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Tuesday 25 July 2017
Rated #1 On Tripadvisor: Final Week!
Comedians from the Top TV Shows Perform on Aruba until July 29th!
thony, and is a star of the
hit film The Latin Legends of
Comedy… and Gary Vider,
finalist from America’s Got
Talent! Ray Ellin hosts and
produces the shows. Con-
sidered by his peers to be
the best host in NYC, Ray
is known as “Aruba Ray”
because of his passion for
Ray has been coming to
Aruba every month for the
past five years, and pro-
duces and hosts these in-
PALM BEACH - Aruba Ray’s the United States, and per- credible comedy shows on
is truly the top night time form in a relaxed, intimate the island. He is a popular The shows are at 830pm ev- cash OR match play for the
activity in Aruba. This is the setting at the Marriott. comedian in New York, ery night in the Amsterdam Stellaris Casino at the Mar-
same caliber show you This wonderful show is a and has brought his talent Ballroom at the Marriott Re- riott (ID required!).
would find at the best com- great way to spend a night and colleagues to Aruba. sort, down the hall from the Plus, audience members
edy clubs in NYC. out. In addition, there is Ray has appeared on casino. Doors open at 8pm. can purchase an OPTION-
“Aruba Ray’s Comedy” also an option to purchase many television programs; It is suggested to arrive AL four hour premium open
features some of the funni- a four-hour premium open he has hosted the popu- early - seating is first come bar!
est American standup co- bar, and each attendee lar talk show Late Net, and first serve. The showroom is The premium open bar
medians in a terrific 90-min- receives free slot cash OR hosted the television shows intimate - - it is suggested continues after the show in
ute show. match play for the Stellaris The Movie Loft, Brain Fuel, you purchase tickets in ad- the casino until midnight.
It is rated number one on Tri- Casino. Some of the co- and New York Now. He also vance at www.ArubaCom- This is an incredible deal!
pAdvisor, and was named medians appearing for this produced and directed You can also Anyone can attend, how-
as one of USA Today’s “10 final week include Chuck the very successful film The purchase tickets (subject ever the show is suggested
Best.” Nice from The Today Show, Latin Legends of Comedy, to availability!) at the Am- for a mature audience.
Advance tickets are sug- VH1, and TruTV… from Sein- distributed by 20th Century sterdam Ballroom show- Ask your concierge for as-
gested, and are available feld and The Heat, Boston Fox. Ray is a producer and room door at 730pm. The sistance, or call the Aruba
at www.ArubaComedy. comedy legend Tony V… is co-starring in the new tickets are $36. And each Marriott Resort and Stellaris
com. The comedians are Joe Vega, who tours with television show This Week Comedy Ticket gives every Casino at 520-6225, or call
truly some of the best from Chris Rock and Marc An- at the Cellar. audience member free slot 749-4363.q
Meet Sasha, Who Spends Her Days at the Aruba Donkey Sanctuary!
BRINGAMOSA - We would adopt a donkey, who buy
like to introduce Sasha to something at the donkey
you, one of the donkeys shop or who make a dona-
that find a home at the tion. Thus they help support
Aruban Donkey Sanctu- us. Everyone is welcome to
ary. Sasha is one of the first visit the sanctuary, located
donkeys to be rescued, in Bringamosa, which has
more than 20 years ago. opening hours from 9 am
She came in with her mom until 4 pm, every day of
Sassy and she is a lovely, the week. Entry is free of
friendly and happy don- charge and one can en-
key that sometimes causes joy a soft drink, a cup of
hilarious situations. When coffee or a refreshing ice
a group of people come cream.
to visit, she chooses one
of them to stand close to, For more information, call
begging to be stroked. 593-2933. q
Sometimes that person
does not know that she is
there, so he gets a shock.
Sasha is very faithful, as Like
she keeps on following her
chosen one. As she gets This beautiful donkey has of friends with whom they sanctuary.
us on
older, her color changes been provided with a can play all day long. And The volunteers are trying us on
a bit and her fur is getting chip, just like all the other they love living there: they to cover the various costs
lighter and lighter. We al- donkeys. On the chip is are well-cared for, they with all kinds of activities
ways know that it is Sasha, information about the are fed and watered and and the sale of great don- Facebook
when we are looking for donkey and its medical when they are sick the vet key memorabilia in the
her, also because of her history. The donkeys at is called. Yes, they are ex- shop. Fortunately, there Bon Dia 24 Aruba
limp hairdo. the sanctuary have a lot pensive customers for the are also visitors who wish to