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                  Friday 15 december 2023

             Hong Kong places arrest bounties on activists abroad for

             breaching national security law

            By KANIS LEUNG                                                                                                      eight has yet been made.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Li said the five activists new-
            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong                                                                                               ly added to the wanted list
            Kong  police  accused  five                                                                                         had committed various of-
            activists based overseas of                                                                                         fenses,  including  colluding
            breaching a harsh national                                                                                          with  foreign  forces  and  in-
            security  law  imposed  by                                                                                          citement to secession.
            Beijing and offered rewards                                                                                         “They  all  betrayed  their
            of 1 million Hong Kong dol-                                                                                         own country and betrayed
            lars ($128,000) on Thursday                                                                                         Hong Kong,” he said in the
            for  information  leading  to                                                                                       news  conference.  “After
            each of their arrests.                                                                                              they  fled  overseas,  they
            The  development  further                                                                                           continued  to  engage  in
            intensified  the  Hong  Kong                                                                                        activities  endangering  na-
            government’s  crackdown                                                                                             tional security.”
            on dissidents after anti-gov-                                                                                       Li  said  authorities  will  try
            ernment  protests  in  2019.                                                                                        their  best  to  cut  financial
            Many  leading  pro-democ-                                                                                           support to the wanted ac-
            racy activists were arrested,                                                                                       tivists.
            silenced, or forced into self-                                                                                      Police  arrested  four  other
            exile  after  the  introduction                                                                                     people Wednesday on sus-
            of the security law in 2020,                                                                                        picion  of  funding  former
            in  a  sign  that  freedoms                                                                                         pro-democracy     lawmak-
            promised to the former Brit-  Hong Kong police announce a new list of five Hongkongers that they want to arrest for alleged   ers  Nathan  Law  and  Ted
            ish colony when it returned   national security crimes, at a press conference in Hong Kong, Friday, Dec. 14, 2023.   Hui  two of the eight activ-
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            to China in 1997 had been                                                                                           ists  targeted  by  the  police
            eroded drastically.          on current affairs, and pro-  In July, Hong Kong warned  Steve  Li,  chief  superinten-  in July  through an “online
            But both Beijing and Hong  democracy activists Simon  eight  other  activists  who  dent of the police national  subscription  and  crowd-
            Kong  governments  have  Cheng,  Hui  Wing-ting  and  now  live  abroad  that  they  security  department,  said  funding platform.” The four
            hailed  the  security  law  for  Joey  Siu.  Police  refused  to  would  be  pursued  for  life  authorities  received  some  were alleged to have pro-
            bringing  back  stability  to  say  anything  about  their  under  bounties  put  on  500  pieces  of  informa-     vided  financial  support  to
            the  semi-autonomous  Chi-   whereabouts,  but  their  so-  them.  It  was  the  first  such  tion since the last round of  others  committing  seces-
            nese  city.  Arrest  warrants  cial media profiles and ear-  use under the security law,  bounties  was  announced.  sion.  The  amount  involved
            were issued for Johnny Fok  lier media reports indicated  and  the  authorities’  an-  While  some  of  the  infor-  ranged  from  10,000  to
            and Tony Choi, who host a  they  had  moved  to  the  nouncement drew criticism  mation  was  valuable  to  120,000  Hong  Kong  dollars
            YouTube  channel  focusing  United States and Britain.    from Western governments.    the police, no arrest of the  ($1,280 to $15,400).q

             Guyana says it refuses to bow to Venezuela in dispute over

             territory rich in oil and minerals

            By BERT WILKINSON            the  eastern  Caribbean  is-  who  had  pushed  for  the  friendly,  neutral  grounds  in Essequibo.
            Associated Press             land  of  St.  Vincent.  They  meeting  at  the  Argyle  In-  like  St.  Vincent  and  the  And  both  sides  have  put
            KINGSTOWN,  St.  Vincent  clasped  hands  before  sit-    ternational  Airport  on  St.  Grenadines,” he said       their  militaries  on  alert.  It
            (AP)  —  The  small  South  ting  down  to  talk  behind  Vincent.  Guyana’s  gov-     Venezuela’s  president  has  was  unclear  if  Thursday’s
            American  nation  of  Guy-   closed  doors  as  leaders  ernment  has  said  that  it  is  ordered state-owned com-  meetings  would  lead  to
            ana  said  it  refuses  to  bow  around them clapped.     awaiting  a  ruling  from  the  panies  to  explore  and  ex-  any  agreements  or  ease
            to  its  larger  neighbor  Ven-  Maduro  said  ahead  of  International  Court  of  Jus-  ploit the oil, gas and mines  the border controversy.q
            ezuela Thursday before the  the  meeting  that,  “we  will  tice in The Netherlands and
            two countries met in the lat-  make the most of it so that  said  in  its  statement  Thurs-
            est  chapter  of  a  bitter  dis-  our Latin America and the  day  that  regional  leaders
            pute over an oil- and min-   Caribbean remains a zone  “concurred  with  Guyana’s
            eral-rich  territory  claimed  of peace.” The tension over  position.”
            by both.                     Essequibo  has  raised  wor-  Leaders were meeting be-
            Who  controls  Essequibo,  a  ries about a military conflict  hind closed doors Thursday
            vast border region located  even though many believe  and  could  not  be  imme-
            along  Venezuela’s  border  that unlikely.                diately  reached  for  com-
            “is not up for discussion, ne-  The dispute over Essequibo  ment.
            gotiation  or  deliberation,”  escalated  when  Venezu-   But ahead of the meeting,
            Guyana’s       government  ela reported that its citizens  Ralph  Gonsalves,  prime
            said.                        had voted in a Dec. 3 refer-  minister  of  St.  Vincent  and
            The  statement  was  issued  endum  to  claim  two-thirds  the  Grenadines,  said  that
            shortly  before  Guyanese  of their smaller neighbor.     “to use a cricket metaphor,   Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali, right, walks with St. Vincent
            President  Irfaan  Ali  and  Ali  and  Maduro  first  met  this is not a one-day cricket   and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves as Ali
            Venezuelan President Nico-   individually  Thursday  with  match.”                     arrives to the Argyle International Airport in Argyle, St. Vincent,
            lás Maduro met with each  prime  ministers  and  other  “The  fact  that  they  will  be   Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023.
            other later at a summit on  officials  from  the  region  talking is very important on                                         Associated Press
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