Page 28 - MIN SOC 29 FEB 2016
P. 28

6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AMIGOE
       27 FEBRUARI 2016

                                                                                     The maternity clinic Fundashon Duna Lus is the center for
                                                                                     complete obstetrical care on Curaçao. The Foundation
                                                                                     now has 18 employees who give professional maternity
                                                                                     care. Last year, over 500 babies were born at the clinic.
                                                                                     The foundation was established in 2006, and consists of
                                                                                     five partners: The General Association of Midwives, the
                                                                                     Trade Union, the Curaçao CBV, the SVB and the govern-

                                                                                     By Judice Ledeboer                                  get tested. The midwife always looks at their
                                                                                     The maternity clinic is there for women who are     blood pressure, their weight, listens to their
                                                                                     not considered high risk, and are expected to       hearts, and looks at the growth of the baby. In
                                                                                     get through their pregnancy without complica-       the course of the pregnancy, the women also
                                                                                     tions. Women who fall within a risk group, such     get advice. By the end of the pregnancy, the in-
                                                                                     as women with high blood pressure, diabetes,        formation is mainly focused on the delivery.
                                                                                     obesity, and women who are pregnant of mul-         The clinic also provides aftercare. This means
                                                                                     tiple babies have to give birth in a hospital. The  that after giving birth to her child, a woman can
                                                                                     SVB checks if there is a medical indication.        come back to the maternity clinic every week,
                                                                                     Of the more than 2000 women who give birth          until it is time for the mother and her child go
                                                                                     in Curaçao every year, a large part goes to the     WR WKH &RQVXOWDWLRQ 2I¿FH 7UDGLWLRQDOO\ DW WKLV
                                                                                     FOLQLFZKHUHWKH\JHW¿UVWOLQHPHGLFDOFDUHE\   point, a farewell picture is taken of each new-
                                                                                     midwives. Women who, over the course of a           born, accompanied by a teddy bear.
                                                                                     pregnancy, get complications, have to go to a       On the maternity ward, there are no class dif-
                                                                                     specialist. Most births take place at the mater-    ferences. There are single and double rooms.
                                                                                     nity clinic. The women can also choose to have      Each room has air conditioning and a TV, and
                                                                                     their babies at home, but they do not ask for       the babies are allowed to stay in their mothers’
                                                                                     that, very often.                                   rooms. It is also possible for the mothers to get
                                                                                     At the maternity clinic, women give birth under     help from professionals from the maternity clin-
                                                                                     the supervision of midwives. There are six mid-     LF DW KRPH GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW GD\V DIWHU GHOLYHU\
                                                                                     wives in Curaçao; three are in permanent em-        Women who gave birth in the hospital can make
                                                                                     ployment at the maternity clinic, and three work    also use of these services.
                                                                                     independently. The midwives are available for       The maternity clinic is open for consultations
                                                                                     their patients, 24/7. Pregnant women may go to      from Monday to Friday. Patients must make an
                                                                                     a midwife without a referral from their general     appointment ahead of time. Of course, the ward
                                                                                     practitioner.                                       for women who are going to give birth is open
                                                                                     :KHQ D ZRPDQ LV SUHJQDQW VKH ¿UVW JHWV DQ  24/7.
                                                                                     intake interview, an ultrasound, and a lab test.    The clinic is situated at Schottegatweg Noord
                                                                                     Up to the birth, the women are examined every       43. It is growing rapidly, and there is a new busi-
                                                                                     four weeks. The closer they get to giving birth,    ness plan. The aim is to adapt the buildings this
                                                                                     the women have to come back every two or            year, in order to be able to give more quality
                                                                                     three weeks, so both they and their child can       care. Their phone number is + 5999-869-2510.


