Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220214
P. 32

                  Dialuna 14 Februari 2022

                         For Asian American women, Olympics reveal a harsh duality

            (AP)  —  Across  two  pan-   of racist abuse at home.     thing to offer.              Girls” of the Winter Games,  U.S.  citizenship  to  compete
            demic  Olympics  set  in                                                               joining  icons  like  American  for  her  ancestral  homeland.
            Asian  countries,  Asian  The  world’s  most  elite  and  “It’s  like  Asian  American  figure skaters Kristi Yamagu-  Others  are  angry  that  she
            American  women  front-      international  sporting  event,  women  can’t  win,”  says  Jeff  chi and Michelle Kwan.  “stole”  the  Olympic  spot
            ing  the  Games  have  en-   which pits athletes and coun-  Yang, an author and cultural  When  Kim  and  Gu  earned  from  an  actual  China-born
            countered  a  whiplashing  tries  against  each  other,  un-  critic.  “Asian  American  fe-  their gold medals in Beijing,  athlete.
            duality  —  prized  on  the  derscores  along  the  way  the  male athletes, like most Asian  it  was  the  perfect  bow  on
            global stage for their med-  crude reality that many Asian  American  women  in  many  professional  narratives  that  Even the winners struggle to
            al-winning  talent,  buffet-  women  face:  of  only  being  other spaces, are seen as wor-  have  been  covered  inces-  feel fully embraced in Amer-
            ed by the escalating crisis  seen  when  they  have  some-  thy when they can deliver …  santly leading up to the actual  ica.
                                                                      and  then  disposed  of  other-  event.  Their  star  power  and
                                                                      wise.”                       talent made them two of the  Kim, who won the halfpipe at
                                                                                                   de  facto  spokeswomen  for  the Beijing and Pyeongchang
                                                                      The issue is playing out at the  the Olympics.            Olympics,  has  revealed  she
                                                                      Beijing  Winter  Games,  the                              was  tormented  online  daily.
                                                                      third  straight  Olympics  set  Meanwhile,   other   Asian  She  says  she  was  consumed
                                                                      in  Asia  and  the  second  held  American women like figure  by fear that her parents could
                                                                      during the unrelenting glob-  skaters Karen Chen and Alysa  be killed whenever she heard
                                                                      al  coronavirus  crisis  —  and  Liu of the U.S. team and Zhu  news about another brutal as-
                                                                      playing out, too, during a rise  Yi  of  the  China  team  have  sault on an Asian person.
                                                                      in  hate  crimes  against  Asian  also been promoted by their
                                                                      Americans.                   national  teams  and  scruti-  There  have  been  more  than
                                                                                                   nized  —  sometimes  harshly  10,000  reported  anti-Asian
                                                                      Here,  U.S.  snowboarder  — by Olympic fans.              incidents  —  from  taunts  to
                                                                      Chloe Kim and China’s free-                               outright  assaults  –  between
                                                                      style skier Eileen Gu are the  Commentators have mocked  March  2020  and  September
                                                                      latest additions to the list of  Yi  for  falling  in  the  team  2021, according to Stop AAPI
                                                                      American  women  of  Asian  event, as if she deserved the  Hate, a national coalition that
                                                                      descent  who  have  been  “It  mistake  after  giving  up  her  gathers  data  on  racially  mo-

