P. 27

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Wednesday 7 June 2017
                   Raqqa                                                                                                          dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Anthony
              Continued  from page 8                                                                                                     Tel. 585 8017
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
            “Once  ISIS  is  defeated  in   2 STORY VILLA             Time Share Resale            TIME SHARES FOR SALE                  Dr. Tromp
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 584 7224
                                                                                                   Caribbean Palm Village Weeks
            both  Mosul  and  Raqqa,     3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms      Marriott Ocean Club          week 7 $6,500.00
            there will still be a lot of hard   rear patio, laundry room, 2 cars      Gold season   week 26 $2,000.00              EMERGENCIA 911
            fighting ahead, but this co-  garage, plus separate 1 bed-  1 Br Ocean View  $6500     all are 2 beedroom all are
            alition  is  strong  and  com-  room apartment, landscaped,   2 BR Ocean View $8000    garden view
            mitted to the complete an-   fully fenced build up area 469m2   Marriott surf Club     e-mail:
            nihilation of ISIS in both Iraq   (509359ft) on 1484m2 property   2 BR Ocean View $8000  Call: 609 775 3836         POLICE           100
            and Syria.”                  land. now priced for a quick sale   2 BR Ocean Front $16000  FOR SALE BY OWNER         ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            Townsend     added     that   $399,000.                   3 BR Ocean Front $16000      Wk 9 Divi Little Bay         NOORD            527-3200
            once Raqqa is retaken, the   For info: 297 733 1201       Call:011-297-630-1307        St. Maarten                  STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            SDF  have  stated  it  will  be  Rm 621 1 Br /1 Ba RTu: exp.   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            turned  over  to  a  represen-  _________________________________207560  ________________________________207566  2042 ocean / bay view   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            tative body of local civilians                            Time Share Resale            717 319 9324 +10 accelerated   FIRE DEPT.      115
            who  will  provide  security                              Costa Linda Beach Resort     sleeps 4 $6,000              FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
            and governance.                                           2 BR Week 21,22,23 Room       e-mail:                     DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            The U.S.-SDF partnership has                              #2001                    AMBULANCE        582-1234
            complicated  relations  with                              pool/ocean view $7500 each   _________________________________207466  IMSAN        524-8833
            Turkey,  which  views  the                                2 BR Week 21,22,23 Room                                   Women in Difficulties
            group’s Kurdish component                                 #2001                        TIME SHARE FOR SALE               PHARMACY
            as  an  extension  of  a  terror                          Pool/Ocean View              aruba Beach Club wk 22 unit   Oranjestad:
            group  operating  inside  its                             $7500 each                   151 superior 6/3, $1888 and   del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
            own borders.                                              Call:011-297-630-1307        Casa del Mar  amb wk 21, 5/27   San Nicolas
            Turkey  has  remained  hos-                            $1,850. also one br cdm unit   San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
            tile  to  the  Kurdish  People’s                          ________________________________207566  1326 wk 29 6/22 school vac.
            Protection  Units,  known  by                             Time Share Resale            7/22 $2,750 or rent $850     INFORMATION   118
            their  Kurdish  acronym  the                              La Cabana BRC                e-mail:       TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            YPG, which form the back-                                 1 Br Week 23 Room # 311 a    Local 565 9394 until 6/10    PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            bone  of  the  SDF.  The  YPG                             $3500                        508 651 0016                 TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            are close to the Kurdish PKK                              aruba Beach Club             _________________________________207499  SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                                                A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            insurgent  group  in  Turkey,                             studio Week 23 Room #214     FOR SALE                                        280-2828
            which  is  designated  as  a                              $5000                        Caribbean  Plam Village          CRuIse sHIP
            terror organization by NATO                               aruba divi Phoenix           two bedroom floading weeks
            and the U.S.                                              1 BR Week 22 Room #209 $     $6,000 contact
            Turkey’s  Prime  Minister  Bi-                            5500               
            nali  Yildirim  said  Tuesday                             Call:011-297-630-1307        or  001 419 344 5855
            his  country  will  respond  if                        _________________________________207552
            an  offensive  by  the  SDF                               ________________________________207566                               June 7
            on  Raqqa  poses  a  secu-                                Time Share Resale            FOR SALE                            Carnival splendor
            rity threat to Turkey. He criti-                          Free: nOn exclusive Listings  Casa del Mar                           Zenith
            cized  the  United  States  for                           Free: appraisal Report       wk 1 +deed
            launching  the  Raqqa  of-                                Rent, sell, Buy              2bedroom and 2 bath #1313
            fensive with SDF. IS stormed                              Call:011-297-630-1307        Presidential / ocean view    Aruba Airport   524-2424
            across  large  areas  in  Syria                        $21,000                      American Airlines 582-2700
            and Iraq in 2014, declaring                               ________________________________207566  e-mail:  Avianca    588-0059
            a  self-styled  Islamic  caliph-                                                       _________________________________206677  Aruba Airlines  583-8300
                                                                                                                                Jet Blue
            ate. But it has lost much of                                                                                        Surinam        582-7896
            that  territory  over  the  past                                                                                    Venezolana     583-7674
            two  years  following  gruel-                                                                                       Aruba Foundation
            ing campaigns by an array                                                                                           For those Visually Incapasitated
            of  Syrian  and  Iraqi  forces.                                                                                     Tel. 582-5051
            The fighting has devastated                                                                                         AL-ANON group
            communities in both coun-                                                                                           Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            tries  and  forced  hundreds                                                                                        Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            of  thousands  of  people  to                                                                                       FUNDACIONS
            flee their homes.                                                                                                   Respetami
            IS has been fortifying its po-                                                                                      Tel. 582-4433
            sitions in Raqqa for months,
            setting  up  barriers  and                                                                                          Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
            hanging  sheets  of  cloth
            over  main  streets  to  pro-                                                                                       Narcotics Anonymous
            vide cover from warplanes.                                                                                          Tel. 583-8989
            A  belt  of  land  mines  and                                                                                       QUOTA Club
            militant  checkpoints  circle                                                                                       Tel. 525-2672
            the city.  The humanitarian
            NGO  International  Rescue                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
            Committee said it is deeply                                                                                         Foundation
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
            concerned for the safety of
            civilians in the city, adding                                                                                       Bloodbank Aruba
            that  the  number  of  peo-                                                                                         Tel. 587-0002
            ple  escaping  Raqqa  has
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32