Page 10 - ARUBA BANK SEPT 5,2015
P. 10

                                                                                                                                                                      Saturday 5 September 2015

China’s stock rescue plan jolts companies, reform plans 

JOE McDONALD                     ing shares to prop up prices                    An elderly Chinese man walks past display boards showing the latest stock prices at a brokerage
AP Business Writer               has yet to announce what                        in Beijing. Beijing’s scramble to put a floor under free-falling share prices came at a cost China
BEIJING (AP) — Tonhe Elec-       it bought or how much it                        has yet to tally.
tronics is a casualty of Bei-    spent. In a report last month,
jing’s frantic effort to stop a  Goldman Sachs estimated                                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
stock market bust.               that group, dubbed the
The maker of electrical          “National Team” by finan-                       billion). The industries af-   Ltd. In Shenyang, the big-        market fall, July’s growth in
equipment, part of a tech-       cial analysts, spent 860-900                    fected play a leading role     gest city in the rust-belt        retail spending held steady
nology industry the ruling       billion yuan ($135-$140 bil-                    in the ruling party’s plans    northeast, wanted 620 mil-        at June’s 10.5 percent rate.
Communist Party wants to         lion) in June and July.                         to transform China from a      lion yuan ($99 million) to ex-    Wang Pinyue, a piano
promote, hoped to raise          That led to state -owned                        low-wage factory into a        pand production and sales         teacher in the northeast-
200 million yuan ($32 mil-       companies amassing a                            creator of technology and      of baked goods.                   ern city of Harbin, said he
lion) from an initial public     mountain of shares in other                     consumer brands with high-     Regulators have begun al-         lost 75 to 80 percent of the
offering of stock to build       government enterprises,                         er-paying jobs and environ-    lowing companies that al-         5,000 yuan ($800) he invest-
a research and develop-          many bought from private                        mentally friendly growth.      ready are traded to raise         ed. Even though that was
ment center.                     investors. That reversed                        Thinker Automation Ltd., a     money through sales of            equal to half of last year’s
Then share prices collapsed      an official campaign to                         maker of control systems       additional shares but there       income, Wang said it hasn’t
and Beijing canceled stock       encourage the public to                         for railways and other in-     has been no word on when          affected his spending.
sales by Tonhe and more          buy shares in hopes “di-                        dustries in the central prov-  IPOs might resume.                “But if I had invested more
than two dozen other com-        verse ownership” of state                       ince of Henan, planned to      Analysts saw no “wealth           and lost more, I sure would
panies as part of its desper-    companies will prod them                        raise 1.3 billion yuan ($205   effect” or uptick in con-         be in a bad mood and short
ate effort to stem the slide.    to become competitive                           million) to expand opera-      sumer spending when the           of money. I might cancel
Now the company in the           and efficient.“The state,                       tions.                         market index more than            a trip or something,” said
central city of Shijiazhuang     through its rescue, has fur-                    Many are in areas away         doubled in value between          Wang, 26.
is in limbo.                     ther increased its owner-                       from the prosperous east       November and June. They           One reason for the limited
“We have no other fund-          ship of the stock market,”                      coast where communist          said that should mean little      effect is the nascent popu-
raising plans,” said a Tonhe     said economist Julian Ev-                       leaders are eager to spur      change as share prices            larity of investing among
investor relations repre-        ans-Pritchard of Capital                        development. Toly Bread        sagged. After the first major     China’s public.q
sentative who would give         Economics. “They have
only her surname, Zhuang.        gone directly against their
“What we can do now is           longer-term reform goals.”
just wait for the notice to      The collapse that saw
get the IPO started again.”      China’s main stock in-
Beijing’s scramble to put        dex plunge 30 percent
a floor under free-falling       after hitting a peak June
share prices came at a           12 prompted ruling party
cost China has yet to tally.     leaders under President Xi
The boom and bust passed         Jinping to set aside repeat-
so fast it had little impact     ed pledges to give market
on consumer spending. But        forces a bigger role in the
on top of the public money       economy.
plowed into buying shares,       Regulators canceled IPOs
the intervention disrupted       planned by 28 private
fundraising for small com-       companies in electron-
panies and set back efforts      ics, food processing and
to make the stock market a       other industries. The 21 that
tool for economic reform.        had disclosed details were
State agencies and com-          planning to raise a total of
panies charged with buy-         about 8.8 billion yuan ($1.4

Central banks falling short of 2 percent inflation target 

President of European Central Bank Mario Draghi speaks during                    that prices surge out of       He said that lowering the         in more than three years.
a news conference in Frankfurt, Germany.                                         control. Both central banks    ECB’s 2 percent inflation         The major central banks’
                                                                                 are consistently failing.      target would represent an         historically low interest
                                                      (AP Photo/Michael Probst)  And so the question has        admission of failure that         rates and mass bond pur-
                                                                                 arisen of whether the Fed      could damage the central          chases have failed to off-
JOSH BOAK                        tral Bank have been striving                    and the ECB should rec-        bank’s authority.                 set the pressures of lower
AP Economics Writer              to generate a small dose                        ognize that 2 percent infla-   “It will test our credibility if  energy prices and tepid
WASHINGTON (AP) — Is 2           of inflation — around 2 per-                    tion in a global economy       we were to change our tar-        consumer demand. When
percent inflation too high       cent annually, just enough                      awash in cheap oil, avail-     get, when it’s taking more        the Fed ends its next policy
to reach? The Federal Re-        to spur more spending and                       able workers and money-        effort to achieve that tar-       meeting on Sept. 17, it will
serve and European Cen-          income but not so much                          saving technologies might      get,” he said.                    announce whether it’s rais-
                                                                                 be too ambitious and           In the 19 European coun-          ing U.S. interest rates after
                                                                                 should lower their targets.    tries that share the euro         nearly seven years of re-
                                                                                 ECB President Mario Draghi     currency, annual inflation        cord lows. In calculating
                                                                                 faced that very question at    is a scant 0.2 percent. In        that decision, the Fed must
                                                                                 a news conference Thurs-       the United States, the Fed’s      weigh its confidence that
                                                                                 day in Frankfurt, Germany.     preferred inflation measure       inflation will return eventu-
                                                                                 Draghi was having none of      is 0.3 percent. U.S. inflation    ally to 2 percent — one of
                                                                                 it, at least publicly.         hasn’t breached 2 percent         its mandates. q
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