Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23
LOCAL Thursday 20 april 2023
SKY Airline set to operate flights to Aruba
Aruba Airport Authority Aruba Tourism Authority’s passengers per year and
N.V. (AAA) is extremely ex- CEO, Ms. Ronella Croes providing air service to 22
cited to announce the start and CMO, Ms. Sanju Lu- cities and 34 non-stop des-
of operations by SKY Airline idens. The SKY Airline team tinations worldwide. AUA
in the second half of 2023 also met with the Director Airport’s markets served
with flights out of South of the Department of Civil comprise of 79% from the
America to Aruba. AAA Aviation of Aruba, Mr. Ed- United States & Canada,
had the pleasure of host- win Kelly. 11% from Latin America, 6%
ing SKY Airline’s team this from Europe, and 4% from
morning at the airport. SKY Airline’s Deputy Direc- Dutch Caribbean, year Safe, and Future Proof air- Learn more about what’s
tor of Strategic Planning, to date, March 2023. AUA port so the Latin America & happening at AUA Airport
AAA has been in talks with Mr. Julio Solar Berguecio Airport attributes this to the Caribbean region, provid- by visiting www.airporta-
SKY Airline for several years and Network Planning island’s stable economic ing a trusted workplace, and connect
now and has been working Manager, Mr. Matthieu Se- and political climate, hos- modern airport facilities with AUA Airport on Twitter.
with the airline in exploring lo-Poirier were introduced pitable and multilingual and excellent customer com/Aruba_Airport, Face-
the start of new routes into to all the stakeholders in- population, and safe envi- service which reflects Aru-,
the Caribbean. SKY Airline volved and were provided ronment. AUA Airport’s as- ban hospitality, contribut-
is a Chilean airline based at with valuable information piration is to become one ing to a prosperous future port/ and
Comodoro Arturo Merino about the airport facilities, of the most Sustainable, for Aruba. ArubaAirport.q
Benitez International Airport the certification process for
(SCL) in Santiago, Chile. It's the start of this new route
the second-largest airline in and further in-depth infor-
Chile, providing passenger, mation about the support
postal and cargo air trans- that the AAA and ATA will
port services since 2001. provide to make a pos-
When it first launched, SKY sible new route a success-
Airline initially operated to ful one. During the visit, the
key cities of Chile and was team received a tour of
the first airline to operate the airport, including the
under a low-cost model in Terminal and Airside areas.
Chile. It serves international
routes to Argentina, Brazil, SKY Airline is getting ready
Peru, and Uruguay. It also to arrange all the neces-
operates charter flights in sary permits to operate in
Chile and South America Aruba and making all the
and domestic flights within needed connections with
Peru. the stakeholders in support
of this intended operation.
During today’s visit, the SKY More details will follow in
Airline team was hosted on the coming weeks on the
behalf of AAA by our Chief exact route that SKY Airline
Executive Officer, Mr, Joost will want to operate, its start
Meijs, Chief Operations Of- date, its frequency and air-
ficer, Mr. Jurgen Benschop, craft type that would be
Chief Revenue Develop- used for this operation.
ment and Communica-
tions Officer, Ms. Barbara About AUA Airport
Brown, Aviation Business AUA Airport is one of the
Development Executive, busiest airports in the Ca-
Ms. Jo-Anne Meaux Ar- ribbean region, with 22
ends, and our Operations different airlines operating
Manager, Ms. Marylou v/d into Aruba contributing to
Linden. Also present were processing over 2.5 million