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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 25 July 2024
             A report says 200,000 people were abused in care in New Zealand

             over decades in ‘national disgrace’

            By  CHARLOTTE  GRAHAM-                                                                                              er.  Complaints  were  disre-
            McLAY                                                                                                               garded  and  records  were
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lost or destroyed.
            WELLINGTON,  New  Zea-                                                                                              “These  gross  violations  oc-
            land (AP) — New Zealand’s                                                                                           curred  at  the  same  time
            independent  inquiry  into                                                                                          as Aotearoa New Zealand
            decades  of  abuse  of  chil-                                                                                       was  promoting  itself,  inter-
            dren and vulnerable adults                                                                                          nationally and domestical-
            released  a  blistering  final                                                                                      ly,  as  a  bastion  of  human
            report  Wednesday  finding                                                                                          rights  and  as  a  safe,  fair
            the  country’s  state  agen-                                                                                        country  in  which  to  grow
            cies and churches failed to                                                                                         up  as  a  child  in  a  loving
            prevent,  stop  or  admit  to                                                                                       family,”  the  inquiry  heads
            the  mistreatment  of  those                                                                                        wrote,  using  the  country’s
            in their care.                                                                                                      Māori and English names.
            The  scale  of  abuse  was                                                                                          “If  this  injustice  is  not  ad-
            “unimaginable”  with  an                                                                                            dressed, it will remain as a
            estimated  200,000  peo-                                                                                            stain on our national char-
            ple  abused  over  seven                                                                                            acter forever,” they wrote.
            decades,  many  of  them                                                                                            Hundreds  of  survivors  and
            Māori,  New  Zealand’s  In-                                                                                         their  supporters  filled  the
            digenous  people,  the  re-                                                                                         public  gallery  Wednesday
            port said.                                                                                                          in  Parliament,  where  law-
            In response to the findings,   People arrive at Parliament in Wellington, New Zealand, on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, for the   makers  responded  to  the
            New  Zealand’s  govern-      tabling of a wide-ranging independent inquiry into the abuse of children and vulnerable adults in   findings.  They  stood  and
            ment  agreed  for  the  first   care over the span of five decades wrote in a blistering final report.              sang  a  Māori  song  in  an
            time  that  historical  treat-                                                                     Associated Press  emotional scene.
            ment of some children in a  volved in denying and cov-    “a dark and sorrowful day”  The results were a “national  The report lambasted some
            notorious state-run hospital  ering  up  the  abuse  would  for the country.           disgrace,”  the  inquiry’s  re-  senior figures in government
            amounted  to  torture,  and  lose their jobs.             The  findings  by  the  Royal  port said.                 and faith institutions, who it
            pledged an apology to all  The prime minister said the  Commission    the  highest  Of  650,000  children  and  said continued to cover up
            those abused in state, fos-  government  now  heard  level of inquiry that can be  vulnerable  adults  in  state,  and excuse abuse in public
            ter and religious care since  and   believed   survivors,  undertaken  in  New  Zea-   foster,  and  church  care  hearings. Many of the worst
            1950.                        and  that  he  was  shocked  land    capped  a  six-year  between  1950  and  2019  episodes  had  long  been

            But  Prime  Minister  Christo-  by the findings. He said the  investigation  that  followed  in  a  country  that  today  common  knowledge,  it
            pher Luxon said it was too  government would formal-      two  decades  of  similar  has  a  population  of  5  mil-  said,  and  officials  at  the
            soon to say how much the  ly apologize to survivors on  probes  around  the  world,  lion  nearly a third endured  time of the abuse were “ei-
            government  expected  to  Nov. 12.                        as nations struggle to reck-  physical,   sexual,   verbal  ther oblivious or indifferent”
            pay  in  compensation    a  “We  always  thought  that  on  with  authorities’  trans-  or  psychological  abuse.  about  protecting  children,
            bill  the  inquiry  said  would  we  were  exceptional  and  gressions  against  children  Many more were exploited  instead shoring up the rep-
            run to billions of dollars  or  different,  and  the  reality  is  removed from their families  or neglected.       utations  of  their  institutions
            to  promise  that  officials  in-  we’re not,” he said, noting  and placed in care.    The figures were likely high-  and abusers.q

            Japan’s population falls for the 15th year in a row. Births hit a

            record low, deaths a record high

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI            surpass 3 million for the first  for young couples to have
            Associated Press             time.                        more  children,  such  as  in-
            TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s to-     They  now  make  up  nearly  creasing subsidies for child-
            tal  population  marked  the  3%  of  the  total  population  care and education, and is
            15th  straight  year  of  de-  and  are  mostly  of  working  expected to spend 3.6 tril-
            cline,  according  to  gov-  age from 15 to 64.           lion  yen  ($23  billion)  in  tax
            ernment  data  released  Surveys show that younger  money  annually  over  the
            Wednesday,  dropping  by  Japanese  are  increasingly  next three years.
            more  than  a  half-million  reluctant to marry or have  Experts  say  the  measures
            people  as  the  population  children,  discouraged  by  are largely meant for mar-
            ages and births remain low.  bleak  job  prospects,  the  ried  couples  who  plan  to
            Births in Japan hit a record  high  cost  of  living    which  have or who already have
            low of 730,000 last year. The  rises at a faster pace than  children,  and  don’t  ad-
            1.58 million deaths last year  salaries    and  a  gender-  dress  the  growing  number
            were  also  a  record  high.  biased  corporate  culture  of young people reluctant
            Japan’s  population  was  that adds a burden only on  to get married.
            124.9 million as of Jan. 1.  women and working moth-      Japan’s  population  is  pro-
            The  data  released  by  the  ers.                        jected to fall by about 30%,
            Internal Affairs Ministry also  The   government    ear-  to 87 million by 2070, when
            showed  that  the  11%  in-  marked 5.3 trillion yen ($34  four out of every 10 people   People holding parasols sit on the bench under an intense sun at
            crease  in  foreign  residents  billion)  as  part  of  the  2024  will  be  65  years  of  age  or   a park in Tokyo, July 8, 2024.
            helped  their  population  budget  to  fund  incentives  older.q                                                                Associated Press
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