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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 10 March 2023
            Health data breach hitting Congress ‘could be extraordinary’

            By LISA MASCARO and                                                                                                 ple’s  authenticity  with  two
             FRANK BAJAK                                                                                                        of the victims listed.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “This is big. This isn’t just like
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          regular  folks.  This  is  every-
            House  leaders  say  the  im-                                                                                       one,” said one victim who
            pact of a hack of a health                                                                                          works  in  Washington,  D.C.
            insurance     marketplace                                                                                           In  all,  24  people  in  her  of-
            used  by  members  of  Con-                                                                                         fice had their records in the
            gress  “could  be  extraordi-                                                                                       dump. The AP is not naming
            nary,”  exposing  sensitive                                                                                         victims  or  their  workplaces
            personal  data  of  lawmak-                                                                                         to  avoid  further  potential
            ers,  their  employees  and                                                                                         harm.
            families. In all, thousands of                                                                                      Sample  data  posted  to
            people could be affected.                                                                                           the hacker forum by a dif-
            DC Health Link, which runs                                                                                          ferent  account    and  re-
            the exchange, said an un-                                                                                           moved  overnight  Thursday
            specified  number  of  cus-                                                                                         listed data for a dozen DC
            tomers    were   impacted                                                                                           Link  participants.  The  AP
            and  it  was  notifying  them                                                                                       reached one by phone.
            and  working  with  law  en-                                                                                        “Oh  my  God,”  the  man
            forcement  to  quantify  the                                                                                        said, when informed the in-
            damage.  It  said  it  was  of-                                                                                     formation was public. All 12
            fering identity theft service                                                                                       people  listed  work  for  the
            to  those  affected  and  ex-  People walk outside the U.S. Capitol building in Washington on June 9, 2022.         same company or are fam-
            tending  credit  monitoring                                                                        Associated Press  ily members.
            to all customers.            lies will experience identity  families  have  enrolled  in  ies of the stolen data were  In  an  email  to  all  Senate
            Some  11,000  of  the  ex-   theft, financial crimes, and  health  insurance  through  not circulating in the cyber-  email  account  holders  on
            change’s     more     than  physical  threats.”  The  sto-  DC  Health  Link  since  2014.  crime  underworld.  Indeed,  Wednesday,  the  sergeant
            100,000  participants  work  len  data  includes  Social  “The size and scope of im-   on Thursday, a new user on  at  arms  recommended

            in  the  House  and  Senate  Security  numbers,  phones,  pacted  House  customers  the forum claimed a hack-       that  anyone  registered  on
            in the nation’s capital and  addresses, emails and em-    could be extraordinary.”     er known as “thekilob” had  the  health  insurance  ex-
            district  offices  across  the  ployer names.             They said the FBI told them  stolen  more  than  55,000  change  freeze  their  credit
            nation  or are relatives.    The FBI said in a brief state-  it was able to purchase the  records  and  exclaimed  to prevent identity theft.q
            In  a  letter  to  the  ex-  ment  Wednesday  evening  stolen  data  on  the  dark  “Glory to Russia” in Cyrillic.  An  email  sent  out  by  the
            change’s  director  posted  it was aware of the incident  web,  where  it  was  offered  Some  of  the  most  active  office of the Chief Adminis-
            on  Twitter,  House  Speaker  and was assisting.          for  sale  for  an  unspeci-  cybercriminals  are  Russian  trative Office of the House
            Kevin  McCarthy,  R-Calif.,  In the letter, McCarthy and  fied amount Monday on a  speakers and operate with  on behalf of McCarthy and
            and  Minority  Leader  Ha-   Jeffries  said  the  FBI  had  hacker forum popular with  little  interference  from  the  Jeffries  called  the  breach
            keem  Jeffries,  D-N.Y.,  said  not yet determined the ex-  cybercriminals.            Kremlin.  The  user  posted  “egregious”  and  urged
            the  breach  “significantly  tent of the breach but that  It  was  not  clear,  though,  200 records from the hack  members to use credit and
            increase the risk that Mem-  thousands  of  House  mem-   whether  and  how  the  FBI  online and The Associated  identity  theft  monitoring
            bers,  staff  and  their  fami-  bers,  employees  and  their  could guarantee that cop-  Press  confirmed  the  sam-  resources.q

            GOP Leader McConnell remains in hospital after concussion

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK  Senate  Republican  leader  hospitalized  “for  a  few  absent from the Senate.             professional      sporting
            and LISA MASCARO             Mitch  McConnell  suffered  days  of  observation  and  Senators       leaving     a  associations  have  focused
            Associated Press             a concussion after a fall at  treatment,”  a  spokesman  Republican      conference  on the dangers of repetitive
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  a  local  hotel  and  remains  said Thursday.              lunch  on  Thursday  said  head injuries. Even a single
                                                                      The    Kentucky    senator,  that that McConnell’s staff  incident of concussion can
                                                                      81,  was  at  a  Wednesday  had given them an update  limit  a  person’s  abilities  as
                                                                      evening  dinner  for  the  during  the  meeting.  Utah  they  recover.  In  2019,  the
                                                                      Senate  Leadership  Fund,  Sen. Mitt Romney said they  GOP  leader  tripped  and
                                                                      a  campaign  committee  were told that “he’s doing  fell at his home in Kentucky,
                                                                      aligned with him, when he  well,  feels  fine,  but  had  a  suffering a shoulder fracture
                                                                      tripped and fell. The dinner  concussion.”                that  required  surgery.  The
                                                                      was at the Waldorf Astoria  President     Joe     Biden  Senate  had  just  started  a
                                                                      Washington  DC,  formerly  tweeted  that  he  wishes  summer  recess,  and  he
                                                                      the   Trump   International  McConnell     a   “speedy  worked from home for some
                                                                      Hotel.  Spokesman  David  recovery”       and     looks  weeks as he recovered.
                                                                      Popp     said   McConnell  forward to seeing him back  First    elected    in   1984,
                                                                      is  being  treated  for  a  on the Senate floor.          McConnell    in   January
                                                                      concussion and “is grateful  Romney  predicted  that  became          the   longest-
                                                                      to the medical professionals  McConnell   would    stay  serving    Senate    leader
                                                                      for  their  care  and  to  his  in  the  hospital  over  the  when  the  new  Congress
                                                                      colleagues  for  their  warm  weekend and return to the  convened,  breaking  the
            Senate  Minority  Leader  Mitch  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  speaks  to   wishes.” McConnell’s office  Senate next week.    previous record of 16 years.
            reporters following a closed-door policy meeting, at the Capitol   did  not  provide  additional  But  concussions  can  be  The  taciturn  McConnell  is
            in Washington, Tuesday, March 7, 2023.
                                                     Associated Press   detail  on  his  condition  serious  injuries  and  take  often  reluctant  to  discuss
                                                                      or  how  long  he  may  be  time  for  recovery.  Many  his private life.q
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