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sports Dialuna 18 Juli 2022
Kerley leads red, white & blue sweep of 100 at worlds
(AP) — Before the race, had finished chanting “USA! ed less from the group. This
U.S. fighter jets zoomed USA! USA!” is one of the best groups of
over the stadium. Then, U.S. sprinters we’ve had in
down on the track, Ameri- Kerley powered through the years.”
cans flashed a different line to finish in 9.86 seconds
kind of speed. and beat both the leaning This All-American burst of
Marvin Bracy and the 2021 speed came moments after
Fred Kerley led the charge U.S. champion, Trayvon the jets presaged the eve-
Saturday on an All-Ameri- Bromell, by less than 0.02 ning’s main event by blaz-
can night for track and field, seconds. The difference be- ing over Hayward Stadium,
headlining the first U.S. tween second and third was the still-cozy confines on the
sweep of the sport’s marquee 0.002. University of Oregon cam-
event, the men’s 100, in 31 pus that were renovated to
years at the worlds. It placed It marked the first Ameri- bring the championships to
a red-white-and-blue stamp can sweep at the world meet the U.S. for the first time.
on Day 2 of the first cham- since Carl Lewis, Leroy
pionships held on American Burrell and Dennis Mitchell The race itself brought back the good old days — Lewis bunch of comeback stories
soil. went gold-silver-bronze in memories of times when the was a star and Burrell and and “I told ya so’s.”
1991 in Tokyo. U.S. dominated the track few others certainly filled the
“We said we were going to do game in the same way Ja- stands. That was also a time “It’s amazing to be around
it and we did it,” Kerley said “It’s amazing,” said Burrell, maica and Usain Bolt did for of the sullen track superstar the greats,” Kerley said.
in the on-track interview, who was on hand. “And hon- nearly a decade starting in and an era marred by doping. “They did it in ’91, and now
moments after the crowd estly, I wouldn’t have expect- 2008. Some might call that This one felt more like a we did it in ’22.”
McIlroy, Hovland avoid blunders to share British Open lead
(AP) — Cheers from every ing birdies and avoiding the the moment as well and ap- It wasn’t a two-man race, each other.
corner of the Old Course blunders that cost so many preciating the fact that it’s even if it felt that way as the
that belonged to Tiger other potential contenders. unbelievably cool to have a Old Course emptied and Woods stands alone in driving
Woods for two days at St. chance to win The Open at bagpipes began to skirl at the the sport, though McIlroy is
Andrews switched over to Both made birdie on the fi- St Andrews,” McIlroy said. end of the day. the most popular worldwide,
Rory McIlroy in the Brit- nal hole for a 6-under 66. “It’s what dreams are made and it sounded like that — on
ish Open, and he certainly No one else was closer than of. And I’m going to try to Cameron Smith, who started the first tee when McIlroy
did his part to give them four shots. They have the make a dream come true to- with a two-shot lead, took was introduced, for every
what came to see Satur- same score at 16-under 200, morrow.” double bogey on the 13th birdie, and when he took the
day. though the support is one- hole when he tried a bold lead for the first time with a
sided. Hovland, already with six play with his feet in a pot birdie on the 14th.
McIlroy holed a bunker shot victories worldwide in his bunker. Cameron Young
for eagle on the 10th hole “They’re chanting his name four years since leaving Okla- went over the 16th green and “I love that I’ve got so much
that he described as part skill out there. I think he’s defi- homa State as a U.S. Amateur then back down the other support,” McIlroy said. “But
and part luck, but it was pure nitely a crowd favorite,” champion, could appreciate side for a double bogey on at the same time, I need to
magic. He showed discipline Masters champion Scottie the support for McIlroy and the 16th hole. keep in my own little world
to know when to aim away Scheffler said. “How can you all he has done. He played and try to play a good round
from the flag, and to take not root for Rory?” mistake-free and sounded as They were four shots be- of golf. Hopefully, that’s
bogey when he was stuck be- though he were up for the hind, still in the game. Two- enough.”
tween a wall and a road be- McIlroy is one round away task. time major champion Dustin
hind the 17th green. from ending eight long years Johnson, the best candidate His lone mistake was coming
without a major. He wants “I’m going against one of the from the Saudi-funded LIV out of the left rough and over
McIlroy now shares the stage to stay in his world without best players in the world and Golf league to claim this ma- the 17th green, across the
at the home of golf with Vik- ignoring the support raining I’m certainly not going to jor, putted across the green road and near the stone wall.
tor Hovland, the emerging down on him. hold back, because he’s cer- and into a bunker for one He played a safe pitch onto
Norwegian star who was tainly not,” Hovland said. of three bogeys on the back the green and two-putted for
every bit as good in mak- “I think it’s appreciating nine. He fell six shots behind. bogey.
McIlroy and Hovland had no Hovland, bogey-free for the
such trouble. round, showed off some
magic of his own on the 17th
Hovland holed a pair of 40- by putting off the dirt path
foot putts on his way to four just short of the road, up the
straight birdies on the front hill to about 5 feet for a par.
nine to seize the lead. Mc-
Ilroy finally caught him by “I’ve never been in a bigger
holing out from a pot bunker spot in my career,” Hovland
some 80 feet away for eagle said. He sounded up to the
on the 10th hole, setting off task, and the popular Nor-
a roar that could be heard all wegian also saw — and heard
the way back at the Royal & — what he will be up against
Ancient clubhouse. Sunday.
McIlroy only a day earlier “I get a couple in there,” he
tipped his cap to Woods as said of the cheers so heavily
he started his second round slanted toward McIlroy. “I’m
and Woods was on his way probably an underdog, but I
to missing the cut, crossing don’t mind that at all. Hope-
the Swilcan Bridge for what fully, we can push ourselves
might have been last time. tomorrow.”
The R&A set the tee times
that way so they would pass