Page 8 - MIN TTC 30 SEPT 2015
P. 8
Wednesday 30 September
Loyal Visitors Honored at
the Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Recently the years. keling at Malmok’s beach, riott Surf Club are like fam- Ernest Giel representing
Aruba Tourism Authority The honorees were Mr. the restaurants and the ily to them, and the Resort the Aruba Tourism Author-
had the great pleasure of John and Mrs. Linda Mc safety. They say Aruba is their home away from ity together with Ms. Jenny
honoring a group of loyal Elroy from Hagerstown, feels like a second home, home. The certificates Boekhoudt representing
and friendly visitors of Aru- Maryland, and Mr. Dennis the associates at the Mar- were presented by Mr. the Marriott Surf Club.q
ba at the Marriott Surf Club Hubert from Honesdale,
as Distinguished Visitors. Pennsylvania. All the hon-
The symbolic honorary title orees are loyal members of
is presented in the name the Marriott Surf Club, and
of the Minister of Tourism they love Aruba very much
as a token of appreciation because of the friendly
to guests who visit Aruba people, the weather, the
for 10-to-19 consecutive beaches – especially snor-