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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 31 Januari 2022

                            Boris Johnson’s mounting trouble is treasure for satirists

            (AP)  —  A  politician’s                                                                                            depicted Queen Elizabeth II
            troubles  are  a  humorist’s                                                                                        wearing a gas mask to protect
            treasures.                                                                                                          herself from the rotten smell
                                                                                                                                of  Johnson  and  his  Conser-
            The  scandal-prone  British                                                                                         vative government flounder-
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                                                       ing in a swamp behind her. It
            son has given cartoonists and                                                                                       was inspired by photographs
            meme-makers  unimaginable                                                                                           of the monarch sitting alone
            riches for years, and with his                                                                                      wearing a black face mask at
            hold on power now in jeop-                                                                                          her  husband  Prince  Philip’s
            ardy,  their  fortunes  are  only                                                                                   funeral in April 2021, the day
            growing.                                                                                                            after  one  of  the  parties  held
                                                                                                                                by Johnson’s staff.
            Johnson and his staff are fac-
            ing civil and criminal investi-                                                                                     One of the most popular par-
            gations into social gatherings                                                                                      odies of the “partygate” scan-
            they  hosted  last  year  while                                                                                     dal  is a video  by the protest
            the rest of the U.K. was hun-                                                                                       group  Led  By  Donkeys  that
            kering down under coronavi-                                                                                         inserted Johnson into the hit
            rus restrictions. The episode                                                                                       TV  detective  show  “Line  of
            raises serious questions about                                                                                      Duty.”  Through  digital  cut-
            Johnson’s leadership and po-                                                                                        and-paste,  Johnson  became
            litical accountability.                                                                                             a suspect being grilled by the
                                                                                                                                show’s anti-corruption police
            But what gives it extra bite —                                                                                      unit for holding illegal parties
            and gives humorists much to  Britain has a long and proud                              Papua  New  Guinea  to  the  during lockdown.
            chew on — are the often lu-  tradition of political satire. In  Steve  Marchant,  learning  citizens of Liverpool and who
            dicrous details: political aides  the 18th century, cartoonists  coordinator  at  the  Cartoon  once  got  stuck  midair  on  a  “You  must  think  we  were
            hauling suitcases of wine into  such  as  James  Gillray  lam-  Museum  in  London,  says  zipline  while  waving  two  born  yesterday,  fella!”  the
            the  prime  minister’s  resi-  pooned  British  politicians  they  needn’t  have  worried:  Union Jacks.            show’s  no-nonsense  senior
            dence,  or  drunkenly  break-  and  royalty  with  an  irrever-  Johnson is a gift for humor-                       police  officer  Ted  Hast-
            ing a swing set belonging to  ence — even viciousness —  ists.                         Rowson  says  Johnson’s  car-  ings, played by Adrian Dun-
            Johnson’s toddler son.       that shocked many European                                toonish persona is deliberate-  bar,  thundered  in  the  video,
                                         visitors.                    “All  you  need  to  draw  is  an  ly crafted. He’s the latest in a  which has been viewed mil-
            One  recent  newspaper  car-                              egg with some straw on top  long  line  of  politicians  who  lions of times on social me-
            toon captured the collision of  British TV shows like “Spit-  and  you’ve  got  Boris  before  have “played to being carica-  dia.
            tragedy  and  farce  by  depict-  ting  Image,”  with  its  latex  you even attempt to draw the  tures” to keep themselves in
            ing  Johnson  as  the  betrayed  puppet politicians, carried on  face,” Marchant said. “And he  the public eye.     Led  By  Donkeys  has  been
            Roman  ruler  Julius  Caesar,  the tradition in the late 20th  is so — gaffe-prone is prob-                         blending humor and activism
            stabbed  in  the  back  with  century.  These  days,  inter-  ably the polite term I should  “Even  though  we  ridicule  since 2019, when a group of
            corkscrews.                  net  videos  and  memes  have  use.  Every  week  something  them at the same time, it’s a  friends  got  together  to  blast
                                         joined the fun.              happens with Boris. No car-  price worth paying for them,”  what  they  saw  as  the  lies  of
            Martin  Rowson,  a  political                             toonist  is  going  to  die  poor  Rowson said.           politicians  who  took  Britain
            cartoonist  for  The  Guard-  When Johnson became prime  thanks to the antics of Boris                              out of the European Union.
            ian newspaper, says mockery  minister in 2019, some feared  Johnson.”                  Even  so,  not  all  publicity  is  Named after the description
            is  one  of  the  trade-offs  in  he would be hard to satirize                         good news for politicians.   of  British  soldiers  in  World
            democratic societies between  because  he  was  already  a  This,  after  all,  is  the  erratic                    War  I  as  “lions  led  by  don-
            government  and  governed:  cartoonish  figure,  with  his  politician  who  once  mused  Much of the humor around  keys,” the group erected bill-
            “They  have  power  and  we  thatch  of  blonde  hair,  rum-  about being “reincarnated as  “partygate”  has  an  under-  boards  exposing  hypocriti-
            have  the  right  to  laugh  at  pled  clothes  and  blustering  an  olive,”  who has  offended  current  of  anger.  One  of  cal  statements  by  the  Brexit
            them.”                       manner.                      everyone from the people of  Rowson’s  recent  cartoons  campaign.

                                 French left is divided, weakened in presidential race

            (AP)  —  The  French  left  line  vote  are  expected  Sun-  candidate  Valérie  Pécresse
            is  running  divided  and  day  evening.  But  the  move  and  two  far-right  figures,
            weakened  in  this  year’s  already  appears  bound  to  Marine le Pen and Eric Zem-
            presidential  race  as  at  fail: key contenders say they  mour, are the main challeng-
            least   five   mainstream  wouldn’t  respect  the  out-   ers according to polls, placing
            presidential    candidates  come because they don’t re-   far-left  candidate  Jean-Luc
            have rejected any allianc-   spect the process.           Melenchon in fifth position.
            es with each other — and
            an  online  vote  meant  to  At least five main candidates  Melenchon  —  a  political
            pick  a  leader  Sunday  ap-  ranging from left-wing to the  firebrand  with  a  notorious
            pears doomed to fail.        far-left are running for presi-  temper  —  refuses  to  form
                                         dent,  in  addition  to  lesser-  a  united  front  with  other
            The  so-called  Popular  Pri-  known  contenders.  At  the  left-wing  candidates.  The
            mary  has  been  organized  by  moment,  none  of  them  ap-  70-year-old  politician,  who
            left-wing supporters to unite  pears  in  a  position  to  reach  heads  the  “Rebel  France”
            their  ranks  before  France’s  the  two-person  runoff  in  party,  has  promised  to  guar-
            presidential  election  is  held  April’s election.       antee jobs for everyone, raise
            in  two  rounds  on  April  10                            the  minimum  wage,  lower
            and 24.                      Centrist  President  Emman-  the retirement age to 60 and  nick  Jadot,  54,  and  the  So-  alliance between their parties.
                                         uel  Macron,  who  doesn’t  hike  taxes  on  multinationals  cialist candidate, Paris Mayor  Another  candidate,  Fabien
            More  than  460,000  people  hide his intention to run for  and rich households.       Anne Hidalgo, 62, have also  Roussel,  52,  is  running  for
            registered  for  the  primary.  reelection,  is  considered  the                       rejected  the  idea  of  running  the Communist Party.
            Results  of  the  four-day  on-  front-runner.  Conservative  The Greens’ contender, Yan-  together despite a traditional
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