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                       Tuesday 4 July 2023

            What to know about Fourth of July holiday origins and traditions

            By JIM SALTER                                                                                                       juries happened in the pe-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    riod  around  the  Fourth  of
            ST. LOUIS (AP) — The Fourth                                                                                         July.
            of  July  is  Americana  at  its                                                                                    About one-third of the inju-
            core:  parades  and  cook-                                                                                          ries were to the head, face,
            outs and cold beer and, of                                                                                          ears  or  eyes.  Finger,  hand
            course, fireworks.                                                                                                  and  leg  injuries  are  com-
            Those  pyrotechnics  also                                                                                           mon, too.
            make it an especially dan-                                                                                          “I  have  seen  people  who
            gerous holiday, typically re-                                                                                       have  blown  off  fingers,”
            sulting in more than 10,000                                                                                         said  Dr.  Tiffany  Osborn,  an
            trips  to  the  emergency                                                                                           emergency room physician
            room.  Yet  fireworks  remain                                                                                       at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in
            at  the  center  of  Indepen-                                                                                       St. Louis.
            dence  Day,  a  holiday  247                                                                                        “I’ve  seen  people  who
            years in the making.                                                                                                have  lost  eyes.  I’ve  seen
            Here are five things to know                                                                                        people  who  have  signifi-
            about  July  Fourth,  includ-                                                                                       cant facial injuries.”
            ing the origin of the holiday                                                                                       Children under 15 make up
            and how fireworks became                                                                                            nearly one-third of those in-
            part of the tradition.                                                                                              jured by fireworks. Sparklers
            WHAT’S  THE  ORIGIN  OF  IN-                                                                                        often are blamed for burns
            DEPENDENCE DAY?                                                                                                     to  children  under  age  5.
            The holiday celebrates the                                                                                          Osborn  suggested  giving
            Second  Continental  Con-    Dominique  Tafoya  arranges  some  of  the  new  fireworks  stock  at  a  local  fireworks  concession   small children glow sticks or
            gress’ unanimous adoption    stand, July 1, 2011, in Phoenix.                                                       colorful streamers instead.
            of the Declaration of Inde-                                                                        Associated Press   For those planning to shoot
            pendence on July 4, 1776,                                                                                           off   fireworks,   Heckman
            a  document  announcing      in  a  letter  to  his  wife,  Abi-  Adams  was  so  adamant  honest with you.”        urged  finding  a  flat,  hard,
                                                                      that he turned down invita-
                                                                                                   Sales  are  expected  to  rise
                                         gail, dated July 3, 1776.
            the  colonies’  separation                                                                                          level  surface  away  from
            from Great Britain.          Fireworks   were    around  tions  to  festivals  and  other  another  $100  million  this   structures  and  other  things
                                         centuries  before  America  events,  even  while  serv-
                                                                                                   year,  the  association  said.
            One  year  later,  according                                                                                        that  could  catch  fire.  The
            to  the  Library  of  Congress,   became  a  nation.  The  ing as the nation’s second  It  helps  that  the  Fourth  of   person  responsible  for  the
                                         American Pyrotechnics As-
                                                                      president. Ironically, Adams  July is on a Tuesday, creat-
            a spontaneous celebration                                                                                           fireworks  should  avoid  al-
            in Philadelphia marked the   sociation says many histori-  and  Thomas  Jefferson,  the  ing  essentially  a  four-day   cohol. Children should nev-
                                         ans  believe  fireworks  were  primary author of the Dec-
            anniversary of American in-                               laration  of  Independence,  ARE  FIREWORKS  DANGER-      er ignite them.
            dependence.                  first  developed  in  the  sec-                           OUS?                         Osborn  encouraged  hav-
                                         ond century B.C. in ancient  both died on the 50th anni-
            But  across  the  burgeoning                                                                                        ing a bucket or hose near-
            nation,  observations  didn’t   China  by  throwing  bam-  versary  of  the  document’s  Despite  widespread  edu-  by in case of fire or explo-
                                         boo stalks into fires, causing  formal  adoption,  July  4,  cation  efforts,  thousands
            become      commonplace                                                                                             sion.  Shoot  off  one  at  a
            until after the War of 1812.   explosions as the hollow air  1826.                     of  Americans  are  badly    time and walk away quick-
                                                                      HOW  POPULAR  ARE  FIRE-
                                         pockets overheated.
