Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
LOCAL Monday 7 october 2024
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums are ated in the Water Tower in San especially designed to pre- delivered and the museum’s
an integral part of conserving Museum of Industry Aruba Nicolas and narrates Aruba's serve valuable artifacts dat- employees moved to the new
and honoring cultures, and The Museum of Industry is lo- industrial history, which began ing back to the Pre-Ceramic location. The final design for
Aruba is no exception. Our cated in San Nicolas—better in the 19th century. The Water period of 2500 BC. the exhibit was completed
Island has a wide selection known as the art capital of Tower was built in 1939 and in November 2007 and the
of various museums for our Aruba. This museum exhibits consists of three sections: the In the late 1980’s, AMA identi- permanent exhibit, financed
locals and visitors to see. Take the industrial history of gold, substructure, the high-rising fied its need for an adequate by the Aruban Government
this opportunity to learn about aloe, phosphate, oil and vertical shaft, and the tank housing for its collection and and the Union of Cultural Or-
our island and experience tourism through elaborated at the top. The Water Tower activities. After studying vari- ganizations (UNOCA), opened
a different day beyond the displays and multimedia in- was purchased by the Monu- ous options, a project pro- in July 2009.
beach. Let us introduce to stallations. ments Fund in 2003 so it can posal was drawn up, including
you these museums. The Museum of Industry is situ- be restored and preserved as the acquisition and restora- At the new location, the
one of Aruba's monuments. tion of historical buildings in National Archaeological
The Museum of Industry is part downtown Oranjestad. Museum Aruba disposes of
Lessons from our elders: of Aruba Museum Foundation approximately 500 m2 for its
Plants and fruits for (Fundacion Museo Aruban), These historical buildings permanent exhibit. This ex-
which is a foundation set to were formerly the property hibit conveys information on
medicinal use maintain, preserve, and pro- of the Ecury family. The “Ecury the origin and culture of the
tect the Aruban cultural sec-
Complex”, is a cluster of single first inhabitants of the island
tor, history, and nature. The and two-story historic build- through archaeological ob-
museum of Industry is open ings, mainly Dutch colonial jects and modern exhibition
(Oranjestad)—Though west- powder and make a “sha- daily from 9 am till 6 pm. architecture from the late 19th techniques. The new perma-
ern medicine is now widely lup” (porridge) for stomach For more information, check and 20th century on a plot nent exhibit gives the visitor
used for common illnesses pain or when you’re feeling out their Facebook page Mu- of approximately 1.700 m2. an insight into the cultures
and to keep our bodies weak. You can make it with seum of Industry Aruba. that inhabited the island in
healthy and happy, it is milk too, but it is advised to In 1997, the Aruban Govern- Pre-Historical and Early His-
still very common in every best use just water. You can Archaeological Museum of ment bought the complex for torical times. The museum
household in Aruba (and also add prunes for a bit of Aruba the National Archaeological also hosts attractive public
around the world) to have sweetness. Arrowroot shalup The Archaeological Museum Museum project. In 2004, a programs, including lectures,
staple home remedies that is is also good to treat an un- of Aruba is located at Schelp- financial agreement was educational projects, tempo-
passed on through genera- healthy gut or for diarrhea. straat 42 in downtown Oran- signed with the European rary exhibits and workshops.
tions. Here are some tips that To make arrowroot shalup, jestad. The renovated historic Development Fund and in
our elders have passed on boil a bit of water and add Ecury complex in the area 2006, restoration and con- The museum is open daily
to us over the years. one tablespoon of arrowroot has been transformed from a struction work began on the from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm. For
powder and stir continuous- family home to a modern mu- monumental buildings and more information check out
Pineapple ly until you reach porridge seum that preserves Aruba’s the soon-to-be exhibition the Facebook page Museo
Pineapple has more uses consistency. If you make a Amerindian cultural heritage. space. In December 2007, Arqueologico Nacional
than topping it on your shalup with milk, add a pinch This 21st century museum is the key to the complex was Aruba.q
Christmas ham. According of salt. Raw arrowroot pow-
to elders, the skin of a pine- der can be used to powder
apple is great to use to re- babies.
fresh your body. Clean the
skin thoroughly and make Eggplant/Aubergine
tea or warapa* with it. It is Eggplants, or aubergines,
said that this tea can also are easy to find in supermar-
be drank after an operation kets around the world and
on the ovaries or uterus. This can be grown all year round
gets rid of irritation and in- on the island. Related to po-
flammation. tato and tomato, eggplants
are good to calm nerves. It
When the fruit is unripe and can also be used to lower
green, this can be used to blood pressure, by steep-
stimulate menstruation flow ing its leaves in boiled water
in women. This also stimulates and drinking it. You can also
the passing kidney stones. make eggplant juice to help
When ripe, the fruit can be purify your blood. However,
used for poisoning in the gut do make sure to drink slowly;
and can help treat rheumat- let it mix with your spit and
ic diseases, like arthritis. then swallow.
However, breastfeeding Eggplant kataplan* can also
women who cannot pro- be used to treat skin tumors,
duce much milk are advised abscesses and hemorrhoids.
not to consume too pineap- Eggplant kataplan can also
ple, and people with acid be used externally to treat
reflux are recommended to arthritis.
not consume any pineapple
at all. *warapa: term referring to
a water and sugar solution,
a.k.a simple syrup.
Arrowroot *kataplan: porridge-like
Arrowroot is native to tropical mixture used externally for
America and can be sold as wounds or parts of the body
a powder or whole. It is said that are painful or swollen.
that you can take arrowroot