Page 4 - RIU HOTEL
P. 4
Tuesday 13 February 2018
Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
EAGLE BEACH - Recently
the Aruba Tourism Author-
ity had the great pleasure
of honoring a group of
loyal and friendly visitors
of Aruba as Distinguished
Visitors and Goodwill Am-
bassadors. The symbolic
honorary titles are present-
ed in the name of the Min-
ister of Tourism as tokens
of appreciation to guests
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19
and 20-to-34 consecutive
The honoree for Distin- and just about everything
guished Visitor was Mrs. else! They say being on the
Maggi Franco. island is like being in para-
The honorees for Goodwill dise and that Aruba is truly
Ambassador were Mr. Rob- their ‘home-away-from-
ert and Mrs. Marie Smith home.’
and Mr. Leo Fiester. The certificates were pre-
All of the honorees love sented by Ms. Emely Rid-
Aruba very much because derstaat and Ms. Darline
of the friendly people, the de Cuba representing the
weather, the beaches, the Aruba Tourism Authority.
restaurants, the Casinos, Congratulations to all!q