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Thursday 13 July 2023
Pioneering Anchor Brewing Co. to halt
operations after 127 years
AP Business Writer
San Francisco’s 127-year-
old Anchor Brewing Co. will
shut down and liquidate af-
ter years of declining sales,
citing tough economic
Anchor was trailblazer in
the U.S., brewing craft beers
in the 1970s when most
Americans were loyal to a
handful of major brands. Its
unique brewing techniques
ignited demand beyond
the city borders of San n this 2004 file photo, a number of artisan beers made at Anchor
Francisco and it quickly be- Brewing Co. are dsiplayed in San Francisco.
came a sought-after prize Associated Press
by beer geeks everywhere. Last year, overall beer sales brewing industry, but the
In recent years, however, volume slid 3.1% in the U.S., impacts of the pandemic,
brewers have faced in- according to the Brewers inflation, especially in San
creasing difficulty turning a Association. Craft brewer Francisco, and a highly
profit with a proliferation of sales volume ticked 0.1% competitive market left the
canned cocktails, crafted higher during the period, company with no option
drinks, spirits and wines din- but imports are rising. but to make this sad deci-
ging beer sales. Lockdowns “We recognize the impor- sion to cease operations,”
during the COVID-19 pan- tance and historic signifi- said brewery spokesper-
demic pressured brewers cance of Anchor to San son Sam Singer in a written
further. Francisco and to the craft statement Wednesday.q
Domino’s signs deal with Uber Eats in a
bid to make more dough
By DEE-ANN DURBIN it’s partnering with Uber erlands have been working
AP Business Writer Eats to make deliveries in with third-party apps for
If you can’t beat them, join the U.S. and 27 internation- years, Domino’s has long
them. al markets. While franchi- said that partnering with
In a major reversal, Domi- sees in a handful of interna- delivery companies didn’t
no’s Pizza said Wednesday tional markets like the Neth- make economic sense in its
6,600 U.S. stores.
Under the agreement, uni-
formed Domino’s drivers
will still make the deliveries
that customers order via
Uber Eats, and Uber Eats
will share data with Domi-
no’s on delivery efficiency
and incremental sales.
Ann Arbor, Michigan-
based Domino’s wouldn’t
say what percentage Uber
A Domino’s Pizza sign hangs above a location in Hialeah, Fla., Eats will take from each
Oct. 27, 2016. order.q
Associated Press
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