
that make it difficult to keep shedding pounds. a salad bar wisely to loose weight. Meanwhile, from our starch and sugar loaded diets. These
In the last eleven years in our grass- roots clinic “Iceberg” lettuce has absolutely no nutritional nutritionally deficient diets not only contribute
we have seen all kinds of lose weight schemes. value. to increased weight but lead to a whole host
This year I have listed all the erroneous beliefs of health problems. Want to enter the Holiday
that I have heard from our patients. 7. Don’t eat after 6 p.m. Europeans eat at 10 Season being fit and trim? That belly might look
o’clock at night and they’re half the size of cute on Santa, but on you it is a major health
1. “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days.” Any commercial Americans and Arubans. It is not what time you risk. Call to make an appointment for a profes-
weight loss programs or any other gimmick that eat, it’s what you eat and staying active for at sional, safe, sensible weight loss program.q