Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Thursday 16 February 2023
Chamber of Commerce holds its annual
“meet the Board networking event”
merce, the KvK continues
to fortify its relationship with
the commercial sector,
providing as much nec-
essary support for startup
businesses as well as long
existing businesses. In order
to achieve this, it is crucial
to work with relevant part-
ners and maintain good
contact and relationship.
With the introduction of and
changes in certain legisla-
tions, KvK will be undertak-
(Oranjestad) –Thursday, décor, the event was filled ing various tasks in order to
February 9th, the Cham- with great ambience and achieve this in a structured
ber of Commerce of Aruba music. way. As was anticipated a
(KvK) organized a network- few months ago, the new
ing event, where invitees As it is already accus- law for UBO (Ultimate Ben-
enjoyed a delightful eve- tomed, the new president eficial Owner) registration
ning and also met with gives out a speech to the for companies was finally
the new director of KvK for public. This year, it is Mr. introduced on January 1st highlight the importance of tionally, private and public
2023. Gavril Mansur’s turn as the of this year. This is one the providing information and sectors must keep working
new president to share a tasks that KvK will under- guide to its clients through together to ensure stability
KvK thinks it is important few words. In his speech, take, like improving and various informative sessions in the Aruban economy.
to socialize and maintain he thanked the audience restructuring certain proce- on relevant topics that will
close contact with its stake- present at the event and dures and outdated and keep businesses up to date KvK would once again like
holders in both private shared his vision on his new inefficient rules that could with important aspects in to thank its present invitees
and public sectors. For this role as president, ensuring hinder the approachability the field. for the pleasant evening
event, the chamber would that the institution will main- of conducting business. This and hopes for another pro-
like to also express their tain good management is also without forgetting Lastly, Mr. Mansur stated ductive year with the same
gratitude for the overall with the help from the other certain laws that need to that taking action is im- cooperation from its stake-
good communication and members of the board. be renewed. portant and that promises holders in order to provide
cooperation throughout must be kept, because in good service and support
the entire past year. With Being the representative Aside from the assigned the end, this is what counts to its clients.q
some touches of carnaval body of Aruba’s com- tasks, KvK will continue to and ensures progress. Addi-
Kids Youth in Action celebrates Valentine’s day with beach activities
(Oranjestad)—For yester-
day’s Valentine’s Day fes-
tivities, different schools, lo-
cal business and organiza-
tions celebrated in different
way. For this day, the Kids
& Youth in Action Foun-
dation invited its mem-
bers for beach activities,
where they played games,
danced and enjoyed the
global day of love.
The Kids & Youth in Action
Foundation focuses on
healthy activities for kids
after school. The organi- ous dance styles all around aged by Ms. Debra Boek- ties and lessons for children. homework to organize this
zation primarily consists of the island. Kids & Youth in houdt. All year round, the activity to help us with our
little girls 4 years of age and Action has been around for organization is active in dif- Ariana Lake, member of organizational skills. We or-
older, who showcase vari- 30 years now, and is man- ferent presentations, activi- Kids & Youth in Action and ganized different games,
one of the organizers for including water games
the day’s activities, shared and games with balls or
with Bon Dia Aruba that tubes. We also organized
the day was a success and separate sets of games for
that the children really en- younger and older children.
joyed the activities. I learned a lot from the ex-
perience,” Lake said.q
“Our teacher gave us