                         Scant progress the final blow to on-time MLB spring training

            The  final  blow  has  been                                                                                         million).
            dealt to an on-time start to
            spring  training,  with  Ma-                                                                                        The union fears teams would
            jor League Baseball mak-                                                                                            refuse to go over the thresh-
            ing  a  new  offer  Saturday                                                                                        old, prizing draft picks.
            that  the  players’  associa-
            tion received as only scant                                                                                         On free agency, clubs main-
            progress in the drawn-out                                                                                           tained their proposal to elim-
            labor talks.                                                                                                        inate  the  loss  of  an  amateur
                                                                                                                                draft pick for a team signing
            On the 73rd day of a lockout                                                                                        a free agent — an area of dis-
            that has become the second-                                                                                         pute that led to a 50-day in-
            longest  work  stoppage  in                                                                                         season strike in 1981.
            baseball  history,  clubs  gave
            the union 16 documents to-                                                                                          But  the  clubs  did  keep  in
            taling 130 pages, encompass-                                                                                        the plan that a team losing a
            ing all key areas in a mix of                                                                                       free agent will receive draft-
            new offers and previous pro-                                                                                        pick compensation based on
            posals.                                                                                                             revenue-sharing  status  and
                                                                                                                                whether a club had been over
            The  one-hour  session  was  contract. Training camps will  Three officials from each side  20%  to  50%  for  a  team  ex-  the threshold.
            just the fifth on core econom-  remain shuttered Wednesday,  attended the session at MLB’s  ceeding the initial threshold,
            ics  since  the  lockout  began,  when  pitchers  and  catchers  office, with players and own-  from  32%  to  75%  for  the  For  a  free  agent  who  had
            and  the  first  on  a  weekend.  had  been  scheduled  to  start  ers joining by Zoom.  second  threshold  and  from  spent the entire season with
            The sides remained far apart  workouts  for  a  2022  season                           62.5% to 100% for the third  one team, there would would
            on luxury tax thresholds and  that remains in doubt.      MLB maintained its proposal  threshold.                   be four tiers based on:
            rate,  with  major  differences                           on  luxury-tax  thresholds  for                             $25  million  in  guaranteed
            on revenue-sharing and how  MLB does not intend to pub-   2022  and  2023,  an  increase  Teams  still  are  asking  for  salary or $18 million average
            to address players’ allegations  licly  acknowledge  any  delay  from  $210  million  to  $214  non-monetary   penalties,  annual value (AAV), $55 mil-
            of service time manipulation.  until it becomes apparent that  million in both years. Teams  which the union thinks is too  lion or $23 million AAV, $100
            MLB said it remains opposed  preseason  exhibition  games  increased  their  proposal  by  harsh.                   million  or  $30  million  AAV,
            to  any  increase  in  salary  ar-  cannot begin as scheduled on  $2 million annually in each of                    $150  million  or  $40  million
            bitration eligibility or reduc-  Feb. 26.                 the final three years of a deal:  While  MLB  dropped  its  AAV.
            tion in revenue sharing.                                  $216  million  in  2024,  $218  plan  to  have  a  team  lose  a
                                         Opening day is set for March  million  in  2025  and  $222  third-round pick for exceed-  The  union’s  initial  thoughts
            The  players’  union  said  it  31, and players don’t start ac-  million in 2026.      ing the first threshold, it has  have been that this proposed
            would  analyze  the  offer  be-  cruing salary until the regular                       proposed a team would lose  level  of  indirect  compensa-
            fore  determining  when  and  season.  Given  the  need  for  Players have proposed a $245  a second-round pick for go-  tion  could  be  a  disincentive
            how to respond.              21-28 days of training and ad-  million  luxury-tax  threshold  ing over the second threshold  for  a  team  to  retain  play-
                                         ditional time to report and go  for  this  year,  which  would  ($234  million  this  year  and  ers  who  are  eligible  for  free
            Baseball’s  ninth  work  stop-  through  COVID-19  proto-  rise to $273 million in 2026.  next) rather than dropping 10  agency  eligible  players,  and
            page —  and first  since 1995  cols, an agreement by the end                           slots and would forfeit a first-  have  asked  that  luxury-tax
            — began Dec. 2 following the  of February or early March is  MLB  also  has  proposed  in-  round  selection  for  exceed-  status  be  removed  from  the
            expiration of a five-year labor  needed for an on-time start.  creasing  the  tax  rate  from  ing the third threshold ($254  formula.
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