Page 11 - HOH OCT 16 2020_Neat
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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Friday 16 OctOber 2020
            Jewish leaders call COVID rules 'blatantly anti-Semitic'

            By LARRY NEUMEISTER                                                                                                 they  should  be  exempt
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from  these  government
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Three                                                                                           operations."  Cuomo  also
            Rockland  County  Jewish                                                                                            said it seems the spread of
            congregations  are  suing                                                                                           new  infections  in  clusters
            New  York  state  and  Gov.                                                                                         where  he  imposed  restric-
            Andrew  Cuomo,  saying                                                                                              tions has leveled off some-
            he engaged in a "streak of                                                                                          what,  though  it  remains
            anti-Semitic  discrimination"                                                                                       higher  than  in  the  rest  of
            with  a  recent  crackdown                                                                                          the state. And the number
            on  religious  gatherings  to                                                                                       of New Yorkers hospitalized
            reduce the state's corona-                                                                                          with  the  virus  has  dipped
            virus infection rate.                                                                                               slightly,  to  897  patients  on
            The   Manhattan     federal                                                                                         Wednesday.  The  lawsuit
            court  lawsuit  filed  late                                                                                         comes nearly a week after
            Wednesday  accused  the                                                                                             an  Albany  federal  judge
            Democrat of making nega-                                                                                            cited  the  state's  interest  in
            tive,  false,  and  discrimina-                                                                                     protecting  public  safety  in
            tory  statements  about  the                                                                                        ruling  in  the  governor's  fa-
            Jewish  Orthodox  commu-                                                                                            vor  in  a  lawsuit  by  rabbis
            nity  as  he  imposed  new                                                                                          and  synagogues  that  ar-
            coronavirus  measures  to                                                                                           gued  the  restrictions  were
            counter  the  state's  rising                                                                                       unconstitutional.
            infection  rate  in  so-called   In this Oct. 12, 2020 photo, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks during a ceremony unveiling   In  that  lawsuit,  brought  by
                                         a statue of Mother Frances Cabrini, the patron saint of immigrants, in Battery Park in New York.
            "red zone" areas.                                                                                  Associated Press  rabbis,  leaders  of  syna-
            Cuomo's  statements  and                                                                                            gogues  and  the  national
            actions  were  painful  for  well  as  Broome,  Orange  zones  directed  towards  ties. He said red zones are  Orthodox  Jewish  group
            residents  in  an  area  north  and  Rockland  counties,  particular Jewish communi-   based on addresses of resi-  Agudath  Israel,  lawyers  for
            of  New  York  City  where  a  necessitating  the  closing  ties." The lawsuit said his ac-  dences  where  more  indi-  Cuomo argued in court pa-
            man  invaded  a  Hanukkah  of  schools  and  nonessen-    tion "not only flagrantly flies  viduals  are  testing  positive  pers that "the right to prac-
            celebration  in  December  tial businesses and limits on  directly in the face of scien-  for COVID-19.             tice religion freely does not
            and stabbed or slashed five  gatherings.  The  new  mea-  tific evidence" and a court  He blamed a lack of local  include  liberty  to  expose
            people,  the  lawsuit  said.  sures  announced  Oct.  6  order  limiting  what  mea-   government  enforcement  the community … to com-
            Grafton Thomas awaits trial  have resulted in temporarily  sures the state can take. It  for  some  in  the  Orthodox  municable  disease."  Those
            after  pleading  not  guilty.  limiting  the  size  of  religious  also "specifically singles out  Jewish community failing to  sentiments  were  echoed
            The  attack  occurred  in  gatherings in the COVID-19  the  Orthodox  Jewish  com-     follow COVID-19 gathering  Thursday  when  New  York
            Monsey  —  near  the  New  hot spots to 25% capacity,  munity in what has proven  restrictions since the spring.  City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a
            Jersey  state  line  about  35  or  a  maximum  of  10  peo-  to be the latest extension of  He noted houses of worship  Democrat,  defended  the
            miles  (56  kilometers)  north  ple.  The  limits  prompted  Governor  Cuomo's  streak  can  at  least  open  in  red  governor's  moves  hours
            of New York City — where  several federal lawsuits, in-   of  anti-Semitic  discrimina-  zones, where non-essential  before a hearing in a law-
            two  congregations  in  the  cluding two in Brooklyn and  tion," the lawsuit added.    businesses cannot.           suit  in  which  the  Roman
            new lawsuit are based.       one in Albany.               Cuomo,  who  has  said  he  "The majority of Ultra Ortho-  Catholic Diocese of Brook-
            The  state  said  six  corona-  The latest lawsuit said Cuo-  has  "respect  and  love"  for  dox groups I've spoken with  lyn  fought  restrictions.    He
            virus clusters in areas com-  mo's  order  was  "blatantly  the  Orthodox  community,  have  been  cooperative,"  said the state was trying to
            prising  2.8%  of  the  state's  anti-Semitic,  creating  reli-  told reporters Thursday that  he said. "There's a relatively  stop  a  "full-blown  second
            population have appeared  gious-observance       based  he  was  not  targeting  Or-   small  number  that's  unco-  wave"  like  those  occurring
            in Brooklyn and Queens, as  color    coded     'hot-spot'  thodox  Jewish  communi-    operative, and just believe  worldwide.q

            Former roommate of accused Capital One hacker sentenced

                                                                      accused  of  hacking  Capi-  account  Quan's  age  and    At  least  one  of  the  semi-
                                                                      tal One banking company  health  issues  that  were  di-  automatic  rifles  was  load-
                                                                      and  at  least  30  other  or-  agnosed  while  he  was  in  ed.  Officials  also  seized
                                                                      ganizations  has  been  sen-  prison.                     ammunition, high-capacity
                                                                      tenced  to  four  years  in  Quan was sharing a home  magazines,  flare  launch-
                                                                      prison  for  illegally  possess-  with  Paige  Thompson  in  ers,  containers  of  explo-
                                                                      ing  firearms,  according  to  July  2019  when  FBI  agents  sive  powder,  and  two
                                                                      federal prosecutors.         searched  the  home  and  bump  stocks,  which  Quan
                                                                      Park  Quan,  67,  was  sen-  discovered  a  cache  of  claimed  to  have  pur-
                                                                      tenced Wednesday in U.S.  weapons.  Thompson  was  chased before the devices
                                                                      District Court in Seattle after  being   investigated   for  were outlawed.
                                                                      pleading  guilty  to  being  a  data  theft.  She  has  been  Quan  has  a  1983  federal
                                                                      felon in possession of guns,  charged  with  wire  fraud  conviction  in  Washington
                                                                      according to U.S. Attorney  and  computer  fraud  and  for  being  a  felon  in  pos-
            In  this  July  31,  2019,  file  photo,  vehicles  are  parked  outside   Brian Moran.  abuse  and  has  pleaded  session  of  explosives  and
            the home of Paige A. Thompson, who uses the online handle   Quan has been in custody  not guilty.                   a  1991  federal  conviction
            "erratic," in Seattle.                                    since his arrest and plea in  The cache of weapons in-    in  Texas  for  possessing  an
                                                     Associated Press  June. In imposing the four-  cluded four semi-automat-   unregistered machine gun.
                                                                      year  sentence,  U.S.  District  ic handguns, six semi-auto-  Those  convictions  mean
            By MARTHA BELLISLE           SEATTLE  (AP)  —  The  former  Judge  John  Coughenour  matic rifles, and two addi-    Quan  is  prohibited  from
            The Associated Press         roommate  of  a  woman  said  he  was  taking  into  tional rifles, Moran said.        possessing firearms.q
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