                                                                                                   injured  by  fireworks  each
            It  quickly  took  off:  The  Li-                         WORKS?                                                    ly  after  igniting,  she  said,
            brary  of  Congress  notes   By  the  15th  century,  fire-                            year, and this year is no ex-  and never relight or handle
                                         works were widely used for  Consumer sales of fireworks  ception.
            that  major  historic  events                                                                                       a  malfunctioned  firework.
            in the 19th century, such as   religious  festivals  and  pub-  have  grown  rapidly  over  Late  Saturday  night,  fire-  When done, shovel up the
                                                                                                   fighters  and  medics  were
                                         lic entertainment in Europe  the past two decades.
            groundbreaking  ceremo-                                                                                             remains and soak them be-
            nies for the Erie Canal and   and  early  U.S.  settlers  car-  Statistics  from  the  Ameri-  called  to  Lexington  Town-  fore disposing.q
                                                                                                   ship,  a  suburb  of  Kansas
                                         ried on those traditions, the  can
            the  Baltimore  and  Ohio
            Railroad,  were  scheduled   association said.            ciation  show  that  in  2000,  City,  Kansas,  for  reports  of
                                         HAS  A  PRESIDENT  EVER  RE-
                                                                      American consumers spent  a  shed  on  fire  and  arrived
            to  coincide  with  Fourth  of   FUSED TO CELEBRATE?
                                                                      $407  million  on  fireworks.  to find fireworks actively ex-
            July festivities.            Presidents  from  George  By  2022,  that  figure  rose  ploding  from  the  burning
            HOW  DID  FIREWORKS  BE-
            CAME A JULY FOURTH TRA-      Washington  to  Joe  Biden  to  $2.3  billion.  The  biggest  shed  and  several  people   ARUBA
            DITION?                      have  celebrated  the  na-   jump came during the CO-     lying injured on the ground.
            The display of pyrotechnics   tion’s birth on the Fourth of  VID-19  pandemic,  when  Firefighters, medics and lo-          CLEAN
                                         July,  with  one  exception:  public  fireworks  displays  cal police dragged the vic-
            has  been a  big  part  of In-
            dependence Day from the      Adams.                       were shut down. Consumer  tims from the area to safe-
                                                                                                   ty,  and  four  people  were
                                         His  letter  to  his  wife  aside,  sales  jumped  from  $1  bil-
            outset.  Founding  Father
            John Adams saw it coming.    Adams  refused  to  cele-    lion in 2019 to $1.9 billion in  taken to hospitals  two with
                                         brate the holiday on July 4  2020.
                                                                                                   serious  injuries,  Northwest
            Commemoration            of
            America’s  independence      because he felt July 2 was  “People  went  to  the  fire-  Consolidated  Fire  District
                                         the  real  Independence  works  store  beginning  Me-
                                                                                                   Chief  Todd  Maxton  said  in
            “ought  to  be  solemnized
            with  Pomp  and  Parade,     Day. Why? It was on July 2,  morial  Day  weekend  and  a statement.
                                         1776,  that  the  Continental  they  just  didn’t  stop,”  said  The U.S. Consumer Product
            with Shews, Games, Sports,
            Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illu-  Congress voted in favor of  Julie  Heckman,  executive  Safety  Commission  reports
                                         the  resolution  for  indepen-
                                                                      director  of  the  American  that in 2022, 10,200 people
            minations from one End of                                                                                                  IS MORE
            this Continent to the other   dence,  though  the  Dec-   Pyrotechnics  Association.  were  treated  at  emergen-
                                                                                                   cy  rooms  and  11  deaths
                                         laration  of  Independence  “They  were  firing  off  fire-
            from  this  Time  forward  for-                                                                                          DUSHI
            ever  more,”  Adams  wrote   wasn’t  formally  adopted  works all of 2020. It shocked  were  blamed  on  fireworks.
                                         until two days later.        the  industry,  to  be  quite  About three-quarters of in-
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