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                                                                                                  business Tuesday 20 OcTOber 2020
            ConocoPhillips buying Concho in $9.7B all-stock deal

            By CATHY BUSSEWITZ                                                                                                  sin and has more time than
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  most  peers  before  signifi-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Cono-                                                                                           cant  long-term  debt  mile-
            coPhillips  is  buying  shale                                                                                       stone payments arrive," he
            producer Concho Resourc-                                                                                            said.
            es  in  an  all-stock  deal  val-                                                                                   ConocoPhillips  had  acre-
            ued at $9.7 billion, making                                                                                         age  in  the  Permian  Basin,
            it  a  major  presence  in  the                                                                                     but it was small compared
            Permian Basin, the top-pro-                                                                                         to the company's size, and
            ducing oil field in the U.S.                                                                                        the deal "gets them a pre-
            The  combined  company,                                                                                             mier  position  in  the  Perm-
            if  approved,  would  be                                                                                            ian," LeBlanc said.
            among  the  largest  U.S.  oil                                                                                      "Concho  is  a  tremendous
            producers,  with  produc-                                                                                           fit with ConocoPhillips," said
            tion  of  more  than  1.5  mil-                                                                                     CEO  and  Chairman  Ryan
            lion barrels of oil equivalent                                                                                      Lance in a prepared state-
            per  day,  a  resource  base                                                                                        ment.
            of  approximately  23  billion                                                                                      The    companies,    both
            barrels of oil and an enter-                                                                                        based  in  Texas,  will  com-
            prise value of about $60 bil-                                                                                       bine  their  acreage  across
            lion.                                                                                                               the Delaware and Midland
            The deal comes as many oil                                                                         Associated Press  basins  —  both  part  of  the
            producers are struggling to  "When  we  add  it  all  up,  comment.                    "Because of their discipline,  Permian  —  and  also  in-
            make  ends  meet.  Oil  pric-  we see an industry that will  Many   shale   producers  they're now in a position of  cludes  positions  in  the  Ea-
            es  have  remained  low  for  remain  challenged  and  were struggling before the  strength to go ahead and  gle Ford and Bakken basins
            months,  mainly  because  smaller  producers  are  rec-   pandemic  struck,  racking  buy people who were fast  and  the  Montney  in  Can-
            efforts to contain the coro-  ognizing  this,  accepting  up  huge,  unsustainable  growers," such as Concho,  ada.  The  Permian  basin
            navirus  halted  most  travel,  smaller or no premiums for  debts to find oil and gas us-  LeBlanc said.            stretches from the northern
            obliterating  demand  for  their  companies  than  they  ing  unconventional,  costly  There were a flurry of deals  reaches of Texas across the
            fuel.                        had  received  in  the  past,"  techniques.  Those  massive  in  the  third  quarter,  which  New Mexico border.
            The  price  for  a  barrel  of  said  PeterMcNally,  global  debts  are  now  coming  could  be  the  start  of  a  "Through  this  combination,
            crude  is  down  more  than  sector  lead  for  industrials,  due,  and  it's  catching  up  long-overdue   consolida-  we  are  joining  a  diversi-
            30%  since  the  start  of  the  materials  and  energy  at  with  the  companies  that  tion  phase,  said  Stewart  fied energy company with
            year, and it has been hov-   Third Bridge Group.          were most aggressive.        Glickman,  energy  equity  even  more  scale  and  re-
            ering  around  $40  a  barrel,  The  combination,  which  is  More  than  200  oil  produc-  analyst at CFRA.       sources  to  create  share-
            below  what  most  produc-   expected  to  close  in  the  ers have filed for bankrupt-  A  tie-up  with  ConocoPhil-  holder  value  in  today's
            ers in the U.S. need to break  first  quarter  of  next  year,  cy  protection  in  the  past  lips was expected after ru-  markets and beyond," said
            even.                        could help the companies  five years.                     mors of talks began to sur-  Tim  Leach,  chairman  and
            In  this  year's  third  quarter,  achieve $500 million in an-  ConocoPhillips  was  more  face, but analysts at CFRA  CEO of Concho Resources,
            17  oil  and  gas  producers  nual  cost  and  capital  sav-  conservative about growth,  were  surprised  that  Con-  in a prepared statement.
            filed  for  bankruptcy  pro-  ings by 2022.               and  was  sometimes  per-    cho's board agreed to the  Concho's  common  stock
            tection,  which  was  a  21%  The companies did not say  ceived as slow, said Raoul  acquisition, Glickman said.    will be exchanged for 1.46
            increase compared to last  how the cost savings would  LeBlanc,  vice  president  of  Concho  "has  the  advan-     shares  of  ConocoPhillips.
            year according to law firm  be  achieved,  and  did  not  North  American  uncon-      tage  of  a  large  acreage  Shares  of  both  companies
            Haynes and Boone.            respond  to  requests  for  ventionals  at  IHS  Markit.  position in the Permian Ba-  rose slightly Monday.q

            Report showing gains in bank access overshadowed by COVID

            By KEN SWEET                 outside the traditional bank  tell the full story, mostly be-
            AP Business Writer           system. While a small num-   cause  racial  and  ethnic
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —  ber  of  Americans  choose  minorities  are  dispropor-
            More Americans than ever  not  to  have  a  bank  ac-     tionately  more  likely  to  be
            obtained a basic bank ac-    count  due  to  their  distrust  unbanked.  The  FDIC  study
            count  in  2019,  the  Federal  of  the  banking  system,  shows  only  2.5%  of  white
            Deposit  Insurance  Corp.  most unbanked are in pov-      households are unbanked,
            said Monday. But data was  erty  and  more  likely  to  be  while 13.8% of Black house-
            gathered  before  the  out-  Black  and  Latino,  a  rem-  holds and 12.2% of Hispan-
            break  of  the  coronavirus  nant of the systemic racism  ic  households  are  consid-
            pandemic and start of this  that  plagues  the  financial  ered  unbanked.  Roughly
            historic recession.          system.  The FDIC estimates  one out of four households
            But the agency noted that  that  5.4%  of  Americans  in  making less than $15,000 a
            the loss of jobs and incomes  2019  were  considered  un-  year  do  not  have  a  bank
            due  to  the  pandemic  in  banked,  a  record  low  for  account.
            2020  likely  reversed  these  that metric since the report  The FDIC was unable to give   In  this  March  24,  2020  file  photo,  a  Chase  bank  employee,
            positive trends.             started in 2009, down from  an estimate on how much       right,  disinfects  the  branches  ATMs  to  fend  off  coronavirus  as
            The FDIC study looks at the  6.5% in 2017 which is when  the  COVID  pandemic  has     a  customer  uses  another  in  the  Flushing  neighborhood  of  the
            unbanked  —  Americans  the FDIC looked at the un-        moved banked Americans       Queens borough of New York.             Associated Press
            who  do  not  have  a  basic  banked.  That  is  equal  to  into  the  unbanked,  but  it
            checking  or  savings  ac-   roughly  7.1  million  house-  almost  certain  that  figure   millions of Americans to lose  hit a record high of 8.2% in
            count  —  and  the  reasons  holds, the FDIC said.        is  climbing  currently.  The   their  bank  account,  and  2011 in the aftermath of the
            why  these  individuals  are  The  5.4%  figure  does  not  Great  Recession  caused   the  number  of  unbanked  financial crisis.q
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