P. 9

              Wednesday 23 august 2017
              Largest Organ                                                          Traditional Chinese Medicine physician I take a whole-body approach
                                                                                     that produces more youthful and toned skin without the use of drugs or
              By: Dr Carlos Viana                                                    surgery. It works remarkably well on the face and abdomen.
                                                                                     Since acupuncture is based on the idea that optimal health is achieved
                                                                                     when the body’s systems are in balance, there are other benefits as
              It  is  no  secret  that  we  look  good                               well. For example, women who choose facial acupuncture can expect
              when we feel good and are full of                                      reduced depression and less anxiety, better digestion and sleep cycles,
              sexual  energy  that  largely  defines                                 and fewer hot flashes and night sweats. Those who opt for abdominal
              our  health,  charisma  and  vitality.                                 acupuncture are likely to benefit from increased fertility and sex drive.
              As your body’s largest organ young                                     An important part of balancing your body’s energy flow is to detoxify
              and fair looking skin quickly presents                                 the colon, remove heavy metals, and stop eating incorrectly for your
              your  health  and  vitality.  Obviously                                metabolic type – the three factors that produce unwanted pro-inflam-
              the person who said “Beauty is just                                    matory reactions in the body. Inflammatory reactions in your body show
              skin  deep”  knows  very  little  about                                up on your skin as acne, white yeast spots, hives, or psoriasis.
              good medicine.                                                         Acne is a disease of Western civilization and colleague medical anthro-
              Companies that produce skin care                                       pologists report that the condition was virtually nonexistent in non-west-
              products would like you to believe                                     ernized societies, where refined carbohydrates and sugar were rarely
              that a  beautiful  complexion  is  pur-                                eaten. For instance, in one study that looked at acne cases in island-
              chased from a jar. Afraid not! Truly radiant, moist and blemish-free skin  ers of Papua New Guinea and hunter-gatherers of Paraguay, no acne
              is a result of being clean, not just skin deep, but from deep within.  cases were found in either group. The findings are consistent with what
              Having clean blood that continuously supplies wonderful nutrients right  we see in our grass- roots clinic the significant role of environmental fac-
              to the doorway of each and every cell in your body is the way of hav-  tors, such as diet and vitamin deficiencies in acne. Unfortunately, poor
              ing beautiful skin. Unfortunately, keeping toxins out of your blood and  food quality, including genetically modified foods (GMO) are spread-
              organs is difficult because we live in an environment full of chemicals  ing worldwide and causing increased health problems.
              and drugs, and eat mostly refined foods.                               Erroneously, conventional allopathic medicine attempts to treat acne
              If  your  goal  is  healthy  skin,  you  have  to  make  a  conscious  effort  to  with antibiotics or topical creams that can be especially problemat-
              cleanse these dangerous substances out of your body while putting in  ic because, the drug may kill the good bacteria along with the bad.
              the finest nutrients. The good news is that your body is constantly in a  Drinking sufficient water (1lt/qt. per 30kg/60lbs of weight) and limiting
              cleansing mode and will push out toxins as long as you supply it with the  grains and milk products is an integral step toward optimizing your skin
              energy to do so. The organs responsible for providing you with beautiful  and overall health. The more we study the influence of grains and milk
              skin include: your liver, kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, and large intestines.    products, and their secondary consequences on insulin, the more we
              Contrary  to  popular  belief,  exposing  skin  to  moderate  sunshine  may  will find that their pervasive influences touch nearly every aspect of our
              stop certain cancers from growing, including skin cancer. Vitamin D is  health. Cleansing the colon with a colonic done by a professional is
              a powerful antioxidant that can help protect us from premature ag-     a good way to get re-hydrated and clean the body.  The cleansing
              ing and degenerative diseases. The safest way to obtain vitamin D is  shows in glowing skin.  Supplementing with   Zinc helps clear up acne.
              through appropriate sun exposure. The key word here is “appropriate”.  Get  The  Point!  We  help  restore  healthy  bodies  so  that  inner  beauty
              You should never allow yourself to get sunburned.                      and balance reflect on the outside. Like other health issues, there is no
              Sunburn is caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet light is not healthy  “magic solution” that is to be found in a bottle of pills. A combination
              and leads to premature aging, wrinkling skin and skin cancer. This can  of cleansing, replenishing and protecting the body along with good
              be from the sun, sunlamps or even from some workplace light sources  lifestyle can achieve truly radiant, blemish-free skin. Want a healthy you
              such as welding arcs. Signs of sunburn are skin that is: red, swollen, pain-  from the inside out? Call for an appointment.
              ful, and sometimes blistered. Chills, fever, nausea and vomiting can oc-
              cur if the sunburn covers a lot of your body and is severe.            CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D.  is an Oriental Medical Doctor (O.M.D.) having
              The risk for sunburn is higher for persons with fair skin, blue eyes and red  studied in China; a US Board Cert. Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.), an Ad-
              or blond hair. What many people do not know is that taking some med-   diction Professional (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the Latin American Com-
              ications  including  sulfa  drugs,  some  antibiotics,  some  water  pills  and  mittee of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
              even over-the-counter antihistamines greatly increase your chances of  (IAOMT),  a  Rejuvenating  Cell  Therapist  specializing  in  Age  Manage-
              getting sunburned.                                                     ment, has a weekly radio program, writes and lectures extensively.  For
              Being careful about not getting sunburned is good; however, constant  information: VIANA HEALING CENTER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-1270
              use of sunscreen is not a good way to limit your sun exposure either.  Web Site:
              That is because it is a toxic chemical that can cause problems in your
              system and increase your risk of disease. Here in Aruba the worse time  For information: VIANA NATURAL HEALING CENTER NV, Kibaima 7, Aru-
              to be out in the sun is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. During these hours, if you  ba, TEL: 585-1270, Web Site:
              have to go out in the sun you can use your clothing to block the sun’s  Dr. Viana’s Award Winning BOOK: Prescriptions from Paradise, Introduc-
              rays during your exposure time with the use of hats and long sleeve shirts  tion to Biocompatible Medicine – Available at local Bookstores, Hotel
              and pants or simply stay in the shade once you have reached your safe  Gift  shops  and  Boticas.  Signed  copies  at  Viana  Healing  Center,  EB-
              dose.  Acupuncture procedures used to help the skin are drawn from  ooks: Amazon kindle, Nook, Itunes check for Events at:
              Chinese texts that have been in existence for thousands of years. As a  vianahealingcenter.q
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