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                                                                                                   UP FRONT Tuesday 10 March 2020

             Infected cruise ship unloads passengers in California

            Continued from Front         ed  positive  for  COVID-19,                                                           canceled  classes  for  a
                                         will  be  quarantined  and                                                             week  when  it  was  discov-
            As the ship sailed under the  treated  aboard  the  ship,                                                           ered a family in the district
            Golden Gate Bridge to en-    which  will  dock  elsewhere                                                           was exposed to COVID-19.
            ter  the  harbor,  passenger  after  passengers  are  un-                                                           Georgia's    fourth-largest
            Karen Schwartz Dever said  loaded,  California  Gov.                                                                school  district,  which  has
            "everyone  was  hollering  Gavin Newsom has said.                                                                   more  than  93,000  stu-
            and clapping."               For  most  people,  the  new                                                           dents,  closed  its  schools
            Twenty-three  people  who  coronavirus  causes  only                                                                for  at  least  one  day  after
            needed  acute  medical  mild  or  moderate  symp-                                                                   a  teacher  at  two  middle
            care  had  been  taken  off  toms,  such  as  fever  and                                                            schools  was  confirmed  to
            the  ship  by  late  Monday  cough. For some, especial-                                                             have the coronavirus.
            afternoon,  but  it  was  not  ly older adults and people                                                           The  Grand  Princess  had
            clear  how  many  of  them  with  existing  health  prob-                                                           been  held  off  the  coast
            had tested positive for the  lems, it can cause more se-                                                            since Wednesday because
            virus,  said  Shawn  Boyd,  a  vere illness, including pneu-  Tents stand on a wharf near the Grand Princess at the Port of   of evidence that it was the
            spokesman  for  the  Califor-  monia.                     Oakland in Oakland, Calif., Monday, March 9, 2020.        breeding  ground  for  more
            nia  Office  of  Emergency  According  to  the  World                                              Associated Press   than 20 infections tied to a
            Services.  Live  TV  footage  Health  Organization,  peo-                                                           previous voyage.
            showed  at  least  one  pas-  ple with mild illness recover   cause  an  employee  test-  Several  universities  have  Passengers  from  the  previ-
            senger, an older man wear-   in  about  two  weeks,  while   ed positive Sunday for the  begun online-only courses,  ous  voyage  have  tested
            ing  a  face  mask,  climbing  those  with  more  severe  ill-  coronavirus. Workers will be  including  the  University  of  positive  in  California  and
            onto a stretcher and being  ness  may  take  three  to  six   on  "mandatory  telework  Washington,  Stanford  Uni-  other states. Six Canadians
            lifted  into  the  back  of  an  weeks to recover. In main-  status" and three Earth sci-  versity  and  Columbia  Uni-  who  were  on  the  Grand
            ambulance.  Officials  have  land China, where the virus   ence airplane missions are  versity.  The  largest  school  Princess  from  Feb.  11  to
            said the unloading will take  first  exploded,  more  than   being delayed to later this  district  in  Northern  Califor-  21  were  also  confirmed  to
            up to three days.            80,000  people  have  been   year, the county said.       nia,  with  64,000  students,  have the virus.q
            "Our  intent  is  to  basically  diagnosed and more than
            disembark  about  half  the  58,000  have  so  far  recov-
            passengers  today.  Eve-     ered.
            ryone  will  be  screened  In an effort to stop the virus
            initially  today,"  said  Robert  from spreading, Italy will im-
            Kadlec,  assistant  secretary  pose travel restrictions and
            of Health and Human Serv-    other  strict  public  health
            ices Services.               measures nationwide start-
            Workers  wearing  gloves  ing Tuesday. And a combi-
            and yellow protective gear  nation of coronavirus fears
            erected  a  large  tent  by  a  and plunging oil prices sent
            platform where passengers  stocks on Wall Street plum-
            were  disembarking,  and  meting Monday.
            two tents displaying Cana-   The  virus  has  infected  600
            dian flags were also on the  people in the United States
            tarmac.  At  least  20  buses  —  including  the  director
            and five ambulances wait-    of  the  agency  that  runs
            ed.  Canada  and  the  UK  the  airports  in  New  York
            were among the countries  and New Jersey — and at
            sending chartered flights to  least 26 have died, most in
            take home citizens.          Washington state. Surgeon
            U.S.  passengers  will  be  General  Jerome  Adams
            flown  or  bused  from  the  said communities will need
            port — chosen for its prox-  to start thinking about can-
            imity  to  an  airport  and  a  celing  large  gatherings,
            military base — to bases in  closing schools and letting
            California, Texas and Geor-  more employees work from
            gia for testing and a 14-day  home, as many companies
            quarantine. The ship is car-  have  done  after  an  out-
            rying people from 54 coun-   break in the Seattle area.
            tries, and foreigners will be  NASA's   Ames   Research
            whisked home.                Center in California's Silicon
            About  1,100  crew  mem-     Valley  is  essentially  closed
            bers, 19 of whom have test-  with  restricted  access  be-
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