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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 6 January 2018

            Medical marijuana seen at risk following move by Sessions

            By ANDREW SELSKY             in a letter Thursday.
            Associated Press             Georgia  state  Rep.  Allen
            SALEM,  Ore.  (AP)  —  When  Peake,  a  Republican  who
            U.S.  Attorney  General  Jeff  sponsored a bill in his state’s
            Sessions  green-lighted  fed-  legislature  that  legalized
            eral  prosecutions  of  mari-  possession of medical mari-
            juana lawbreakers, the vast  juana  in  2015,  denounced
            majority  of  U.S.  states  that  the move.
            allow  some  form  of  medi-  “I’m   very   disappointed
            cal  marijuana  were  unex-  in  Jeff  Session’s  actions,”
            pectedly placed at risk of a  Peake said Friday in a tele-
            crackdown  and  are  warily  phone interview.
            watching developments.       “He  will  be  hurting  the
            Forty  six  states  —  includ-  grandfather  with  Alzheim-
            ing  Sessions’  home  state  er’s,  the  soccer  mom  with
            of Alabama — have legal-     breast cancer, the college
            ized some form of medical  student  with  Crohn’s  dis-
            marijuana  in  recent  years,  ease, the young child with
            according  to  the  National  seizures  —  these  are  the
            Conference of State Legis-   people that will be impact-
            latures.                     ed by this action by the at-
            Eight of those states also al-  torney general.”
            low recreational marijuana.  The  only  legal  protection
            Among  the  guidance  that  now for medical marijuana
            Sessions rescinded was the  growers,  processors,  sell-  This photo shows the MedMen marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles. When U.S. Attorney General
            so-called  Ogden  Memo-      ers  and  users  is  a  tempo-  Jeff Sessions green-lighted federal prosecutors to pursue violators of federal marijuana laws, not
                                                                      only states that legalized recreational pot are at risk of a crackdown, but so is most of the rest of
            randum  of  2009  that  in-  rary measure sponsored by    America. All but four states allow some form of medical marijuana, even Sessions’ home state of
            structed  federal  prosecu-  Rep.  Dana  Rohrabacher      Alabama.
            tors  not  to  pursue  cases  (R-Calif.) and Rep. Earl Blu-                                                             (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)
            against medical marijuana  menauer  (D-Ore.)  prohibit-   juana legalization. “This is a  Only  Idaho,  South  Dakota,  marijuana  did  so  in  2013
            patients  and  distributors  ing the U.S. Department of  wakeup  call  for  American  Nebraska  and  Kansas  do  and 2014.
            who  complied  with  state  Justice  from  using  govern-  people who believe in free-  not  allow  any  access  to  Georgia’s   General   As-
            laws.  “Previous  nationwide  ment funds to target them.  dom,” Rohrabacher said.      marijuana,  said  Karmen  sembly passed that state’s
            guidance  specific  to  mari-  Rohrabacher,  in  a  confer-  “It  will  mobilize  people  Hanson, a cannabis policy  medical   marijuana   law
            juana  enforcement  is  un-  ence  call  with  reporters  throughout the country.”     analyst  with  the  National  in  2015.  Called  Haleigh’s
            necessary and is rescinded,  and  four  other  members  Many  politicians,  includ-    Conference of State Legis-   Hope  Act,  it  was  named
            effective    immediately,”  of  Congress,  said  Sessions’  ing Republicans, have cast  latures.                    for a girl who was suffering
            Sessions told the U.S. attor-  move   should   galvanize  Session’s  move  as  an  in-  Many of the states that al-  from hundreds of seizures a
            neys  based  in  all  50  states  national  support  for  mari-  fringement on states’ rights.  low  some  form  of  medical  day. q
            Despite law changes lottery winners will face big tax bills

            By SCOTT McFETRIDGE          ment. But even as the new  “The  changes  roughly  off-   last month take effect at a  the jackpots are incredibly
            Associated Press             law cut top federal income  set,” said Steven Rosenthal,  time when jackpots for the  small,  at  about  one  in  302
            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  tax  rates,  it  also  reduced  a senior fellow at the Wash-  nation’s two national lotter-  million  for  Mega  Millions
            —  Pity  the  Powerball  and  the  ability  to  deduct  state  ington-based  Tax  Policy  ies  have  grown  enormous.  and  one  in  292  million  for
            Mega Millions lottery game  taxes.                        Center.  “The  new  tax  bill  The  Mega  Millions  game  Powerball.  Even  for  those
            winners.                     There are exceptions, as 10  will not give any benefit to  will offer a $445 million prize  who  beat  the  odds,  they
            Federal  tax  law  changes  states  including  California,  most lottery winners.”     for  Friday’s  drawing,  and  might find that their dream
            would  seem  to  promise  Texas and Florida don’t tax  The  issue  arises  because  the  Powerball  game’s  top  paycheck  is  smaller  than
            that  those  who  beat  the  lottery winnings. But in most  federal income tax bracket  prize  has  reached  $550  they thought.
            odds  and  win  a  jackpot  of  the  country,  the  newly  changes approved by Con-    million  for  Saturday  night’s  In  part,  that’s  because
            could  keep  more  of  their  rich  won’t  be  even  richer  gress  and  signed  into  law  drawing.                nearly  all  winners  take  the
            winnings  from  the  govern-  because of the tax law.     by President Donald Trump  The  chances  of  winning  cash option.q
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