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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 7 noveMber 2022

            Tanzania: Small plane crashes into Lake Victoria, 19 dead

            NAIROBI,  Kenya  (AP)  —  which  was  headed  to  Bu-
            A  small  passenger  plane  koba  Airport,  mostly  sub-
            crashed  Sunday  morning  merged  in  the  lake.  Preci-
            into  Lake  Victoria  on  ap-  sion  Air  is  a  Tanzanian  air-
            proach to an airport in Tan-  line company.
            zania,  and  the  country’s  “We  have  managed  to
            prime minister says 19 peo-  save  quite  a  number  of
            ple on board were killed.    people,”  Kagera  province
            Prime  Minister  Kassim  Ma-  police commander William
            jaliwa gave the new death  Mwampaghale  told  jour-
            toll,  up  from  three.  Earlier,  nalists.  “When  the  aircraft
            local  authorities  said  26  of  was about 100 meters (328
            those  on  the  Precision  Air  feet)  midair,  it  encoun-
            flight  from  the  coastal  city  tered  problems  and  bad   Rescuers  in  boats  are  seen  around  the  tail  fin  of  a  crashed
            of Dar es Salaam were res-   weather. It was raining and   Precision Air passenger aircraft on the shores of Lake Victoria
                                                                      in Bukoba, in western Tanzania Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022. The small
            cued  and  taken  to  a  hos-  the plane plunged into the   passenger  plane  crashed  Sunday  morning  into  Lake  Victoria
            pital. It was not clear if any  water,” he said.          near  Bukoba  airport  and  the  company  Precision  Air  said  the
            of those who were rescued  Mwampaghale              said   flight was coming from the coastal city of Dar es Salaam, though
            died at the hospital.        the  rescue  efforts  were   it was not immediately clear how many people were on board.
            Photos  showed  the  plane,  continuing.q                                                          Associated Press

            Kyiv prepares for a winter with no heat, water or power

                                                                      Russian  forces  are  prepar-  ists  have  controlled  part
                                                                      ing for a Ukrainian counter-  of Donetsk for nearly eight
                                                                      offensive to seize back the  years  before  Russia  invad-
                                                                      southern  city  of  Kherson,  ed Ukraine in late February.
                                                                      which was captured during  Protecting  the  separatists'
                                                                      the early days of the inva-  self-proclaimed   republic
                                                                      sion. In September, Russia il-  there  was  one  of  Russian
                                                                      legally annexed Kherson as  President  Vladimir  Putin's
                                                                      well as three other regions  justifications  for  the  inva-
                                                                      of Ukraine and subsequent-   sion,  and  his  troops  have
                                                                      ly  declared  martial  law  in  spent months trying to cap-
                                                                      the four provinces.          ture the entire province.
                                                                      The  Kremlin-installed  ad-  While Russia's "greatest bru-
                                                                      ministration  in  Kherson  al-  tality"  was  focused  in  the
                                                                      ready  has  moved  tens  of  Donetsk  region,  "constant
            Vadym Zherdetsky stands in the remains of his house destroyed   thousands of civilians out of  fighting"  continued  else-
            by  fighting,  in  the  village  of  Moshun,  outside  Kyiv,  Ukraine,   the city.     where  along  the  front  line
            Friday, Nov. 4, 2022. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February,   Russia  has  been  "occupy-  that  stretches  more  than
            two  missiles  struck  Zherdetsky's  home  in  the  tiny  village  of   ing  and  evacuating"  Kher-  1,000 kilometers (620 miles),
            Moschun on the outskirts of the capital, Kyiv, ripping the roof off
            and nearly killing four of his family members.            son  simultaneously,  trying  Ukrainian President Volody-
                                                     Associated press  to convince Ukrainians that  myr  Zelenskyy  said  in  his
                                                                      they're leaving when in fact  nightly video address.
            By SAM MEDNICK               tomyr,  Sumy,  Kharkiv  and  they're digging in, Nataliya  Between   Saturday   and
            Associated Press             Poltava  regions,  Ukraine's  Humenyuk,  a  spokeswom-    Sunday,  Russia's  launched
            KYIV,  Ukraine  (AP)  —  The  state-owned  energy  oper-  an  for  Ukraine's  Southern  four missiles and 19 airstrikes
            mayor  of  Kyiv,  Ukraine's  ator, Ukrenergo, said.       Forces, told state television.  hitting  more  than  35  vil-
            capital, is warning residents  Kyiv plans to deploy about  Russian forces are also dig-  lages  in  nine  regions,  from
            that they must prepare for  a 1,000 heating points, but  ging in in a fiercely contest-  Chernihiv and Kharkiv in the
            the  worst  this  winter  if  Rus-  noted that this may not be  ed region in the east, wors-  northeast  to  Kherson  and
            sia keeps striking the coun-  enough for a city of 3 mil-  ening  the  already  tough  Mykolaiv  in  the  south,  ac-
            try's  energy  infrastructure  lion people.               conditions for residents and  cording  to  the  president's
            — and that means having  As  Russia  intensifies  its  at-  the  defending  Ukrainian  office. The strikes killed two
            no electricity, water or heat  tacks on the capital, Ukrai-  army following Moscow's il-  people  and  wounded  six,
            in the freezing cold cannot  nian  forces  are  pushing  legal annexation and dec-     the office said.
            be ruled out.                forward  in  the  south.  Resi-  laration  of  martial  law  in  In  the  Donetsk  city  of
            Russia has focused on strik-  dents  of  Ukraine's  Russian-  Donetsk province.        Bakhmut,  15,000  remain-
            ing  Ukraine's  energy  in-  occupied  city  of  Kherson  The  attacks  have  almost  ing  residents  were  living
            frastructure  over  the  last  received  warning  messag-  completely  destroyed  the  under  daily  shelling  and
            month,    causing    power  es  on  their  phones  urging  power  plants  that  serve  without  water  or  power,
            shortages  and  rolling  out-  them to evacuate as soon  the  city  of  Bakhmut  and  according  to  local  media.
            ages  across  the  country.  as  possible,  Ukraine's  mili-  the  nearby  town  of  Sole-  The  city  has  been  under
            Kyiv  was  scheduled  to  tary  said  Sunday.  Russian  dar,  said  Pavlo  Kyrylenko,  attack for months, but the
            have hourly rotating black-  soldiers  warned  civilians  the region's Ukrainian gov-  bombardment  picked  up
            outs Sunday in parts of the  that  Ukraine's  army  was  ernor,  said.  Shelling  killed  after  Russian  forces  expe-
            city and the surrounding re-  preparing  for  a  massive  one  civilian  and  wounded  rienced  setbacks  during
            gion. Rolling blackouts also  attack  and  told  people  three, he reported late Sat-  Ukrainian counteroffensives
            were planned in the nearby  to  leave  for  the  city's  right  urday.                 in the Kharkiv and Kherson
            Chernihiv,  Cherkasy,  Zhy-  bank immediately.            Moscow-backed  separat-      regions.q
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