Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Tuesday 27 december 2022
Full Stack Vision Foundation Gifts
Refurbished Computers to YMCA
Aruba in San Nicolas
organization with a focus vision and mission through
on developing skills for fu- the education of Aruba’s
ture jobs in the borderless youth and children, as well
economy by making Aru- as industry professionals,
ba digitally intelligent. Full with a focus on 21st cen-
Stack Vision executes their tury skills.q
San Nicolas - The Full Stack YMCA Aruba previously collaborative relationship
Vision Foundation team used the San Nicolas- in the form of introducing
met with Ms. Inki Geerman, based community cen- Aru Coder Dojo sessions, a
Team Leader of the Y’s ter’s space as a homework FREE kids & youth computer
CARE Afterschool Program, support room. Although coding club that is pow-
at YMCA Aruba’s San Nico- this space was originally a ered by FSV, in the newly
las location on November computer room, but as the up-and-running computer
24th, 2022, to officialize their original computers broke room as of 2023.
gift of six (6) refurbished down and were disposed
computers to the commu- of, the space transitioned. The YMCA Aruba is a non-
nity center thus establish- The newly reactivated profit organization that is
ing a new computer room computer room at the a part of the international
for YMCA San Nicolas. YMCA San Nicolas commu- organization, The YMCA,
nity center is available for which is committed to im-
The six (6) computers that use during YMCA Aruba’s proving the lives of people
were refurbished by Full Afterschool Program hours in communities on a global
Stack Vision Foundation which are Monday to Fri- scale. YMCA Aruba’s mis-
(also known as Full Stack day from 12.30PM to 6PM. sion is to strive for spiritual,
Vision and FSV) were do- intellectual and physical
nated by SKOA’s Pius X YMCA Aruba’s San Nicolas wellbeing of both individu-
School which is based in location & Full Stack Vision als and communities as a
Dakota, Aruba. are currently in the works whole and Full Stack Vision
to further develop their Foundation is a nonprofit