                                      10 Ways of

     Orlando Jakobus Overcoming Working Mom’s Guilt

Orlando Jakobus was born and raised in Curaçao 60 years ago.                                                                                                                                        You worked more than 8 hours and come
He moved to the Netherlands in 1987, and has been working as                                                                                                                                        home feeling guilty because you just missed
a concierge for 20 years. “ I love my job, and could do this for                                                                                                                                    your son’s football game and now failed to
many more years to come,” he says.                                                                                                                                                                  tuck your lovely daughter to bed. Girl, cheer
                                                                                                                                                                                                    up! You have been struggling to juggle up
By Rushanette Martis                                                                 School Janitor                                                                                                 your career and your family every day. You
Orlando has always been a handyman. When he was 14, he started                           of the Year                                                                                                are doing a great job. Stop pressuring your-
working as a distributor for Dovale Advertising. “I used to distribute the                                                                                                                          self to be supermom, because without you
magazines Curaçao Holiday and Viva Curaçao. I used to know every                                                                                                                                    knowing it, you are already one supermom.
single street in Willemstad like the back of my hand,” he continues.
After a few years, Mr. Dovale asked him to start working as a yacht                                                                      By Arlene Tabamo                                           the household. Don’t slave yourself with mak-        household. Think of it as good parenting.
broker. “I sold and maintained a lot of the boats anchored on the Span-                                                                  So how do you alleviate that working mom’s                 ing dinner and at the same time, changing the        Sharing important life lessons to your kids,
ish Water in Curaçao,” he says.                                                                                                          guilt? Read along.                                         diaper and putting the laundry in the washer.        even career related would help them with re-
After the birth of his son, Orlando and his partner moved to the Neth-                                                                   1. Remember, you will only feel guilty if                  'HOHJDWHWKHMREWR\RXUKXEE\RUWHDFKNLGV        ality as they grow.
HUODQGV 2ULJLQDOO\ KH ZRUNHG DV D SLSH¿WWHU EXW OHIW WKH MRE VKRUWO\                                                      you did something wrong. If there is noth-                 to run some chores for you.
after, due to health issues. This is when he came across an ad for a                                                                     LQJ ZURQJ WKHQ LW LV MXVW SXUH VHOIORDWKLQJ     5. Have a working mommy’s support group.             9. Nurture a future-oriented state of mind. You
VFKRROMDQLWRUDQGWKRXJKWLWZDVDJRRGLGHDWRDSSO\+HZRUNHGDVD                                                                 Breathe in 1, 2, 3 and breathe out those pes-              Lean on the shoulder of friends, family or col-      can plan ahead so that you will be able to fully
VFKRROMDQLWRUDW3DVFKDOLV6FKRROIRUHLJKW\HDUV$IWHUWKHGHDWKRIKLV                                                              simistic thoughts. They would never be help-               leagues who will boost your morale, will pat         live in the present. You can avoid the morning
sister, Orlando took a 3-month trip back to Curaçao after 16 years. “ I                                                                  ful for you, mom.                                          your shoulder or will lend a kind ear to listen      chaos by preparing stuffs at night, and you
KDGRQO\JRWWHQSHUPLVVLRQIURPP\MREWRVWD\IRUDPRQWKVRZKHQ,                                                                   2. If you are trapped in the mommy guilt, it               to all your rumblings.                               can have ample time for obtaining that perfect
FDPHEDFN,NQHZ,KDGWRVWDUWORRNLQJIRUDQRWKHUMRE,QHHGHGWKDW                                                                  only proves that you are a good mom. Bad                   6. Be grateful that you are setting a good ex-       smoky eyes for work.
time with my family, and don’t regret anything.”                                                                                         moms may not feel the guilt because they                   ample to your kids. Your babies will be looking
,QKHODQGHGDMREDW&DUROXV6FKRRODQGKHKDVEHHQZRUNLQJ                                                                      GRQ¶WFDUH<RXGH¿QLWHO\KDYHWKHFRQVFLHQFH             DW\RXDQGZLOOVD\³,MXVWZDQWWREHOLNH\RX    10. Have your ME time. Indulge yourself to
WKHUHIRUIRXUWHHQ\HDUV³0\MREJLYHVPHDJUHDWVHQVHRIIXO¿OOPHQW´                                                                and yes, you value your kids so much.                      PRPP\<RXVLPSO\GRMXVWDERXWHYHU\WKLQJ         some pampering or meet ups with friends.
In 2015, Orlando was named Hague School Janitor of the Year. After                                                                       3. No matter how much you want to be the                   <RX JR WR WKH RI¿FH FOHDQ WKH KRXVH KDYH  Consider this as your useful preventive mea-
the announcement, the school had a big celebration dedicated to Or-                                                                      “perfect” mother, there are only good moth-                friends, drive us to school and even do my           sure when you are having those burnouts
lando. “ I was in complete shock,” he continues. “Even my son and                                                                        ers. Being a mother is already a humbling                  hair”.                                               RYHUWKHJXLOWRIMXJJOLQJZRUNDQGIDPLO\
grandchildren were invited, which was like the cherry on top of the                                                                      MRE<RXPLJKWEHDLPLQJIRUWKHVXSHUODWLYHV             7. Loosen up a bit. If you are stressing your-
cake.”                                                                                                                                   that you start comparing yourself to the sup-              self that your kids would be underdogs with          If you think about it, you will never be at peace
After receiving the title, Orlando was swamped with interviews. During                                                                   posedly “perfect mom” in your neighborhood.                those kids who have stay-at-home moms,               with yourself since you always assume that
RQHRIWKHPDMRXUQDOLVWDVNHGKLPZKRKLVLGROZDVDQGKHDQVZHUHG                                                                   You do not know what happens between their                 ease up a bit because studies show that they         what you give to your family may not be
that it was Louis van Gaal. Little did Orlando know that his son was                                                                     walls, stop comparing.                                     ZRXOGGRMXVWDVZHOOLQVFKRRODVWKRVHRWKHU      HQRXJK 6RPHWLPHV \RX MXVW KDYH WR VWRS
planning a great surprise for him, along with television station RLT4.                                                                   4. Yell for help. Don’t prohibit yourself in del-          kids.                                                then appreciate and celebrate your capabili-
:HHNV DIWHU WKH PHGLD FLUFXV 2UODQGR ZDV MXVW ZRUNLQJ DW KLV MRE                                                            HJDWLQJ MREV ZKHWKHU LQ \RXU ZRUN RU LQVLGH        8. It is not a sin to talk about work within your    ties and strength as a woman, a wife and of
when one day, he was asked to get a ball on top of the school rooftop.                                                                                                                                                                                   course, a mother!
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” he said. What he didn’t know was that the
EDOOKDGEHHQDXWRJUDSKHGE\/RXLVYDQ*DDO³,ZDVEHLQJ¿OPHGDOO                                                                                                                                                                                     Article Source:  http://EzineArticles.
the time, and I didn’t even notice it.” Then, he was suddenly invited to                                                                                                                                                                                 com/9272751
bergasted, Orlando accepted the invitation. After arriving at the airport,
to the city of Manchester. Orlando was on his way to a 3-day surprise
trip to Manchester, where he had the opportunity to meet his idol, Louis
van Gaal. “It was an amazing experience,” he says. “Better than win-
ning the lottery! Money is eventually spent, but my memories will last
forever.” Orlando will give up his title to another lucky concierge in the
summer of 2016. Still, he is looking forward to working for many more
years, and will forever cherish the year he was named Best School
Janitor of the Year.
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