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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 19 sepTember 2024
            Dutch government led by hard right asks for formal opt-out from

            EU migration rules

            By  MOLLY  QUELL  and  RAF                                                                                          ise of swift, forceful action on
            CASERT                                                                                                              immigration, the letter itself
            Associated Press                                                                                                    was much more cautious.
            THE HAGUE (AP) — The new                                                                                            It said the Netherlands would
            Dutch government dominat-                                                                                           call for an opt-out from the
            ed by the far-right party of                                                                                        rules “in case of (EU) treaty
            Geert Wilders officially asked                                                                                      amendment,”  a  prospect
            the European Union for an                                                                                           which is many years off, at
            exemption from its migration                                                                                        best.
            obligations on Wednesday,                                                                                           “An opt-out is only possible
            setting  up  a  confrontation                                                                                       in view of the treaty chang-
            over one of the most explo-                                                                                         es. Important: this is a legal
            sive  issues  facing  the  bloc                                                                                     requirement. Also in this con-
            at a time when support for                                                                                          text, we do not expect any
            anti-immigration  parties  in                                                                                       immediate  changes,”  said
            Europe is rising.                                                                                                   EU spokeswoman Anitta Hip-
            Dutch  Migration  Minister                                                                                          per, adding that until then,
            Marjolein  Faber  of  Wilders’                                                                                      migration rules remain “bind-
            party wrote to the European                                                                                         ing on the Netherlands.”
            Commission that the Neth-                                                                                           The last treaty change dates
            erlands wants out of regula-                                                                                        from 2008 and there are no
            tions for accepting refugees,                                                                                       current  plans  to  negotiate
            claiming that otherwise one                                                                                         a  new  one.  Should  there
            of the wealthiest countries in   Dutch  Prime  Minister  Dick  Schoof,  right,  sits  next  to  Health  Minister  Fleur  Agema,  center,  and   be  an  appetite  for  a  new
            the world would struggle to   Climate  and  Green  Growth  Minister  Sophie  Hermans,  left,  as  he  listens  to  Dutch  King  Willem-  treaty, all 27 member states
            provide public services.     Alexander outlining the new government’s policy plans and budget for the coming year in The   would have to agree to give
                                         Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024.
            “I  have  just  informed  the                                                                      Associated Press  the Netherlands special dis-
            EU Commission that I want                                                                                           pensation.
            a  migration  opt-out  within  of  mini-Nexit,”  a  play  on  ernment  needed  to  “dras-  migrants who don’t qualify  New  figures  released  this
            Europe for the Netherlands.  “Netherlands”  and  “exit,”  tically  reduce  the  volume  for asylum.                 week  by  the  EU’s  asylum
            We  need  to  be  in  charge  and much like Brexit. He has  of migration to the Nether-  It echoes campaign themes  agency show 17,376 people
            of  our  own  asylum  policy  repeatedly  called  for  the  lands, in order to continue to  from across much of the EU  applied for international pro-

            again!” Faber said.          country to depart the Euro-  fulfil our constitutional duties  where populist and far-right  tection in the Netherlands, a
            Faber was seeking to fulfill a  pean Union during his three-  providing for public housing,  parties have surged, profit-  nation of 17,7 million, in the
            campaign promise to quick-   decade long career but the  healthcare and education.”    ing from a wave of popular  first  six  months  of  this  year,
            ly and drastically reduce the  move is not currently part of  On  Tuesday,  the  govern-  discontent with promises of  a  fairly  consistent  number.
            number of immigrants in the  any government plans.        ment, which came to power  tackling the migration issue  That amounts to around 3%
            nation.                      In  a  letter  to  Ylva  Johans-  in July, announced its poli-  first and foremost.    of  all  applications  lodged
            During  Wednesday’s  de-     son,  the  European  Com-    cy blueprint for the coming  Even  though  Faber’s  party  in  Europe.  Most  of  them
            bate in parliament, Wilders  missioner  for  Home  Affairs,  year, including stricter poli-  rode to an election victory  were Syrians, Iraqis or from
            called  the  move  a  “a  sort  Faber insisted that the gov-  cies to hold back or kick out  last November on the prom-  Turkey.q

            Colombia’s president says attack on army base ‘practically ends’

            peace talks with ELN rebels

             By MANUEL RUEDA             cess,  with  blood,”  Petro  olution.  The  group  has  an  tinued to conduct kidnap-  effort  by  Colombia’s  gov-
             Associated Press            said  during  a  ceremony,  estimated  6,000  fighters  in  pings  and  tax  civilians  in  ernment  to  start  separate
             BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  in which he named a new  Colombia  and  Venezuela  areas under its control. The  peace  negotiations  with
             —  An  attack  on  a  military  judge to one of Colombia’s  and finances itself through  ELN  has  also  expressed  its  one of its splinter groups in
             base  in  eastern  Colombia  highest courts.             drug  trafficking  and  illegal  frustration  with  a  recent  southwest Colombia.q
             killed  two  soldiers  and  in-  The   National   Liberation  gold mines.
             jured  at  least  21,  Colom-  Army,  or  ELN,  ended  a  Recently the ELN has been
             bia’s  military  said  on  Tues-  cease-fire with the Colom-  spreading  into  rural  areas
             day,  as  tensions  escalate  bian government in August,  abandoned  by  the  Revo-
             between  Colombia’s  gov-   but is still involved in peace  lutionary  Armed  Forces  of
             ernment  and  one  of  the  talks aimed at ending more  Colombia,  the  large  rebel
             nation’s  largest  remaining  than five decades of con-  group that made a peace
             rebel  groups.  Colombia’s  flict. The army said Tuesday  deal with Colombia’s gov-
             military  blamed  the  Na-  that the group fired home-   ernment in 2016.
             tional  Liberation  Army  for  made rockets from a cargo  After  being  elected  two
             the  attack,  with  President  truck that had been parked  years   ago,    President
             Gustavo  Petro  hinting  late  near  a  base  in  Puerto  Jor-  Gustavo   Petro   quickly
             on Tuesday that the attack  dan,  a  small  town  in  Co-  launched peace talks with
             will lead to a suspension or  lombia’s  Arauca  province.  the ELN and several smaller
             a  cancellation  of  peace  The ELN was founded in the  armed groups under a pol-     Colombian President Gustavo Petro speaks after signing a law
             talks with the rebel group.  early  1960s  by  union  lead-  icy known as total peace.  banning bullfighting, in La Plaza Santa Maria, Bogota, Colombia,
             “This is an attack that prac-  ers  and  university  students  But  talks  with  ELN  floun-  on July 22, 2024.
             tically closes a peace pro-  inspired by the Cuban Rev-  dered  as  the  group  con-                                           Associated Press
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