Page 16 - aruba-today-20230823
P. 16
Wednesday 23 august 2023
Small but mighty Curacao back in position to make a big run at
the Little League World Series
By SETH ENGLE hit on Taiwan — Curacao's
Associated Press next opponent — through
(AP) — Coming back to the Taiwan threw the tourna-
Little League World Series ment's first perfect game
after losing last year's title since 2017 on Thursday, a
game, Curacao doesn't 6-0 win over Canada. On
just want to be good for its Monday, the Taiwanese
size. no-hit Japan 10-0, ending
The team from Willemstad's the game after the fourth
Pabao Little League on the via mercy rule.
Caribbean island of about Fan Chen-Jun, who throws
150,000 people is aiming over 80 mph and started
for bigger things, and with both the perfect game
five players and its whole and no-hitter, will not be
coaching staff back for available on Wednesday
a second straight year, it because of pitch-count
needs just two wins to return limits — a lucky break for
to the tournament champi- Curacao.
onship undefeated. "Fan is not able to pitch,"
"Those guys that were here Taiwan manager Lee
last year, I tell them to just Cheng-Ta said through a
keep focus and keep talk- translator, "but we're con-
ing with the other guys to Curacao's Nasir El-Ossais (13) is greeted at home plate after his two run home run off of Venezuela's fident that they can play
do their job," manager Osman Basabe during the sixth inning of a baseball game at the Little League World Series well against the Cura-
Zaino Everett said Monday tournament in South Williamsport, Pa., Monday, Aug. 21, 2023. Curacao won the game 2-1. cao team. We want to do
Associated Press
after his club beat Venezu- something special, which is
ela 2-1 — the team's sec- tournament thing before. came to Williamsport, that's which coincidentally is Cur- just to do your best and let
ond win following another Winning also equals inter- when people started to cao's closest — and much the kids have fun and face
victory by the same score national air time for Cura- (learn) what Curacao is." bigger — neighbor in South the next game."
against Australia. cao and a chance to raise Curacao isn't the flashiest America. Taiwan's dominance hasn't
Jay-Dlynn Wiel, D'Shawn its baseball profile. In ad- team and its offense has "We emphasized just get- faltered Curacao's confi-
Winklaar, Shemar Sophia dition to winning the LLWS combined for only four runs ting a guy on base to make dence, either.
Jacobus, Alexander Pro- in 2004, Curacao has had through two games. But it a tie game," Everett said. Far from home but in fa-
vacia Roach and Joshua more than its share of ma- the team's sturdy defense "But then El-Ossais hit the miliar territory, Curacao
Acosta Fernandez know jor leaguers for such a small and pitching staff has set it home run, and gave an- expects to win the tourna-
what it's like to come up just country, including Boston's apart, offering support to a other W to the Caribbean. ment whether the rest of
short of the tournament title All-Star reliever Kenley Jan- struggling lineup until it in- "I just tell them every time, the world knows its name
and don't want a repeat of sen, Atlanta infielder Ozzie evitably makes something we can't win a game 0-0. or not.
2022. Albies and Colorado's Ju- happen. You have to put at least "They have a great team,"
The team also may be a rickson Profar. The strategy worked Mon- one run on the board to Everett said, "but we are
little less star struck than But still, "last year, people day, as Nasir El-Ossais hit a win the game." great, too. When we win
most, having so many play- didn't know about us," two-run homer in the sixth No team has been able to that game, we will go to
ers who have done the Jay-Dlynn said. "When we inning to beat Venezuela, score a run or even tally a the (international) finals."q
James Harden fined $100,000 for public
comments about status with 76ers
NEW YORK (AP) — The NBA er option for next season in ing won three scoring titles
has fined Philadelphia June, but the 76ers have and the 2018 league MVP
76ers guard James Harden not found a deal, prompt- award. He led the league
$100,000 for public com- ing Harden's anger. Among in assists last season. But
ments he made about his other things, he called 76ers he hasn't won an NBA title,
status with the team. president Daryl Morey a liar and with him turning 34 this
Harden made public com- at a promotional event in week, time is running out.q
ments on Aug. 14 and Aug. China.
17 saying he would not per- "Daryl Morey is a liar and I
form the services called for will never be a part of an
under his player contract organization that he's a
unless he were traded to part of," Harden said at
another team. The league the event. "Let me say that
talked to Harden as part of again: Daryl Morey is a liar
its investigation and con- and I will never be a part of
firmed that his comments an organization that he's a
Philadelphia 76ers' James Harden (1) reacts after a play in the
first half during Game 2 in the first round of the NBA basketball referenced Harden's belief part of."
playoffs against the Brooklyn Nets, Monday, April 17, 2023, in that the 76ers would not Harden has been one of
Philadelphia. grant his trade request. the league's top players
Associated Press Harden picked up his play- for the past decade, hav-