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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 4 July 2023

            The Day of Independence

            ORANJESTAD  —  Today  is  mer  of  1776.  In  a  June  7
            a  federal  holiday  in  the  session in the Pennsylvania
            United States and although  State  House  (later  Inde-
            this is not the case in Aruba  pendence  Hall),  Richard
            we do celebrate Indepen-     Henry  Lee  of  Virginia  pre-
            dence  Day.  With  most  of  sented a resolution with the
            our visitors being American  famous  words:  "Resolved:
            citizens,  our  island  joins  in  That these United Colonies
            typical American traditions  are,  and  of  right  ought  to
            and  celebrations.  July  4th,  be,  free  and  independent
            Independence  Day,  is  the  States,  that  they  are  ab-
            most  important  one  in  the  solved  from  all  allegiance
            row.                         to  the  British  Crown,  and
                                         that  all  political  connec-
            On July 4, 1776, the 13 col-  tion  between  them  and
            onies  claimed  their  inde-  the State of Great Britain is,
            pendence  from  England,  and ought to be, totally dis-
            an event which eventually  solved."
            led to the formation of the  On the first Independence
            United  States.  Each  year  Day  celebration,  held  in
            on the fourth of July Ameri-  Philadelphia on July 4, 1777,  are part of the celebration  and blue and wave Ameri-  the  hotel  area,  food  spe-
            cans celebrate this historic  when  the  country  was  still  as  also  the  typical  Ameri-  can flags.            cials  and  more!  Ask  your
            event.                       in the midst of the Revolu-  can lifestyle is honored. This                            hotel  concierge  for  more
            Conflict  between  the  col-  tionary War against Britain,  awesome  holiday  includes  On  Aruba  most  of  the  re-  details.
            onies  and  England  was  citizens  came  together  to  many customs like parades  sorts  set  up  celebrations  On behalf of Aruba Today
            already  a  year  old  when  watch  their  new  nation's  and  concerts.  During  the  and special dinners for their  we wish everyone a fantas-
            the  colonies  convened  a  sky  illuminated  in  a  grand  day,  families  get  together  guests.  There  are  fireworks  tic 4th of July!q
            Continental  Congress  in  display meant to raise spir-   for  picnics  and  parades.  on  the  beach  and  4th  of
            Philadelphia  in  the  sum-  its. For this reason fireworks  People  wear  red,  white,  July  club  parties  around        Source:

                                                                                                   Aruban legends:
                                                                                                   Frenchman’s Pass

                                                                                                   Pass, and there have been  hand appeared again. Af-
                                                                                                   many  accounts  of  spirits  ter having had enough, the
                                                                                                   roaming the area of Span-    man  decided  to  jump  out
                                                                                                   ish Lagoon.                  and he ran to Santa Cruz.

                                                                                                   There  are  many  ghost  sto-  Arriving  at  a  nearby  bar,
                                                                                                   ries  surrounding  this  area,  he ordered a drink and be-
                                                                                                   but one of the most famous  gan to tell everyone about
                                                                                                   one involves a lonely hitch-  his  experience.  Everyone
                                                                                                   hiker,  trying  to  find  a  ride  grew  quiet,  because  they
                                                                                                   back  home  in  the  dark  realized  he  wasn’t  some
                                                                                                   rainy night.                 drunk  messing  around;  he
                                                                                                                                was telling the truth.
                                                                                                   Sometime  after  trying  to
                                                                                                   hitchhike,  the  man  saw  a  Sometime  later,  two  men
                                                                                                   car  approaching,  appear-   walked  into  the  bar  and
                                                                                                   ing almost ghost-like in the  one  of  them  noticed  the
                                                                                                   rain.  However,  since  he  hitchhiker. He called out to
                                                                                                   needed  a  ride  real  bad,  his buddy and said: “Look,
                                                                                                   he  didn’t  think  twice  and  there’s  the  idiot  who  sat
                                                                                                   jumped in. But to his horror,  in  our  car  when  we  were
                                                                                                   he  noticed  that  the  there  pushing it!”
                                                                                                   was  no  driver  in  the  front.
                                                                                                   Paralyzed  with  fear,  he  French  man’s  pass  is  one
                                                                                                   didn’t dare to get out, and  of  the  few  sites  on  the  is-
            (Oranjestad)—If  you  ever  The  history  of  the  French-  arms,  the  indigenous  set-  the car started to move.  land  that  keeps  the  locals
            plan  on  taking  a  group  man’s pass—and how it got  tlers began to retreat, and                                  on  their  toes.  While  most
            tour of the island, you may  its  name—dates  back  to  hid away in nearby caves.  When         approaching     a  ghost stories may not have
            pass  through  the  French-  the colonization era, when  The  French  colonizers  tried  sharp  turn,  the  hitch  hiker  real grounds—or some may
            man’s  Pass  in  Balashi.  The  the  French  tried  to  colo-  to  smoke  them  out  of  the  braced for impact, but just  even be a set up story for a
            Frenchman’s  pass  (known  nize  the  island,  but  were  caves,  but  the  indigenous  when  he  though  the  car  joke, this pass contributes a
            to  locals  as  “Franse  Pas”)  met with an angry mob of  settlers  ended  up  inhal-  might drive straight off the  lot to our culture of folkloric
            remains a mysterious—and  indigenous settlers, refusing  ing  too  much  smoke  and  road  and  crash,  he  saw  a  story-telling.q
            spooky—road  of  which  its  to give up their land. How-  most  died  in  those  caves.  hand  appear  out  the  win-
            legend is told from genera-  ever,  as  the  French  were  From then on, this passage  dow  and  turn  the  wheel.        Source:
            tion to generation.          heavily  equipped  with  fire  was known as Frenchman’s  For  the  next  few  turns,  the
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