Page 29 - MIN ECEM
P. 29
LOCAL Friday 11 august 2017
Very Special Guest Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
In his words, Richard shares
with us a little about his love
affair with Aruba:
“I have been coming to
Aruba since 1998. My wife
and I bought a week at
the Costa Linda and she
stayed an additional cou-
ple of days as I headed
home. We were coming
from California and I called
her to buy the next week
because we lost a day
coming and going and
we needed more time to
enjoy the Island. This was
our Heaven on Earth so five
years later we contacted
the Costa Linda to contact
the people coming before
us and coming after us to
see if they wanted to sell
their units. We were fortu-
nate that one couple was
willing to negotiate. We
bought our third week.
Over the last twenty years I
EAGLE BEACH - Recently is presented in the name Linda Beach Resort and
the Aruba Tourism Author- of the Minister of Tourism as they love Aruba very much
ity had the great pleasure a token of appreciation to because of the friendly
of honoring a very special guests who visit Aruba for people, fun in the sun,
guest who is a loyal and 20-to-34 consecutive years. the weather, family time,
friendly visitor of Aruba as The honoree was Mr. Rich- friends, the beaches and
a Goodwill Ambassador at ard Hunnewell, celebrating the restaurants. They say
the Costa Linda Beach Re- his 20 consecutive annual that being on Aruba and
sort. visit to Aruba! staying at the Costa Linda
Richard and his family have Beach Resort is like being
The symbolic honorary title always stayed at the Costa at their vacation ‘home-
The certificate was pre- have meet the most Won-
sented by Ms. Emely Rid- derful people and the staff
derstaat representing the at the Resort have been
Aruba Tourism Authority to- so Wonderful that I could
gether with family, friends not ever consider not com-
and management and ing every year. Costa Lin-
staff from the Costa Linda da and Aruba are still my
Beach Resort. Heaven on Earth!”q