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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 30 Juni 2021

                           Brazil redeploying troops to Amazon rainforest, bans fires

            (AP) — Brazil’s president  2018  election  of  Bolsonaro,  work  of  nonprofits,  univer-
            is  sending  troops  back  to  who repeatedly called for de-  sities  and  technology  com-
            the Amazon to bolster po-    velopment  of  the  rainforest.  panies  that  studies  Brazilian
            licing against logging and  The  destruction  has  elicited  land  use.  Brazil’s  environ-
            other  illegal  land  clear-  an  international  outcry  and,  mental regulator levied fines
            ance, acting amid interna-   more  recently,  an  effort  by  in just 5% of these cases, the
            tional criticism of a surge  U.S.  President  Joe  Biden’s  group found.
            in  deforestation  and  just  administration  to  urge  Bol-
            two  months  after  with-    sonaro to get tough on illegal  Márcio  Astrini,  executive
            drawing a similar military  logging.                      secretary of the Climate Ob-
            mission.                                                  servatory, a network of envi-
                                         This  will  mark  the  third  ronmental nonprofit groups,
            President Jair Bolsonaro’s de-  time that Bolsonaro has dis-  called  the  latest  military  de-
            cree calls for soldiers to go to  patched  troops  to  the  Ama-  ployment  a  “smokescreen″
            the states of Para, Amazonas,  zon,  following  two  “Opera-  that  will  allow  the  govern-
            Mato  Grosso  and  Rondonia  tion  Green  Brazil”  deploy-  ment to claim to be fighting
            through  the  end  of  August.  ments,  the  most  recent  of  deforestation.  He  noted  a
            The  order,  which  was  pub-  which  ended  in  April.  Each  previously  successful  initia-
            lished Monday in Brazil’s of-  mission  involved  thousands  tive,  largely  funded  by  the
            ficial  gazette,  didn’t  provide  of  soldiers.  Still,  environ-  Norwegian  and  German  tion  in  order  to  help  arrest  ity because they weren’t au-
            details  about  the  number  of  mental experts have said the  governments,  has  been  sus-  climate  change.  Bolsonaro  thorized to speak publicly.
            troops to be deployed nor the  military was ill-prepared and  pended since 2019.       has said Brazil lacks enough
            cost of the operation.       had limited efficacy.                                     funds  to  do  so  on  its  own,  The decision to deploy troops
                                                                      “The  government  has  ad-   despite the fact the nation did  is partially meant to demon-
            Vice  President  Hamilton  In 2020, deforestation in Bra-  opted  a  series  of  measures  so at the start of this century.  strate the government’s good
            Mourão  told  reporters  ear-  zil’s Amazon reached a level  that  simply  destroys  the                            intentions to the U.S., one of
            lier  this  month  that  the  de-  unseen since 2008, according  state’s  monitoring  capacity,  The  U.S.  has  made  clear  it  the officials added.
            ployment could be extended  to official data.             like  stopping  environmental  would only be willing to con-
            beyond  two  months  with                                 fines,″ Astrini said. He add-  tribute  once  Brazil  registers  On  June  23,  Environment
            the arrival of the dry season,  And  98.9%  of  deforestation  ed that the regulator has also  concrete  progress,  of  which  Minister  Ricardo  Salles  an-
            when  people  burn  forest  to  had  indications  of  illegal-  ceased destroying machinery  there has so far been no sign.  nounced his resignation, giv-
            clear  land  for  farming  and  ity, either done near springs,  used for illegal logging.  Talks  between  the  U.S.  and  ing  up  his  post  amid  sharp
            ranching.                    in  protected areas  or  carried                          Brazil’s  environment  minis-  criticism  of  his  tenure  and
                                         out without requisite autho-  Bolsonaro’s plan to send sol-  try have stalled, three Brazil-  two  investigations  into  his
            Amazon  deforestation  had  rization,  according  to  data  diers  comes  as  the  US.  ad-  ian government officials told  actions  involving  allegedly
            edged  upward  for  several  released  this  month  by  the  ministration  has  called  for  The Associated Press, speak-  illegal timber operations. He
            years, then it surged after the  MapBiomas  Project,  a  net-  curbing  Amazon  deforesta-  ing on condition of anonym-  has denied all wrongdoing.

