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Dialuna, 28 Augustus 2023                                    AWEMainta                                              SUCESO                 11

       Dos cabayero di edad kier a dal otro despues di algun bebida

           iabierna       anochi

       an pasando altura di
       Cede di MEP na San-                                       PUBLIC AUCTION
       ta Cruz a tuma nota
       cu dos homber tawata

       bringa cu otro.                                                                   T H U R S D A Y
                                                                           S E P T E M B E R   2 8 ,   2 0 2 3
       Polis cu a wordo avisa
       a yega y a constata

       cu berdad  tawata tin                       On Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 11 AM, at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be
       dos homber na e sitio.                   auctioned in public (executoriale verkoop) pursuant to art. 3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
       A ripara cu  ambos
       tawata bebi.
                                                Palm Beach 17-A
                                                a commercial building on a right of long lease until 29 June 2067 on:
       Segun esnan pasando,                     - a parcel government land with a measurement of 4.382 m2, situated at Palm Beach
       un di nan tawata tin un                  in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number
       pata di cabra(koevoet)                   - a parcel government land with a measurement of 930 m2, situated at Palm Beach in

       y lo tawata kier a uza                   Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number
       esaki ariba su “amigo”.                  235.
                                                 - a parcel government land with a measurement of 597 m2, situated at Palm Beach in
                                                Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number
       Polis  a logra haya e                    1158.
                                                - a parcel government land with a measurement of 352 m2, situated at Palm Beach in
       pata di cabra y a kita                   Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number
       esaki for di e cabayero,                 1350.
                                                - a parcel government land with a measurement of 92 m2, situated at Palm Beach in
       evitando un drama.                       Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number

                                                Starting bid: T.B.D.
           Like & Follow                        AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. JOHNSON

        nos riba Facebook                       ·The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special auction
                                                conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
                                                ·Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
                                                ·The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
                                                ·Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a bank in Aruba to the
                                                amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction costs.
                                                ·A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until  , September 13, 2023, at 5 PM. A bidding
                                                form can be downloaded on our website.

                                                                          For more information visit:

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