Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
Tuesday 18 February 2020
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the Global
Women's Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Monday, Feb.
17, 2020.
Associated Press
Women in
politics: Theresa An Imperial guard wearing a face mask stands in the snow outside the Gyeongbok Palace, the
main royal palace during the Joseon Dynasty in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Feb. 17, 2020.
May recounts Associated Press
'sticky tape' China reports 1,886 new virus
moment cases, death toll up by 98
Mainland China reported nom Ghebreyesus said. clude relatively few chil-
By AYA BATRAWY ter Margaret Thatcher, was 1,886 new virus cases and China may postpone its dren, and the risk of death
Associated Press speaking on stage with the 98 more deaths for a total annual congress in March, rises with age. It's higher
DUBAI, United Arab Emir- United Arab Emirates' am- of 1,868 in its update Tues- its biggest political meet- among those with other
ates (AP) — Former British bassador to the United Na- day, following a report that ing of the year, to avoid health problems — more
Prime Minister Theresa May tions, Lana Nusseibeh. 80% of cases have been travel while the disease is than 10% for those with
said Monday that early on Nusseibeh shared her own mild, prompting guarded still spreading. The standing heart disease, for example,
in her political career, she "embarrassing" anecdote, optimism from health offi- committee for the Nation- and higher among those in
vowed never to think that saying that once while try- cials. al People's Congress will Hubei province versus else-
being a woman held her ing to keep up with the The latest figures come af- meet Feb. 24 to deliberate where in China.
back. UAE's foreign minister on ter health officials in China on a postponement of the Cases seem to have been
"Don't think that you don't the streets of New York, she published the first details meeting due to start March declining since Feb. 1,
get something because got her heel stuck in a gut- on nearly 45,000 cases of 5. but that could change as
you're a woman," she told ter and it broke off. She did infection with the corona- The new disease, called people return to work and
an audience of mostly her best to keep up. virus that originated there, COVID-19, first emerged in school after the Chinese
women at the Global "Men, frankly, don't run in saying more than 80% have December in Wuhan, the holidays, the report warns.
Women's Forum Dubai. heels," Nusseibeh said. been mild and new ones capital of central China's Beijing has sought to fore-
Still, there were times when May also spoke about a seem to be falling since Hubei province, and has stall that by extending the
being a woman head of type of boys-club culture early this month. spread to more than two Lunar New Year holiday,
state was — well, sticky. that existed when she first A total of 72,436 cases dozen other countries. imposing tight travel re-
May recounted one such entered the House of Com- have been reported in The new study reports on strictions and demanding
moment. She was on a Brit- mons as a member of par- mainland China as of Tues- 44,672 cases confirmed in 14 days off self-quarantine
ish Air Force flight, heading liament in the late 1990s, day, although a spike in China as of Feb. 11. The for anyone returning from
to a dinner and having to with "a huge emphasis on recent cases was due to virus caused severe symp- outside their immediate re-
change into evening attire. the men sort-of drinking to- a broader definition in the toms such as pneumonia in gion.
There were no changing gether and getting togeth- hardest-hit region based 14% of them and critical ill- Hundreds of cases have
facilities on board but the er into groups." on doctors' diagnoses be- ness in 5%. been confirmed outside
staff told her not to worry. "Some of the women felt fore laboratory tests were The fatality rate for these China, with a significant
"They took up me into the they had to join that, and I completed. confirmed cases is 2.3% — number on a cruise ship
cockpit, there with two didn't," May said. "I wanted Monday's report from the 2.8% for males versus 1.7% quarantined at a port near
pilots, and I'm thinking 're- to do it the way I wanted Chinese Center for Disease for females. Tokyo. Japanese officials
ally?'," she said. to do it. So, I did it my way. Control and Prevention That's lower than for SARS on Monday confirmed
"A chap comes along with I was myself and, hey, I was gives the World Health Or- and MERS, which are 99 more people were in-
sticky tape and a sheet, prime minister." ganization a "clearer pic- caused by two similar virus- fected on the Diamond
and he stuck it up behind May stepped down as ture of the outbreak, how es, but COVID-19 ultimately Princess, bringing the total
the pilots and says: 'There Conservative leader last it's developing and where could prove more deadly if to 454. The Health Ministry
you go, you can change year, leaving behind a it's headed," WHO's direc- it spreads to far more peo- said it has now tested 1,723
behind that'," she said, to legacy as a prime minister tor-general said at a news ple than the others did. Or- people on the ship, which
laughter and applause who for three years faced conference. dinary flu has a fatality rate had about 3,700 passen-
from the audience. the difficult process of try- "It's too early to tell if this of 0.1% yet kills hundreds of gers and crew aboard.
May, who became the ing to get Britain out of the reported decline will con- thousands because it in- Outside China, the ship has
second female British European Union with stub- tinue. Every scenario is still fects millions each year. the largest number of cas-
prime minister in 2016, af- born determination.q on the table," Tedros Adha- The COVID-19 cases in- es of COVID-19. q