                              G-20 talks in Italy yields pledge to fight hunger in Africa

            (AP)  —  A  meeting  of  G-20  for-  The Italian minister announced that  Maas  was  referring  to  China  and
            eign  ministers  on  Tuesday  has  Italy would host a conference in Oc-  Russia providing or selling their own  “To bring the pandemic to an end, we
            wrapped up with officials vowing  tober  in  Rome  focused  on  Africa,  produced vaccines to less developed  must get more vaccine to more plac-
            to  boost  efforts  to  fight  hunger  which  has  “enormous  possibility  of  countries,  although  some  European  es,” Blinken said. “Multilateral coop-
            in  the  world  in  the  wake  of  the  growth.″ He urged the G-20 coun-  countries,  including  Hungary  and  eration will be key to stop this global
            pandemic, especially in Africa, as  tries to “act together to unleash this  San  Marino,  were  eager  to  get  the  health crisis.”
            well as climate change.             enormous potential.”                Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Some in
                                                                                    the  West  believe  China  and  Russia  Blinken  took  the  occasion  to  tout
            But there were also notes of discord,  In what Di Maio described as a “con-  have been supplying their vaccines to  U.S.  contributions  to  COVAX,  the
            with Germany and China taking jabs  crete”  declaration,  a  final  document  poorer  countries  in  order  to  bolster  U.N.-backed  program  to  get  vac-
            at each other over vaccine policy for  emerged  from  the  day’s  sessions,  their power.                   cines to needy nations, which include
            developing countries.               one  of  which  was  held  jointly  with                                around 500 million Pfizer doses and
                                                development  ministers.  He  said  the  Neither China nor Russia sent their  80 million other doses.
            Italian  Foreign  Minister  Luigi  Di  participants  reiterated  “the  common  foreign  ministers.  China’s  minister,
            Maio, who hosted the meeting, said  commitment against food insecurity”  Wang Yi , addressed the G-20 meet-  Germany’s  Maas  signaled  urgency
            the nations have a duty to battle hun-  in much of the world.           ing remotely and jabbed back at Maas.  on  the  vaccine  front.  “I  think  the
            ger in Africa, arguing that assistance                                                                      main thing now is to quickly create
            projects  will  also  impact  migration  “Beyond the differences and distanc-  China,  he  said,  “has  supplied  more  alternatives so that countries, regions
            from the continent to Europe.       es among some countries present at  than 450 million doses of COVID-19  like  Africa,  for  example,  are  able  to
                                                the  G-20  table,  we  are  all  in  agree-  vaccines to 100 countries.” The Chi-  be supplied with more vaccine more
            “The  G-20  has  the  duty  to  sustain  ment on climate change, sustainabil-  nese minister took a swipe at Western  quickly,” he told AP.
            Africa  in  emerging  from  a  difficult  ity, on the great issues that today can  nations,  adding  that  countries  able
            period,” Di Maio told a closing news  only be resolved with global coopera-  to  supply  vaccines  ought  to  ”avoid  Maas added that “the focus now defi-
            conference.                         tion,” he said.                     restrictions on exports and excessive  nitely has to be on providing the sup-
                                                                                    hording” of vaccines,               ply chains, but also the production fa-
            “We must do it in a way so that in Af-  But there were some sharp exchanges                                 cilities, with new possibilities,” Maas
            rica, people aren’t forced any more to  involving some of the major powers  Di Maio, in welcoming the ministers,  said.
            abandon their country and their ter-  during the day.                   declared  that  “in  an  interconnected
            ritory, and I don’t think anyone can                                    world,  multilateralism  and  interna-  The decision earlier this year by Pres-
            carry out this battle alone,” Di Maio  Arriving,  German  Foreign  Minister  tional  cooperation  are  the  only  ef-  ident  Joe  Biden’s  administration  to
            said.                               Heiko  Maas  said  it  was  “important  fective  instruments  in  facing  global  return to the climate change fight and
                                                that we sit together in this round with  challenges. We have had an example  help lead it has heartened advocates
            Italy currently holds the rotating pres-  countries like Russia and China, and  of that with the vaccines.”  pressing  for  urgent  tackling  of  cli-
            idency of the Group of 20, which ac-  that  we openly address the fact that                                 mate change threats. Last year, under
            counts for more than half the world’s  we do not think much of their vac-  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blink-  the Trump administration, the Unit-
            population and some 80% of its GDP.  cine diplomacy.”                   en built on Di Maio’s premise in his  ed States became the only country to
                                                                                    opening remarks.                    leave the 2015 agreement.
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