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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 4 February 2020

            U.N. health agency tackles misinformation over virus outbreak

            By JAMEY KEATEN              ter —  Wuhan  city  and  sur-
            Associated Press             rounding Hubei province —
            GENEVA (AP) — The World  to  keep  the  virus  from  spi-
            Health  Organization  chief  raling out of control. It also
            has traveled a dozen times  wants  to  help  get  weaker
            to  monitor  the  Ebola  re-  health systems ready.
            sponse  in  violence-marred  Before he left for the meet-
            eastern  Congo.  But  when  ing with President Xi Jinping
            he planned to visit China's  last week, Tedros reassured
            capital  last  week  over  a  his daughter: "It's ok, it's not
            new viral outbreak emerg-    all over China."
            ing  from  central  Hubei  "Even  in  China,  the  virus  is
            province, his daughter got  not  evenly  spread  every-
            worried.                     where,  and  the  risk  is  not
            "Before I left for Beijing, my  the  same,"  he  recalled.
            daughter  was  saying,  'Oh,  "When I was in Beijing, what
            you  should  not  go,'"  WHO  we had discussed with the
            Director-General    Tedros  authorities  is  that  our  con-
            Adhanom       Ghebreyesus  centrated effort should be
            confided to the U.N. health  in  the  epicenters,  or  the
            agency's  executive  board  sources of the virus."
            in a public session on Mon-  Pausing on a couple of oc-
            day.                         casions to cough, clear his
            The  account  exemplifies  throat, and drink some wa-
            the  fine  line  WHO  officials  ter, Tedros quipped: "Don't   Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), waits
                                                                      prior the opening of the 146th session of the World Health Organization Executive Board, at the
            are  navigating  between  worry:  It's  not  corona,"     World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020.
            fear  about  the  new  coro-  prompting laughter.                                                                               Associated Press
            navirus  and  hopes  of  in-  WHO  is  also  battling  mis-
            creasing  international  pre-  information,  working  with  epidemic  "is  a  devil  —  we  ed  that  the  outbreak  and  oping countries with weak-
            paredness  about  an  out-   Google to ensure that peo-   cannot let the devil hide."  response  have  been  ac-    er health systems.
            break that has taken more  ple get facts from the U.N.  "At the same time, the inter-  companied  "by  a  massive  Tedros  said  recent  out-
            than 360 lives and infected  health  agency  first  when  national community needs  'infodemic'  —  an  over-       breaks such as the new vi-
            at  least  17,238  people  in  they  search  for  informa-  to  treat  the  new  virus  ob-  abundance of information,  rus and Ebola demonstrat-
            China  since  late  Decem-   tion about the virus. Social  jectively, fairly, calmly, and  some  accurate  and  some  ed the shortcomings of the
            ber — and could become  media  platforms  such  as  rationally,  and  not  over-       not — that makes it hard for  "binary" emergency system,
            a pandemic. So far, growth  Twitter, Facebook, Tencent  interpret  it  negatively  and  people  to  find  trustworthy  calling it "too restrictive, too
            has  been  exponential  in  and TikTok have also taken  pessimistically,  or  deliber-  sources  and  reliable  guid-  simplistic, and not fit for pur-
            China, but elsewhere cases  steps to limit the spread of  ately create panic," Li said.   ance when they need it.   pose."
            remain  under  150,  scat-   misinformation  and  rumors  "We  need  facts,  not  fear.  The  report  said  WHO,  the  "We  have  a  green  light,  a
            tered  across  nearly  two  about the outbreak.           We  need  science,  not  ru-  U.N.  health  agency,  was  red  light,  and  nothing  in-
            dozen countries.             Chinese  officials  are  in-  mors.  We  need  solidarity,  working "24 hours a day to  between," he said, adding
            "Instead  of  spending  time  creasingly speaking out. At  not stigma."                identify the most prevalent  that WHO was considering
            on  fear  and  panic,  we  the executive board meet-      Since the outbreak began,  rumors that can potentially  options to allow for an "in-
            should  say  this  is  the  time  ing,  Ambassador  Li  Song,  a  number  of  misleading  harm  the  public's  health,  termediate level of alert."
            to  prepare,"  Tedros  said.  deputy  permanent  repre-   claims  and  hoaxes  about  such  as  false  prevention  In July, Tedros declared the
            "Because 146 cases, by any  sentative  for  China  in  Ge-  the  virus  have  circulated  measures or cures."       Ebola outbreak in Congo a
            standard, is very low."      neva,  lashed  out  at  flight  online.  They  include  false  Tedros  also  addressed  his  global  emergency:  There
            As   governments    clamp  cancellations,  visa  deni-    conspiracy  theories  that  decision last week to clas-   have  been  3,421  cases
            down  on  travel  to  China,  als  and  refusals  by  some  the  virus  was  created  in  sify the virus outbreak as a  and  2,242  deaths  from  it
            airlines   suspend   flights  countries  to  admit  citizens  a  lab  and  that  vaccines  global  emergency,  saying  since  the  outbreak  began
            and  Chinese  nationals  fret  of Hubei province — saying  have already been manu-     the  move  was  prompted  18 months ago.
            about  rising  xenophobia  those  moves  went  against  factured,     exaggerations  by  increased  human-to-       The WHO executive board,
            and ostracism, WHO is cali-  WHO recommendations.         about  the  number  of  sick  human  spread  of  the  virus  which  is  starting  a  six-day
            brating a message of praise  Li  noted  how  President  Xi,  and  dead,  and  claims  to numerous countries and  meeting,  plans  to  hold  a
            to Chinese officials and try-  in  his  meeting  with  Tedros,  about bogus cures.     the fear it could have a sig-  special  technical  session
            ing to focus on the epicen-  had  said  the  coronavirus  On  Sunday,  WHO  lament-    nificant  impact  on  devel-  on the virus Tuesday.q
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