Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

Saturday 12 auguSt 2023 LOCAL

            Episode 33

            Habitat destructionThe Aruban Borrowing Owl

            Eco-cide: Is the process of destroy-                                                                        the day, and makes soft cackling
            ing the natural way of life in such                                                                         sounds
            a  manner  that  it  becomes  com-
            pletely incapable of supporting its                                                                         Aruba`s Borrowing Owl: 1 (Athene
            native species, turning the land in                                                                         cunicularia  arubensis),  known  as
            to something worse than a desert.                                                                           Shoco, in Papiamento, which most
            In an unregulated or unsupervised                                                                           probably derives from the Caque-
            process of progress, lives that pre-                                                                        tian “ Xeque”, the Aruban endem-
            viously used a specific part of the                                                                         ic sub-species of the burrowing owl
            land as their habitat have become                                                                           family.
            victims,  exposed  to  being  dis-
            placed or destroyed; condemning                                                                             Standing  about  7-10  inches  tall,
            our  native  and  unique  species  to                                                                       this  little  owl  gets  its  name  from
            extinction is not an option.                                                                                where  it  lives.  Burrowing  owls  are
                                                                                                                        often found in abandoned rodent
            Addressing  government  officials,                                                                          burrows, old tubes, most often the
            as  well  as  parliamentary  repre-                                                                         dig  a  nest  in  sand  mounds.  Far
            sentatives of the imminent actions                                                                          from trees, they nest and live near
            necessary  that  should  be  consid-                                                                        their burrows. Their brown-mottled
            ered  against  habitat  destruction                                                                         feathers help them blend in to the
            and  that  nature  is  to  be  taken  in                                                                    surrounding landscape where they
            consideration  as  condition  num-                                                                          dine  on  insects,  small  mammals,
            ber one no matter what the plan                                                                             and  sometimes  reptiles  and  am-
            is.  The  purpose  of  developing  our                                                                      phibians.
            tourist industry, has reached its sus-
            tainable capability. Reconsidering                                                                          Burrowing  owls  can  be  difficult  to
            depleting  our  natural  resources                                                                          spot if they are not moving. In addi-
            for  economic  and  urbanization                                                                            tion to their ability to naturally cam-
            purposes.  Clearing  habitats  for                                                                          ouflage with their environment, an
            hotels,  housing,  commercial  and                                                                          owl appears from a distance to be
            infrastructure facilities is the princi-                                                                    just  another  prairie  dog  standing
            pal  cause  of  habitat  destruction.                                                                       sentry near its underground home.
            Adding  to  this,  the  harming  ef-                                                                        An observer must carefully scan a
            fects UTV`s causes when off- roads                                                                          prairie dog colony with binoculars,
            up and down like extras of a Mad                                                                            looking  carefully  for  any  move-
            Max  seen,  followed  by  sand  and                                                                         ments  from  the  owls.  The  reward
            lime stone mining activities, illegal                                                                       may  be  seeing  the  little  dancing
    species, especially cats and snakes  sources were to be shared with visi-  hops  the  owls  sometimes  do  as
            lingtrashing,  dumping  and  urban-  as the boa constrictor, insects, liz-  tors. The islands way of life, is where   they bob around on their long legs.
            ization.                            ards and amphibians of adjacent  all its value rests upon and all we
                                                ecosystems  that  easily  can  alter  have to offer besides our genuine   Burrowing owls catch food as they
            Habitat  destruction  is  currently   the balance of nature.            Aruban friendship our mystic land-  walk or run along the ground, and
            ranked  as  the  primary  cause  of                                     scapes  and  ecosystem.  We  must   sometimes snatch insects in midair
            species  disappearance  all  over   At  this  rate  of  development  our:  realize that devaluation and “eco-  as they fly just above the surface.
            the planet. Imagine on a tiny island   1.Burrowing  owl  and  the  2.  Aru-  degradation”  occurs  with  every   Much  of  their  food  sources  are
            like  ours,  confronting  a  constant   ban  rattlesnake:  Crotalus  durissus  tree  we  cut,  every  building  we   available during the day, but they
            process  of  natural  environmental   unicolor are close to many of be-  erect,  every  emigrant  we  import,   are also active at night.
            change  that  is  mainly  caused  by   ing  the  next  species  that  runs  the  with every habitat we destroy we
            habitat  fragmentation,  geologi-   same fate as of the 3. Blauduif, or  kill many species. We should guard   Source; Island Insight column by Et-
            cal  processes  as  erosion,  climate   Red-necked:  Columba  squamosa  our patrimony. We must keep the     nia Nativa
            change  or  by  human  activities,   and  4.  Lora  or  Cota,  the  Yellow-  island  life,  otherwise  we  will  be
            such as the introduction of invasive   Shouldered  Amazon:  Amazona  dealing with a nation severely af-
                                                barbadensis, not to mention these  fected  by  social  problems  which
                                                two  birds  have  completely  disap-  demands  large  public  funding  to
                                                peared  off  the  island  due  to  hu-  address and resolve many new is-
                                                man activities in to their habitat.  sues we today can prevent. Social
                                                                                    education  and  Cultural  preserva-
                                                The illusion that we must grow eco-  tion is imminent.
                                                nomically  by  taking  over  nature
                                                will soon collect its toll, if we do not  When  we  talk  about  owls  many
                                                act and take our fragile ecosystem  of you would think of a large bird,
                                                in consideration. What is going on  swooping  down  at  night  on  prey,
                                                now  on  Aruba  is  unprecedented  hooting loudly from a tree, like you
                                                if we see how much ecocide has  have  seen  on  cartoons  on  mov-
                                                been taken place lately versus the  ies.  However  our  burrowing  owl_
                                                last 30 years. Encouraged by gen-   the only species of owls found on
                                                erous  incentives  whose  only  goal  Aruba_  hardly  fits  the  mold.  This
                                                is  exploiting  the  property  to  the  small,  spindly-legged  owl  lives  on
                                                max.  Human,  as  well  as  island  re-  the ground, is seen hunting during
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