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Dialuna, 29 Januari 2018                                       AWEMainta                                                                     5

                                                       Trahado di watersport deteni

        Turista mes a descubri ladron di su iPhone

                                                                  tin algun material  cu su iPhone 7.                        robo.

                                                                  tira riba otro y mey-        Polis mesora a aresta  E ta declara cu rond
                                                                  mey di nan el a mira  e homber R. y trans-                 di 4’or di madruga

                                                                  prome e iPhone core  porta pa warda di Po-                 e tabata den Caya

                                                                  di su yiu homber  lis na Shaba.                            Grandi y a bay na un
                                                                  (cual tambe tabata                                         mashin di ATM pa

                                                                  den  e  tas  blauw cu  Esey no tabata e uni-               saca placa.

                                                                  otro cosnan mas).            co turista cu a bira
                                                                                               victima  di  ladron-          Di repente 6  mucha

                                                                  El a sigui busca y a  nan.                                 homber bisti com-

       DEN fin di siman  entrega keho contra                      topa cu handschoen  Diabierna pa 9.30 di  pletamente  na  preto

       diferente       persona      e homber R. Polis             blauw y den  dje ta-         mainta  ta  presenta  a  para  su tras.  Nan
       a  haci  denuncia  di  ta papia cu un tes-                 batin algo lora den  na warda di Polis Pla-                a coy su dos celu-

       robo of intento di  tigo riba e incidente,                 foil paper. Ora cu el a  ya e homber SIPOLA  larnan. El a entrega
       kiebro den  nan cas,  un  guardia  kende  a                habri esaki, el a topa  pa haci entrega di  keho.

       specialmente ladron-         mira ora cu e turista

       nan ta probecha cu  a haya su iphone, cu

       famianan  ta atendi-         a  desaparece,  den
       endo un otro activi-         un bulto di paña.  A

       dad carnavalesco.            tuma  declaracion  di

       Diabierna den oran-

       an di anochi Centraol  Segun e turista, el a
       di Polis ta manda un  laga su tas blauw cu

       patruya na un hotel  contenido riba un
       grandi  relaciona  cu  di  e stulnan pa mas                   DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & PROJECTS

       un caso di robo.             o menos mey ora.                 We are dedicated into making Playa Linda a Home Away From Home for our guests, members and
                                                                     associates. If you are passionate about Hospitality and looking for a new challenge, don’t miss this
                                    Ora cu el a bolbe na             opportunity to join the Playa Linda team. We are looking for an eager leader that wants to make every guest
                                                                     experience unique, positive, successful and inspiring.
       Na e sitio, den e  e stoel, riba beach, e

       lobby  e Polisnan ta  tas blauw a disparce.
                                                                    Requirements:                               Description:
       wordo acerca door di
       un guardia cu ta hiba  Cu  ayudo di  otro                    • Bachelor’s degree preferably in Engineering  Director of Engineering and Projects directs,
                                                                    • 10 years’ experience in relevant position
                                                                                                                coordinates, and exercises functional authority for
                                                                    • Read, write, speak and comprehend English   planning, organization, control, integration and
       nan riba beach cerca  personanan y su yiu                      language is a must                        completion of engineering and construction
                                                                    • Be able to work with MS Office and Auto CAD   projects within area of assigned responsibility by
       di un palapa di un  homber a cuminsa                         • Strong organizational and administrative abilities  performing the essential duties and
                                                                                                                responsibilities mentioned below.
                                                                    • Ability to set priorities and manage multiple projects
       watersport. Ta parce  busca rond.                            • Well-developed decision-making and problem   He/she also manages the Engineering department
                                                                                                                in its daily operations.
                                                                      solving skills.
       cu algun dia prome  Cu un aparato di ras-                    • Efficient and accurate with little direct supervision
                                                                    • Extensive knowledge in managing budgets
       caba tabatin un asis-        treo a cuminsa busca
                                                                    Playa Linda Beach Resort is a Green Certified timeshare   HOW TO APPLY?
       tencia  cu e mesun  e iPhone y asina a bin                   resort consisting of 215 suites. Our members are from   Please e-mail your motivation letter along with your
                                                                    all around the world, but mainly from the USA.
                                                                                                               resume to Milda Ras at
       homber R.  relaciona  saca afo cu e iphone                   Playa Linda Beach Resort has won the RCI Cold Crown or fill in an
                                                                    Award for more than 26 years, a distinction given to
                                                                                                               application form at our Human Resources
                                                                    resorts that have attained the highest level of excellence   Department from 9.00 am – 3.30 pm.
       cu un caso di robo.          ta den bisindario di e          in resort accommodations and hospitality. Interval
                                                                    International also bestowed Premier Status on the resort
                                                                    for several consecutive years.
                                    hut di e watersport.
       Polisnan ta papia cu
       un turista kende ta  El a  mira  cu  taba-
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