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P. 4
Wednesday 29 november 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently guests who visit Aruba for
the Aruba Tourism Author- 20-to-34 consecutive years.
ity had the great pleasure The honorees were Mr. Pe-
of honoring a lovely couple ter and Mrs. Chyllene Wa-
who are loyal and friendly ters of Chalfont, Pennsylva-
visitors of Aruba at the Cos- nia, celebrating more than
ta Linda Beach Resort as 20 consecutive annual vis-
Goodwill Ambassadors! its to Aruba!
Peter and Chyllene are
The symbolic honorary title regular guests at the Costa
is presented in the name Linda Beach Resort and
of the Minister of Tourism as they love Aruba very much
a token of appreciation to because of the safety, the
beautiful sunsets, friendly the appearance and facili- children have enjoyed their
Paradise in the Caribbean locals, variety of food and ties of Costa Linda. stay with us at Costa Linda.
the feeling of home-away- We learned more about The upgrades to our room
from-home. The certificate the Resort by getting a very and the overall facilities
was presented by Ms. Dar- cordial welcome and walk have been most impres-
line de Cuba representing thru with Fiechi, a Costa sive. While we are becom-
the Aruba Tourism Author- Linda Sales Representa- ing use to the over-all ef-
ity together with Miriam tive. He made us feel quite fort by management to
Rodriquez, Gloria Janga comfortable with his pre- enhance our experience
and Front Office Manager sentation and there was no here, our guests, usually,
Lina from the Costa Linda high-pressure tactics for us rave about our fine Resort
Beach Resort. to purchase. and drop hints for a return
Our unit on the fourth floor visit.
These loyal guests shared has been comfortable and We always look forward
the following with us: very accommodating for to leaving a cold climate
“Twenty-one years ago we our yearly visits to Aruba. in November and coming
came to Aruba for a shot Originally, some of our five back to warm, welcoming
vacation with another cou- children would accom- and beautiful Costa Linda
ple. pany us, sometimes anoth- and Aruba!”
SALES OFFICE +297 2801005 We walked up the beach er couple, and in recent - Peter and Chyllene Wa-
MOBILE +297 5927275 and were impressed with years, a few of our grand- tersq